Vision, mission and goals
Acceptance rate in departments Physical Education and Sports Sciences College
College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences : 50%morning-50%Evening
fees Physical Education and Sports Sciences College
College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences : 1,750,000morning-1,750,000Evening
Acceptance rates in departments Physical Education and Sports Sciences College
College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences : Biological + applied + scientific + literary + trade + agriculture + industry + professional
About Physical Education and Sports Sciences College
تاريخ الاستحداث : 2016-2017
عدد المراحل : 4 سنوات
حصلت موافقة السيد معالي وزير التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي على استحداث قسم التربية البدنية وعلــوم الرياضة بكتابهــا المرقــم (هـ / ق 3461) بتاريخ 9/11/2016 للعام الدراسي 2016 - 2017 للدراسة الصباحية وتمت مصادقة معالي الوزير على تحويلها الى كلية في 2023.
Physical Education and Sports Sciences College
Physical Education and Sports Sciences College
Volleyball Championship at Basra and Southern Technical University
Physical Education and Sports Sciences College
Field visit of students College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences to Ashur University
Physical Education and Sports Sciences College
Meeting of Deans of Physical Education and Sports Sciences
Physical Education and Sports Sciences College
Images كلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة
Faculty research
Research of college faculty members published in reputable international journals : 8 research
Institutional accreditation
College standards and achievements regarding institutional accreditation
Programmatic accreditation
Programmatic standards and college reports for obtaining programmatic accreditation
contact (Physical Education and Sports Sciences College)
Iraq - baghdad - karada
+964 6771
Open Hours:
Sat-Thu: 8AM - 2PM