Vision, mission and goals

In the coming years, the College of Engineering seeks to gain the community’s confidence in their graduates and to obtain a distinguished position among the accredited Iraqi, Arab and regional engineering colleges by providing a distinct environment for education, learning, scientific research, and university and community service.


College message


The mission of the College of Engineering is to prepare engineers capable of creativity and innovation through conducting various academic programs aimed at imparting skills for research, exploration and development in engineering disciplines and providing engineering services and consultancy through the activities and performance of its departments and units.

The goals of the college

Preparing scientific cadres specialized in engineering fields by providing distinguished education in line with contemporary university engineering education, leading to the acquisition and mastery of the necessary engineering knowledge assets.

Combining theoretical knowledge, applied science and field training in order to qualify graduates with engineering and technical skills and to develop their capabilities for creative analytical thinking to be elements of scientific development and progress in engineering fields.

Cooperating with governmental bodies and institutions and production companies in Wasit Governorate or at the level of other governorates in training workers in the engineering sector and providing technical services to address engineering problems in various projects and sectors.

Active participation in research activity and the creation of modern scientific centers to conduct and publish scientific and applied research in engineering fields and direct them to community service and development plans.

Organizing conferences, seminars and scientific seminars with the aim of increasing scientific contact between academics and professionals, exchanging views between participants, and raising the scientific and technical level in engineering specializations for engineers, through continuous education programs.

Acceptance rate in departments Engineering College

Department of Architecture : 69.5%morning-64.5%Evening

Department of civil engineering : 63.5%morning-61.5%Evening

Department of Structural Engineering : 61.5%morning-59.5%Evening

Department of Construction Engineering and Project Management : 61.5%morning-59.5%Evening

Department of Biomedical Engineering :

Cyber Security Engineering : 63.5%morning-60.5%Evening

fees Engineering College

Department of Architecture : 3,750,000morning-3,750,000Evening

Department of civil engineering : 3,500,000morning-3,500,000Evening

Department of Structural Engineering : 3,000,000morning-3,000,000Evening

Department of Construction Engineering and Project Management : 3,000,000morning-3,000,000Evening

Department of Biomedical Engineering : 3,750,000morning-3,750,000Evening

Cyber Security Engineering : 2.000.000morning-2.000.000Evening

Acceptance rates in departments Engineering College

Department of Architecture :

Department of civil engineering :

Department of Structural Engineering :

Department of Construction Engineering and Project Management :

Department of Biomedical Engineering :

Cyber Security Engineering :

About Engineering College

About Engineering College

Date of development: 2023

5 Department 

Department of Architecture: 5 years' study

Civil Engineering Department: 4 years' study

Road and Bridge Engineering Department: 4 years' study

Construction Engineering and Project Management Department: 4 years' study

Department of BioMedical Engineering: 5 years' study












Academic profile : 112

Faculty research

Research of college faculty members published in reputable international journals : 186 research


publications : 1







Graduation projects

Graduation projects

Specification of Programs

Specification of Programs

Academic calendar

Academic calendar



Weekly schedule

Weekly schedule

Exam schedule

Exam schedule

academic promotions

Instructions for academic promotions

Institutional accreditation

College standards and achievements regarding institutional accreditation

Programmatic accreditation

Programmatic standards and college reports for obtaining programmatic accreditation

Specification of Programs

Specification of Programs

The Magazine

The Magazine

Graduate Follow-up Form

Graduate Follow-up Form

contact (Engineering College)

contact (Engineering College)

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+964 6771

Open Hours:

Sat-Thu: 8AM - 2PM