Sustainable development - Energy and climate change
Energy Efficient Appliances Usage

Energy Efficient Appliances Usage

  • 1921

Energy Efficient Appliances Usage
EU, for instance, made extensive use of energy-efficient appliances.
Utilizing energy-efficient appliances can reduce costs, use less energy, ensure energy security, reduce emissions, and create jobs.
 Below is a list of the main energy-efficient devices on our campus:

  1. Due to their impact on energy conservation, air conditioners with inverters have been utilized on our campus in the lecture halls.
  2. Ceiling fans are practical, especially in Iraq's nearly year-round hot and humid climate. Ceiling fans can lessen the need for energy-intensive cooling, even if they cannot replace air conditioning. Invest in them to conserve energy and lower your costs.
  3. Our campus was using LED light bulbs. Compared to other lighting technologies, LED lighting generates more useable lumens and less waste light. According to data currently available, 60% to 70% If LED lights had been employed, the overall energy efficiency may have improved.
  4. Solar-powered outdoor lighting will be installed in future developments.
  5. There are numerous benefits to using thermal insulation in new construction, including: personnel safety, sound control, thermal performance, fire safety, condensation control, and personal comfort.

By paying great attention to energy management, Al- Esraa University hopes to make additional energy savings. By using techniques like insulation, LED lighting, and the implementation of sustainable technologies, all areas of the organization can evaluate their own energy usage and realize their own energy-saving potential.

Carbon reduction target by at least 2050

Carbon reduction target by at least 2050

  • 1522
Carbon emission in line with the protocol GHG

Carbon emission in line with the protocol GHG

  • 1952

Our university is striving to comply with protocols aligned with GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emissions, which are regulated by the Iraqi Control and Standardization Device/Ministry of Planning in Iraq. This entity is responsible for overseeing and regulating carbon emissions and reduction, particularly in university facilities, including laboratories.

Laboratories are vital environments for research and development, but they can be significant sources of carbon emissions. Therefore, focusing on reducing carbon emissions in laboratories is an important step in enhancing environmental sustainability at the university. This can be achieved by adopting efficient energy and resource management practices, utilizing energy-efficient technologies, and promoting environmental awareness among the university community.

 Over the years, the University of Al-Esraa has been preparing annual reports on carbon emissions and tracking these. Reports concert with GHG'S protocols.
By measuring the emissions of scope 1 and scope 2 in buildings by measuring all of the University rooms and buildings in GIA Measurement of energy emissions within the total from scope 1 electricity processing 
Al-Esraa University also has a contract with the Iraqi Ministry of Electricity to equip the University with electricity as in figure 1  . 
The University measures these equipment and other sources of carbon emissions annually to assist with plans to reduce these emissions from fuel combustion and emissions from private and public vehicles, etc. 
The emissions of co2 in scope 1 and scope 2 of fuel combustion and other emissions in the baseline year 2020 is about 518 tons of carbon emissions, by following GHH’s protocols to measure the emissions, Al-Esraa University adding several solar panels and several plans to reduce energy discharge from what contributed to a reduction in emission to 390 tons by 2023, Energy production from solar panels is 44KW which reduced energy production from fuel combustion.

Our Purchasing policy in energy

Our Purchasing policy in energy

  • 1774
Students led society whose purpose is to engage with sustainability

Students led society whose purpose is to engage with sustainability

  • 1805

 Students Union

The student union is an official entity. That works to represent and support student interests in education, curricula, academic affairs, social and cultural matters, and promotion of educational quality and improvement of the academic environment. This is achieved through participating in policy-making, educational standards development, and providing facilities and student services.

The student union also seeks to protect student rights and work towards ensuring equality, justice, and inclusivity in our University. In addition to organizing student activities, the union organizes cultural, sports, social, and recreational activities for students, such as competitions, conferences, concerts, and trips. It also organizes sustainability-related activities through colleges' representative's elects its leadership, allowing students to vote. to engage students from various colleges in the university. The university has many environmental activities that contribute to sustainability, such as tree planting campaigns, school rehabilitation, and volunteering campaigns to assist the underprivileged. These activities are overseen by student representatives responsible for the student union, ensuring the participation of all students, both male and female.

Here are links to the latest student participation in various campaigns organize by Students union:

·         Student participation from the College of Law in planting 50 trees


·         Student participation from the Accounting Department in gardening and road painting:


·         Student participation from Al-Esraa University in the celebration of International Women's Day:


·         Visit to the Cancer Hospital by students from the College of Nursing:


·         Visiting the law college students to an orphanage and supporting underprivileged families.

Climate change activities

Climate change activities

  • 2296
Energy Concervation and Climate change policy

Energy Concervation and Climate change policy

  • 1788



Climate change policy
Our University seeks to reduce the emission of gas and heat pollutants, as well as solid pollutants containing carbonate substances, by promoting gas filters and caring for the circulation of solid waste resulting from laboratory activities and activities, particularly the medical group. Thus, an appropriate policy has been developed that is adapted to the climate changes affecting our country.

Al-Esraa University proposal on energy and climate change was made in response to SDG 17 of the United Nations for 2030. Different policies have been implemented at our university, including policies on using renewable energy sources, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and reducing energy use. Numerous other plans, such as increasing the number of energy-efficient appliances, sustainable green buildings, and investments in renewable energy, have also been thought of as being useful in reducing energy usage.

Al-Esraa University (EU) established a sustainable development unit inside EU to follow the regulations for energy conservation in designated buildings, promote energy conservation and energy substitution usage within university. This was done in response to energy conservation and climate change.



1. Making plans to integrate courses in energy management and conversion in educational institutions, colleges, and boards' curricula.

2. Making use of energy-efficient machinery, procedures, systems, and gadgets, such as solar-powered air conditioning, LED lighting, and renewable energy.

3. The planning of training sessions for academic staff members and professionals in the fields of energy and building design to improve the use of sustainable energy in buildings.

4. Supporting advancements in science that pertain to buildings and energy.

5. Use consultants to aid in the design of sustainable buildings

6. Fostering creative funding for projects related to energy use, transition, and efficiency



1. Making preparations to incorporate curricula for educational institutions, colleges, and boards with courses in energy management and conversion.

2. Creating training programs for academic staff members and experts in energy and building design to enhance the use of sustainable energy in buildings.

3. Encouraging scientific developments in the fields of architecture and energy.

4. Employ specialists to help with the creation of sustainable structures

5. Promoting innovative funding for initiatives including energy consumption, transition, and efficiency

6. Using energy-efficient tools and equipment, such as solar-powered air conditioning, LED lighting, and renewable energy.



Renewable energy sources

Renewable energy sources

  • 1674
Environmental sustainability

Environmental sustainability

  • 1840