Activities College of Dentistry
Science Day

Science Day

بمناسبة يوم العلم شارك كل من الأستاذ الدكتورة نضال حسين غايب معاون عميد كلية طب الاسنان و الاستاذ الدكتورة لمياء حامد النقيب مدير شعبة ضمان الجودة في كلية طب الاسنان عن جامعة الاسراء في الاحتفالية التي اقامتها جامعة بغداد / قاعة الشهيد الحكيم
Publishing a book by Dr. Intisar Jameel

Publishing a book by Dr. Intisar Jameel

Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry Professor Dr. Intzar Jamil Al-Rawi published her autobiography in the book of Iraqi doctors which included 350 doctors as part of the first
Reda Nazim Sabti, Youth Ambassador

Reda Nazim Sabti, Youth Ambassador

The young Reza Nazim Sabti al-Yakoubi, a student at the Faculty of Dentistry at Al-Esraa University, was selected as a youth ambassador from Baghdad to be a representative of his young colleagues and peers
College of Dentistry at Al-Esraa University operates Oral Scanner

College of Dentistry at Al-Esraa University operates Oral Scanner

College of Dentistry at Al-Esraa University operates Oral Scanner
College of Dentistry Festival entitled (Al-Esraa, Source of Creativity)

College of Dentistry Festival entitled (Al-Esraa, Source of Creativity)

College of Dentistry Festival entitled (Al-Esraa, Source of Creativity)