Vision, mission and goals
Acceptance rate in departments Nursing College
college of Nursing : 70%morning
fees Nursing College
college of Nursing : 2.500.000morning
Acceptance rates in departments Nursing College
college of Nursing :
About Nursing College
The idea of establishing the Nursing Department at Al-Esraa University College was launched by achieving the mission and goals of the college in the necessity of meeting the desires of students by gaining the satisfaction and trust of community members with the quality of the college’s programs and educational outcomes and stimulating the spirit of competition with other educational institutions, and for that reason, the Nursing Department was established to prepare cadres. Nursing with high scientific and practical competence that is consistent with the scientific and technical technological development and in proportion to the need to provide preventive, curative and rehabilitative nursing services that enhance maintaining the appropriate level of health for the individual, family and society through the use of advanced methods after obtaining the approval of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research on 3102017 and a card. Capacity of (125) students, according to the book of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in issue T H A Q 7078.
Nursing College
Nursing College
Scientific symposium - College of Nursing
Nursing College
College of Nursing - Awareness seminar on breast cancer
Images كلية التمريض
Faculty research
Research of college faculty members published in reputable international journals : 0 research
Institutional accreditation
College standards and achievements regarding institutional accreditation
Programmatic accreditation
Programmatic standards and college reports for obtaining programmatic accreditation
contact (Nursing College)
Iraq - baghdad - karada
+964 6771
Open Hours:
Sat-Thu: 8AM - 2PM