Activities College of Dentistry
Oral and dental health day

Oral and dental health day

  • 15
Al -Esraa University - College of Dentistry - Scientific Seminar

Al -Esraa University - College of Dentistry - Scientific Seminar

  • 100
The medical clinics at Esraa University

The medical clinics at Esraa University

  • 132
Dentistry clinics

Dentistry clinics

  • 139
Science Day

Science Day

  • 138
بمناسبة يوم العلم شارك كل من الأستاذ الدكتورة نضال حسين غايب معاون عميد كلية طب الاسنان و الاستاذ الدكتورة لمياء حامد النقيب مدير شعبة ضمان الجودة في كلية طب الاسنان عن جامعة الاسراء في الاحتفالية التي اقامتها جامعة بغداد / قاعة الشهيد الحكيم
Publishing a book by Dr. Intisar Jameel

Publishing a book by Dr. Intisar Jameel

  • 874
Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry Professor Dr. Intzar Jamil Al-Rawi published her autobiography in the book of Iraqi doctors which included 350 doctors as part of the first
Reda Nazim Sabti, Youth Ambassador

Reda Nazim Sabti, Youth Ambassador

  • 579
The young Reza Nazim Sabti al-Yakoubi, a student at the Faculty of Dentistry at Al-Esraa University, was selected as a youth ambassador from Baghdad to be a representative of his young colleagues and peers
Second Baghdad International Forum

Second Baghdad International Forum

  • 397
 Second Baghdad International Forum
College of Dentistry at Al-Esraa University operates Oral Scanner

College of Dentistry at Al-Esraa University operates Oral Scanner

  • 442
College of Dentistry at Al-Esraa University operates Oral Scanner
Women's role in socialization

Women's role in socialization

  • 743
Women's role in socialization