Maternity and paternity policy of Al-Esraa University College at work
Maternity and paternity policy of  Al-Esraa  University College at work

Maternity and paternity policy of Al-Esraa University College at work

  • 1564

 Since its inception in 2013, Al-Esraa University College has adopted and implemented a maternity and paternity leave policy. It includes a one-month maternity break as well as the funding of maternity leave. In this regard, the maternity leave requirements must be met.

According to Al-Esraa University College, maternity protection is a fundamental human right that is essential for enhancing mother and child health and eliminating employment discrimination against women. The objective of maternity protection policy is to enable women to successfully combine their reproductive and productive activities and to promote equitable opportunities and treatment in job and profession without jeopardizing their health or economic security.


Prof. Dr. Abdul Razzaq Jabr Al-Majdi

Dean of Al-Esraa University College