كلية الهندسة
بحوث التدريسيين لـ كلية الهندسة

بحوث التدريسيين لـ كلية الهندسة

أ.د. ثامر خضير محمود (7 بحث)
Modelling of Base Isolator as a Structural Element
2017 Global Journal of Engineering Science of Research Management
Strength Enhancement of Prestressed Concrete Dapped-End Girders
2015 University of Baghdad, Journal of Engineering
Effect of Prestress Force on the Strength of Dapped End Reinforced Concrete Beams
2014 Asian Conference on Civil, Materials and Environmental Science (ACCMES)
بحوث التدريسيين لـ قسم هندسة العمارة

بحوث التدريسيين لـ قسم هندسة العمارة

د. ابتسام عبدالله محمد (13 بحث)
The Effect of spatial location of supporting facilities (central library and student center ) to modify properties of spatial structure of universities ( Applied Study in Iraqi Universities) – 2018
2018 Al Esraa journal
Comparative Study between the Spatial Flexibility in Contemporary Home and Future Smart Home in Iraq)
2020 University of Sulaimani College of Engineering Sulaimani Journal For Engineering Sciences Iraq – Kurdistan Region – Sulaimani – University of Sulaimani- New Campus – Tasluja- Street
Re-activated Services in Heritage Sites for Tourists
2016 Herity International conference
م.م. مها حقي اسماعيل (2 بحث)
The Impact of Spatial Location of function inside building to improve distinguishing Architectural Forms as an urban Landmark
2022 Springer Nature Scopus factor

The Impact of Spatial Location of function inside building to improve distinguishing Architectural Forms as an urban    Landmark


1Al KhafajiIbtisamAbdulelah Mohammed

Department of Architecture, Al -ESRAA University College, Baghdad, Iraq


2Maha Haki

Department of Architecture, Al -ESRAA University College, Baghdad, Iraq



Abstract .Great buildings and places attract   people and the close environment profited of this phenomenon, the beauty, which discovered part by part used to be much more attractive than visible in whole. This research discuss that the  mental image of any place, is not a copy of reality, but rather as a simulation of that reality ,it is an intellectual reconfiguration of the event or phenomenon, and the clarity of this image is related to the possibility of distinguishing   forms , function  and spaces  as a spatial   landmark   . In all these processes,the importantpoint is the attempt to involve man in the process of interpretation architectural environment. Due to the important roles of functions and location inside buildings, the objective aim of   this research is to indicate how we can improve distinguishing architectural form as a landmark by choosing good location of functions inside buildings. In order to capture this aim, three basic concepts have been identified and framed into a conceptual structure, (functions as generative forces, , distinguishing  forms, spatial locations ) then we used  self-assessment practical tools to test hypothesis  . Results explained that   functions and   location inside building create a spatial centers in urban environments  and create a field of forces that attract people  , central and peripheral   location  have the same importance in terms of improving distinguishing by  attracting peoples ,while distinguishing forms in widespread location  depend on the possibilities of people to fined continuity of connections between these locations.

Keywords:Spatial forces functions locationdistinguishing landmark



Sustainability between Smart Materials and Design Methodology -Baghdad City as a Case Study
2020-2012 springer


The paper presents the concept of sustainability from an architectural point of view as energy conservation for future human societies through the use of contemporary design solutions appropriate to the requirements of the community and the spatial environment while The paper deals with the subject of sustainability from a logical point of view and methodology of architectural design and compare it with what is now common use of smart materials technology in solving environmental problems as a solution of environmental sustainability in architecture, the paper will address the city of Baghdad as an application model for this. The paper presents the concept of sustainability from an architectural point of view as energy conservation for future human societies through the use of contemporary design solutions appropriate to the requirements of the community and the spatial environment while avoiding the use of imported advanced technology that leads to waste energy. This contradiction between the use of technology, which is the largest source of energy consumption, and the primary goal of sustainability in energy conservation, pushed the research to address the issue of sustainability by finding design solutions away from the use of modern technology, which is now considered smart materials one of the most important applications currently. Sustainability is the optimal use of the available resources and capabilities, whether human, material, natural, balanced, effective, environmental and urban without wasting the gains of future generations. It was mentioned at the World Conference on Environment, Development and Sustainability. It was formulated (to meet the needs of current people without affecting future generations to meet their future needs) and four goals have been set for them within the OECD framework: 1 - Resource Efficiency; 2 - Energy Efficiency; 3 - Environment Compatibility. Integrative organization and curricula.


  • Sustainability
  • Smart building
  • Smart materials
  • Technology
ا.م.د. رياض جواد الموسوي (8 بحث)
Analytical Modeling and Results Modeling Evaluation of Composite Open Web Steel Joists Behavior
2018 مجلة كلية الهندسة/جامعة النهرين
Experimental Investigation on Behavior of Composite Open Web Steel Joists
2018 مجلة كلية الهندسة/جامعة النهرين
Shear Behavior Of Compacting Concrete Deep Beam Under Repeated Loading
2015 BEEC2
ا.د. هادي مشهدي عجيل (2 بحث)
دراسة تحليلية في منحوتات الصيد الاشورية
2018 مجلة كلية الاسراء الجامعة
قراءة في لوح نرجول
2008 الاكاديمي
ا.م.د. سامر فيليب يعقوب (3 بحث)
Interaction Diagrams of Short Rectangular RPC Columns Under Combined Axial Load Plus Uniaxial Bending
2014 Journal of Engineering and Development
Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis for Punching Shear Risistance of Steel Ffiberes of Light Strength Reinforced Concrete Slabs
2014 Engineering and Technology Magozin
Experimental Study for SCC Beam Strengthened by External CFRP Under shear Failure
2015 2nd Int.conference on building construction and enviromental Engineering PCEEZ
م.د بنين عبدالكريم حسين (7 بحث)
Making Healthy place As Contemporary Urban Trend
2016 Engineering & Technology Journal, University of Technology, Iraqvol.34, No.14, part A, 2016

The world experienced an increasing interest in the concept of place-making in accordance with the contemporary urban trends. The healthy trend was considered as the trend that combines most of the other trends properties. It represents a response to the challenges facing the society. These are environmental, economic, social, cultural, Urban and security. Most states and world countries focus on making a sustainable healthy place, achieving the dwelt desires and considered as a container for all human activities ; social, recreational, economic and cultural. Local places continue suffer from neglect, extinction, random design and the lack of clarity of policy handled according to the contemporary healthy urban trend. To stand out the problem of the research thoroughly (Lack of comprehensive knowledge study describes the most important dimensions and features that contribute to the making of the healthy place within cities) and to address this research problem, a comprehensive knowledge framework was built relying on vocabulary extracted from the theoretical framework in the analysis of a number of global urban cities. It includes a range of healthy places designed according to this trend.After reviewing a number of global studies, researches and experiments, it appeared that there are certain dimensions and features for making a healthy place. Then, some dimensions and features were neutralized. The environmental dimensions and features of the open spaces were chosen because they are more important, effective and influential than the rest of the dimensions and features. After analyzing the results it appeared that the environmental dimension contributes in making a healthy place, achieve health, well-being and sustainability for the population.The open space features had a great role in making a sustainable healthy place, that supports biological, cultural, social and intellectual diversity, improves the urban landscape of the city as a whole (environmentally and visually), enhances coherence and social interaction between individuals and achieves participation community. Then places will be healthy, social, aesthetic, functional, which Root urban identity of the city in general and the place in particular.

The impact of the sustainable social dimension in the contemporary healthy urban place making
2016 The Fifth Jordanian International Architectural Conference/ Amman, 2016

Contemporary urban environments Constitute temporal extension to the traditional and historical environments as a result of a response to contemporary challenges facing cities and urban places, And as a reaction against the modern trends brought to the urban fabric, which require reconsidering to the legislation codes and standards that contribute in production urban environment which achieve possible life chances, response to contemporary Challenges, including the social, economic, environmental, cultural and aesthetic challenges of competing at different levels (local, regional and global).

Urban design concerned in place making that consent current and future human need, and contain his intellectual, cultural, social and economic activities, that reflects his identity, presence and personality within the place. Therefore we must take the sustainable healthy trend as the most important contemporary urban trends, that gave increasing attention in making place and ways to conversion the space  to active and effective place, characterized by a set of dimensions and features, and the social dimension is one of the important dimensions in making a sustainable healthy place, also the urban center consider as an important  characteristics in structuring healthy place  and sustainable within the contemporary urban projects..

Accordingly, many organizations, institutions and associations concerned to making health, social and sustainable places, which act as contemporary interactive urban environments able to work, live and learn.

While that the locally urban places centers are suffer from a lack of clarity in dealing policies according to the sustainable healthy urban trend, so research problem emerged (Lack of knowledge to the vocabulary of sustainable social dimension and the urban center features that contribute in healthy place making within cities), and to processing the research problem and through global studies and experiments we have been building a theoretical framework for making a sustainable healthy place, according to the vocabulary of the social dimension and features of the urban center.

Then depending on the theoretical framework vocabulary we had been analyzed a number of international metropolitan cities which includes a range of sustainable health places which designed according to this approach which consider the social dimension as one of the dimensions that contribute to the cities health and sustainability

After analyzing the results appeared that the social dimension contributes in making the sustainable healthy places through achieving prosperity, civilization excellence and promotion of the social cohesion and integration, through the strengthening of, community participation, development a sense of belonging to the place, revival the association memory and improve the quality of life within the city.

Also finding that urban center features has a role in making a healthy urban place through visual coherence, and strengthen principle of centralization, legibility, vitality, safe and support the aesthetic attractiveness and the diversity.

Then evaluating the local experience of Baghdad city, according to the social dimension vocabulary and urban center features vocabulary, in order to achieve sustainable healthy urban centers, characterize by flexibility, legibility, attractively, safety, security and Social integration and prosperity.

Finally reached to a theoretical model explain the impact of contemporary healthy urban trend in the place making according to the sustainable social dimension and the urban center features.


Key words: Making the Contemporary Urban Place, Making Sustainable Healthy Place, Sustainable Healthy Social Dimension, Contemporary Urban Places, Contemporary Challenges, Urban Center features.

Difference and contradiction of critique methods to produce styles of modulation in architecture (Architect Peter Eisenman as Example)
2018 Engineering & Technology Journal, University of Technology, Iraq, I received Publishing acceptance, 2018

Rapid changes and developments have brought contemporary intellectual theories and different and diverse ties to highlight the different and multiple concepts contribute to the definition of any philosophy and intellect, which are frequent and mutant methods and demonstrations of the same values and origins which in turn describe the state of existence, continuity, permanence and human communication, the most important concepts are Difference and contradiction as the basis of everything, and without them there is no existence or knowledge.

most contemporary studies focused on the different critical methods linked to the semantics and meanings that express architecture on the one hand, and methods of expression, invocation and illustration on the other hand, and both are contribute in the formation and creation of architecture and enrich its architectural output, despite the wide presentation of the concepts of difference and contradiction but these propositions only addressing each notion separately without knowing their relationship as critical methods and trends shaping the contemporary architecture and achieving communication with community structure, So the problem of research has determined with (lack of comprehensive knowledge study describes the most important applied mechanisms to concepts of difference and contradiction as critical methods contribute to the production of continuous civilized building formation patterns of interaction between the designer objective and the receiver subjective), In order to address this problem, a conceptual framework was built for the methods of difference and contradiction, and the election a number of architectural projects of "Eisenman" which shows difference and contradiction as a clear critical trends and methods as applied mechanisms or strategies produce emerged architecture formation patterns of outreached architectural output among clones of what is happening globally or immersed in cloning for local references, and then described and evaluated them in accordance with indicators drawn from the conceptual framework of the concepts of difference and contradiction that place and give the more plausible explanation, presenting a number of recommendations to depend on  as critical methodology contribute in production of patterns forming architecture, its recognition swinging  between what is subjective accompanies sensory perception and what is that accompanies mental perception, and as sentimental mechanism for networking events, harmony and pleasure and thrill in physical output.

Keywords- difference, contradiction, modulation patterns, criticism methods of architectural, architect Peter Eisenman.

د. محمد عبدالرحمن محمد البدري (0 بحث)
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م.م. اسراء جابر ذيبان (2 بحث)
التعددية الوظيفية واثرها في تعزيز القيم الجمالية للعمارة العربية المعاصرة - The Impact of Multi-functionality in Promoting the Aesthetic Values of Modern Islamic Architecture
2020 مجلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية للدرسات والبحوث الهندسية

الخلاصة – شغلت العلاقة بين الوظيفة والجمال الباحثين والفلاسفة والفنانين و المعماريين وعلى مر العصور في محاولات مستمرة لفهم وتحديد المعاني وبيان الاهمية ودرجة التأثير المتبادل . يناقش `هذا البحث بالتحليل دور التعدد الوظيفي    وتأثيره على تقوية  القيم الجمالية للتكوين المعماري في العمارة الاسلامية المعاصرة . عرف البحث اجرائيا التعدد الوظيفي بانه مراكز قوى مولدة   كما عرف الجمال بانه التوافق والتجانس في الخصائص  الهندسية للشكل المعماري  .ان عدم وضوح العلاقة بين التعدد الوظيفي وتعزيز القيم الجمالية  مشكلة البحث الرئيسية ,  وعليه تحدد هدف البحث  بتوضيح  تأثير التعددية الوظيفة  على تعزيز  القيم الجمالية للشكل المعماري. وقد تطلب تحقيق الهدف بناء الاطار النظري الذي على ضوئه طرحت فرضية البحث الرئيسية  والتي تنص على ان التعدد الوظيفي  يعمل كأسلوب اسناد وتقوية للقيم الجمالية للشكل المعماري من خلال تعزيز  التوافق الهندسي  للشكل المعماري . تم اختيار خمسة مشاريع للمناقشة تمثل مراكز اسلامية معاصرة و متعددة الوظيفة وتم تطبيق مقياس فرق التباين الدلالي    لتحليل المتغيرات  وباختيار عينة تتكون من عشرين شخصا Semantic  differential scale   .توصل البحث بان التعددية الوظيفية لها دور كبير في اسناد القيم الجمالية للشكل المعماري من خلال تعزيز التوافق الهندسي عن طريق تعريف الخاصية وتميزها وتكثيفها بالإضافة الى تكثيف ترابطها البصري والفيزيائي.

الكلمات الرئيسية –" الجمال، التعدد الوظيفي، التوافق الهندسي، اساليب التقوية ، المراكز المتوافقة ".

أثر مقومات المكان في عمارة المساجد الجامعة المعاصرة “تحليل مقارن للتجربة العربية
2017 مجلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية للدرسات والبحوث الهندسية

عمارة المساجد الجامعة، واحدة من ابرز الانماط المعمارية للأبنية المعبرة عن الهوية الاسلامية، منذ بدء ظهورها مع الدين الاسلامي، ولها مكانة عظمى واهمية بالغة في حياة المسلمين لا غنى عنها، لأهميتها الدينية كمكان خصص لأداء الصلوات الجامعة والعيدين، بالإضافة الى اهميتها الدنيوية كمركز للسلطة القضائية، ينبوع للثقافة والتعليم، وملتقى لتقوية الاواصر الاجتماعية بين المسلمين.

والهوية المكانية، مليئة بالمعاني الظاهرة و الكامنة التي يدركها الافراد وتؤثر على سلوكهم، والتعرف عليها في بيئتها يعد عاملاً اساسياً في احساس الفرد بالانتماء المكاني، . فهي تتلخص في قدرة الشخص في التعرف على مكان ما نتيجة لتفرده بمجموعة من الصفات التي تميزه عن غيره. ومن دراسة وتحليل الادبيات السابقة حول مفاهيم الهوية والمكان، برزت عدم شموليه بالمعرفة حول مدى تأثير هوية المكان على عمارة الابنية الدينية عموما، وعمارة المساجد الجامعة خصوصا، مما يسلط الضوء على المشكلة البحثية: الحاجة المعرفية الى توضيح اثر الهوية المكانية على عمارة المساجد الجامعة المعاصرة، ودور مقوماتها (الحضارية، العمرانية، البيئية) في تحقيق الديمومة والتنوع.

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بحوث التدريسيين لـ قسم الهندسة المدنية

بحوث التدريسيين لـ قسم الهندسة المدنية

أ.د. بسام فرمان البسام (4 بحث)
2015 Diyala Journal for Engineering Sciences
An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship Between Cost of Control Activities and Project Management Success
2018 MATTEC web of conferences 162,BCEE2017
Three-dimensional numerical study of the reactive powder concrete segments in tunnel lining
2022 Curved and Layered Structures

Abstract:The tunnel lining systems act as lines of defenceagainst the forces and geotechnical situations. The use ofprecast concrete tunnel linings (PCTLs) has been escalat-ing due to its effective and economical installation process.The tunnels usually suffer from the premature deteriora-tion due to corrosion of the reinforcement and thus needmaintenance. Corrosion leads to the distress in PCTL lead-ing to the cracking and finally the scaling of concrete. Thisstudy aims to assess the structural durability performanceof reactive powder concrete (RPC) as the material of tunnellining segments compared to reinforced concrete (RC) andhigh performance concrete (HPC). The numerical findingsindicated that the maximum load capacity of PRC-PCTL seg-ments was greater than that of the corresponding RC andHPC segments. Regarding the findings, PRC is a very signif-icant option for conventional segments. The high strengthof PRC can decrease the thickness of the PCTL segments,resulting in the decreased material cost. Also, PRC-PCTLsegments can eliminate the laborious and costly produc-tion of RC segments and mitigate the corrosion damage andthus enhance the service life of lining segments.

ا.م.د. احسان علي صائب (15 بحث)
Torsional Behavior of Steel Fibers Reinforced SelfCompacting Concrete Beams
2015 Journal of Engineering and Development
Strength of Reinforced Concrete Columns with Transverse Openings
2017 Journal of Engineering and Development
Properties of Normal and High-Strength self-Compacting Fibrous Concrete in Fresh and Hardened state
2014 Journal of Engineering and Development
م.د طارق رحمن محمود (0 بحث)
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م.م. ولاء خليل علي الجنابي (0 بحث)
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م.د ايناس مبروك موينع (4 بحث)
Torsional Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Hollow Core Beams
2015 Journal of Engineering and Development,
Behaviors of Reinforced con- crete slabs under static loads and high-mass low velocity impact leads
2020 IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering

This paper examines a progression of experimental studies designed to investigate the response of reinforced concrete slabs subjected to static and high-mass low-velocity impact loads. A total of ten reinforced concrete slabs were tested: three specimens were tested under static load by loading the specimens at their mid-point, and seven specimens were tested under impact load to research the high-mass, low-velocity impact behaviours of reinforced concrete slabs using a dropweight facility. Measurements methods included a load cell, acceleration, strain in the reinforcement steel and a laser sensor to measure deflection in the centre and various quarters of the slabs (LVDT). The experimental variables included in this study focused mainly on the thickness of slab under static and impact loads, the mass of the striking object, and the height of the striking object for impact loads. The results showed that under static loads, the mean of the thickness of the slab increased by 33 to 100%, the maximum deflection at the central point decreased by 45 to 63 %, and the load capacity of the slabs increased by 77 to 265%. With respect to high-mass low-velocity impact loads, as the slab thickness increase by 33to 100%, the maximum deflection at the centre of the slabs decreased by 47.7 to 84 % and the impact force increased by 37.5 to 102%. When the height of the striking object was increased by 33 to 66%, the maximum central deflection of the slabs also increased by 24 to 72.3%, and the impact loads increased by 11 to 23.3%. Increases in the mass of the striking object by 50 to 100% led to the maximum central deflection of the slabs increasing by about 54 to 122% and to the impact loads increasing by 13 to 18.6%.

Experimental Study of Reinforced Concrete Slabs Strengthened by CFRP Subjected to Impact Loads
2021 IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

This paper shows a progression of experimental studies to investigate the response of reinforced concrete slabs when subjected to high-mass low-velocity impact loads. The researcher has confirmed that FRP composites are effective for strengthening a wide variety of concrete structural members. To date, very little published research has been performed on the behavior of strengthened two-way slabs under impact loads. The purpose of this study is to investigate experimentally on behavior slabs strengthening with CFRP. A total of seven reinforced concrete slabs were tested under the effect of impact load by a drop-weight facility. Measurements involved a load cell, accelerometer, strain gauges in the reinforcement steel and concrete, and using (a laser sensor, LVDT) to measure deflection in the center and quarter of the slabs. These experimental variables included in this study were focused mainly on the formation and dimension of carbon fiber under impact loads. The test results showed that the adding carbon fibers were active in increasing slab capacity and mitigating local damage under the impact, as the strengthening of slabs by CFRP, the increased in an impact force of the slabs about (11.9– 19.5%) and the maximum deflection at the central slabs decreased by (6.5–22%). It can be observed that the increase in the area of the CFRP layer under the impact region led to more decrease of the deflection. With regard to acceleration, it is evident that the distribution of forces acting on the plate also varies over the course of the event and that the evolution of the inertial force resulted in load distributions that are significantly different from those developed in static test conditions. The evolution of inertial forces in impact loading conditions resulted in observed responses then failure patterns governed by shear. 

م.م. حيدر حاتم كريم (0 بحث)
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م.م ناريمان جبار قاسم (2 بحث)
Image Compression Algorithm Using Improved Haar Wavelet Transform
2018 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
Reactive protocols for unified user profiling for anomaly detection in mobile Ad Hoc networks
م.د نور سالم عطية (2 بحث)
Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) for Multi-Storey Car Parks Location in a Small Area
2016 British Journal of Applied Science & Technology
Applying Decision Making with Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for Maintenance Strategy Selection of Flexible Pavement
2016 Global Journal of Research In Engineering
م.م رنا محمد رشيد (7 بحث)
chemical precipitation method for sulphate removal from treated wastewater of Al- Doura refinery
2015 University of Technology
Management and controlling the quality of concrete mixes to improve the implementation of construction projects in Iraq
2020 Technology Reports of Kansai University
The study of the magnetic field effect on the properties of calcination on hot surfaces submerged with water
2020 (American institute of physics (AIP
م.م سارة سعد فرج (1 بحث)
Improving the Strut and Tie Method by Includin the Concrete Softening Effect
2016 International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET)
ريم طارق صالح (0 بحث)
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م.م شهد علاء سعود (3 بحث)
Design Determinants of Discrete Digital Surfaces
2022 Iraqi Journal of Architecture and Planning

The emergence of many free structures in contemporary architecture and the transformation in aesthetics toward complex curved and folded shapes has led to a search for computer-aided design and geometric manipulations using discrete surfaces, which contributed to the creation of complex architectural surfaces that are both simple and economical at the same time. However, it is difficult to achieve such surfaces because of the complexity of representing them in an applicable and executable engineering body  , and the hardship of studying and representing them structurally for they need a set of special engineering programs to obtain the required structural strength. Further, There is aneed for other engineering programs To simplify those surfaces and turn them into applicable ones. Hence, the research problem emerged to shed light on the "lack of a theoretical perception describing discrete surfaces and their role in formation the structure of contemporary architecture." The research initially dealt with the general knowledge of the discrete surfaces, and then extracted the theoretical framework relying on  our knowledge about those surfaces, through presenting and analyzing three architectural examples to clarify the nature of those discrete surfaces and submit the main conclusions, recommendations and sources.

The transformation strategy and its role in forming the structure of future architecture
2022 Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences

Nature's strategies and solutions represent a significant and rich source to benefit from in creating an architectural composition that corresponds to its structure, which leads to the emergence of unexpected, vibrant, and constantly changing architectural forms due to the continuous development and progress in technology and science. Transformation is one of the strategies of nature that can be used to form the structure of future architecture, characterized by diversity and continuous formal change. Therefore, this strategy must be studied to create an adaptive architectural structure. The research aims to develop a theoretical framework that explains the role of transformation strategy in forming the structure of future architecture. The study thus reviews the basic concepts of transformation and future architecture. Then it presents the mechanisms to achieve transformation in architecture. Indicators of the conceptual framework of the transformation strategy are extracted from the knowledge provided about it. The conceptual framework represents a tool for enhancing the transformation strategy taken from nature to create innovative future architectural structures that look like living organisms, where they can perform adaptation processes and formal diversity.

The Role of Algorithms In Formation Structure of Future Architecture
2023 Iraqi Journal of Architecture and Planning

Technological development is an important element in the development of architecture and works to change the perception of the way buildings are designed, which leads to future horizons to imagine unprecedented architecture, based on the rules of the unfamiliar in architectural forms and the trend towards dynamic forms by taking nature as a source of inspiration in addition to the possibilities of technology For building materials, resulting in the emergence of unexpected, vibrant, and ever-changing architectural forms. Future architecture depends on the use of digital generation tools to form its free dynamic structure, and algorithms are one of the digital tools used today as a tool for generation and structural optimization. Therefore, the research problem of "the lack of a theoretical perception that describes algorithms and their role in shaping the structure of future architecture ". The research initially dealt with the general knowledge of algorithms, and then the theoretical framework for algorithms was extracted through the analysis of several architectural studies, After than, an applied example of the role of these algorithms was studied and analyzed, and then the main conclusions, recommendations and sources were presented.

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Shear Capacity of Self Compacting Concrete Deep Beam under Constrained Axial Loads
2018 journal of engineering and sustainable development
Suggested Equations for Mechanical Properties of Self Compacting Concrete Strengthened with Steel Fibers and Effect of such Fibers on Shear Capacity of Simply Supported Deep Beams under Axial Loads
2018 journal of engineering and sustainable development
Three-dimensional numerical study of the reactive powder concrete segments in tunnel lining
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Properties of Superpave Asphalt Concrete Subjected to Impact of Moisture Damage
2015 Baghdad university
Impact of Moisture Damage on Rutting Resistance, Shear and Tensile Properties of Asphalt Pavement
2014 International Journal of Scientific Research in Knowledge
Impact of Aging on Shear, Tensile Strength and Permanent Deformation of Superpave Asphalt Concrete
2014 International Journal of Scientific Research in Knowledge
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القانون والتشريع البيئي العراقي (دراسة قانون حماية وتحسين البيئة رقم 27لسنة 2009)
2016 مجلة البحوث الجغرافية جامعة الكوفة
حساب كلف التدهور البيئي وفق الية عالمية لمواقع مختارة (منطقة النهروان الصناعية انموذجا)
2017 مجلة البحوث الجغرافية جامعة الكوفة
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ERFAN, Abeer M., et al. The flexural behavior of nano concrete and high strength concrete using GFRP. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 247: 118664.‏
2020 Construction and Building Materials
Finite Element Modeling of Nano and High Strength Concrete Beams Using GFRP Bars
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بحوث التدريسيين لـ قسم هندسة البناء وادارة المشاريع

بحوث التدريسيين لـ قسم هندسة البناء وادارة المشاريع

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Mechanical Performance of CO2 and Autoclave Cured Date Palm Fiber Reinforced eco-mortar Composites
2016 بغداد-الجامعة التكنولوجية-مجلة الهندسة والتكنولوجية
م.د حسين زيدان علي (5 بحث)
Producing Global solar Radiation maps in Iraq using Geographic information system
2018 مجلة الاستاذ
تقييم مصادر وتوزيع الكثبان الرملية بالقرب من مدينة بيجي- العراق باستخدام تقانات التحسس النائي
2017 مجلة كلية التربية / الجامعة المستنصرية
Estimation of Daily Evaporation from Calculated Evapotranspirationin Iraq
2017 Journal of madenat Al- elem College (JMAC)
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Evaluation of soil-structure interaction for structures subjected to earthquake loading with different types of foundation 2016

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م.د لمياء محمد جواد مهدي (6 بحث)
Effect of organic montmorillonite Nanoclay Concentration on the physical and Reological properties of Asphalt Binder
2013 Australian Journal of basic and applied Sciences
(Characterization of Organic Montmorillonite Nanoclay modified Asphalt Binders Using Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR
2013 Australian Journal of basic and applied Sciences
Effect of mineral Filler type and particle size on Asphalt-Filler Mastic and Stone Mastic Asphalt labrotary Measured Properties
2013 Australian journal of basic and applied science
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2022 international journal onTechnical and physical problems of engineering

يشرح هذا المقال ماهية الهندسة القيمية وكيفية استخدامها في بناء المشاريع في بغداد، العراق. فهو يعطي الوصف والتاريخ والأهداف والغايات والبحث والشرح. يشرح هذا القسم المقصود بالهندسة القيمية لمشاريع البناء في بغداد، العراق. منذ عام 2009 وحتى الآن، عندما دخل الاقتصاد العالمي في حالة ركود، كان على صناعة البناء في العراق أن تتعامل مع الكثير من المشاكل. يتعين على الشركات اليوم التعامل مع الكثير من المنافسة. وبسبب توقف المشاريع، فقدت بعض الشركات جميع أعمالها تقريباً. لقد كان حدثاً عالمياً لم يتوقعه أحد، خاصة بالنظر إلى مدى التغير الذي طرأ على العراق في السنوات الثلاث إلى الخمس الماضية. على الرغم من أن احتياجات العملاء آخذة في النمو، ومن المتوقع حدوث خسائر في الإيرادات والوظائف لعام 2009 حتى الآن، إلا أن هناك طرقًا للحفاظ على القدرة التنافسية. وتشمل هذه إعادة تقييم العمليات التجارية، والتفرع إلى مجالات أخرى، واعتماد تكنولوجيا جديدة وأكثر كفاءة.
بين عامي 2000 و2021، نمت أعمال البناء في العراق بسرعة. رغم أن الاقتصاد سيء
في الوقت الحالي، لدى مجلس التخطيط العمراني في بغداد خطط "لمبادرات جديدة كبرى من خلال السادس
2025 ". تعتبر هندسة القيمة جديدة في صناعة البناء ولا يتم استخدامها غالبًا في العراق. ستصبح هندسة القيمة أكثر أهمية في العراق مع تغير تكاليف البناء، وتصبح إمدادات الطاقة أكثر محدودية، ويصبح السوق أكثر تنافسية. هيئة التطوير الحضري في بغداد وضع قواعد جديدة للبناء.

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بحوث التدريسيين لـ قسم هندسة الطب الحياتي

بحوث التدريسيين لـ قسم هندسة الطب الحياتي

أ.د محمد صلاب حمزة شندوخ (45 بحث)
Study the Effect of Carbon Fiber Volume Fraction and their Orientations on the Thermal Conductivity of the Polymer Composite Materials
2007 Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Studying the Flexural Characteristics of the Epoxy Reinforced by Al and Cu Particles
2008 The Iraqi Journal For Mechanical And Material Engineering
Studying the Effect of Volume Fraction of Glass Fibers on the Thermal Conductivity of the Polymer Composite Materials
2008 Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal
م.د. ساره عاشور حمود (5 بحث)
Bismuth (0) Nanoparticle as Anti-Breast Cancer Agent Synthesis and Investigation
2016 Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences
Heart Irregularities Detection Based ECG Signals
2020 Medico-legal Update
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) Injected Vehicle Production And Filtration Process
2021 Sys Rev Pharm
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م.م حيدر صلاح احمد (6 بحث)
On the Design of a Reject Band Filter for Antennas Mutual Coupling Reduction
2019 international journal of RF and microwave computer-aided engineering

In this article, a novel concept for mutual coupling reduction between antenna elements is proposed at 2.45 GHz for Wi-Fi applications. A reject band filter (RBF) is used in order to reduce the mutual coupling between two monopoles for multi-input multi-output (MIMO) systems. The proposed RBF inclusions are developed to have zero refractive index response over a specific frequency band. The inclusions considered here are composed of open-loop resonators; each one with the same iteration level of Minkowski-like pre-fractal structures coupled with an open-stub transmission line to increase the band selectivity. The inclusions are inserted between λ/2-spaced monopole elements at 2.45 GHz. A significant mutual coupling reduction is realized by incorporating only two RBF cells. Such effective response is attributed to the electromagnetic wave cloaking at 2.45 GHz using the developed RBF inclusions. An extensive theoretical study using both numerical and analytical methods is invoked to obtain the best performance of the proposed MIMO antenna structure. Finally, the experimental and numerical results are agreed excellently.

An UWB Monopole Antenna Design based RF Energy Harvesting Technology
2018 Third Scientific Conference of Electrical Engineering

In this paper, an Ultra-Wide-Band (UWB) printed monopole antenna based Hard Surface (HS) is proposed for RF energy harvesting to serve the application of the Internet of Things (IoT). The proposed antenna is constructed of a monopole of an open mouth flower patch mounted on an FR4 substrate and followed by an HS array. The antenna is backed with a partial ground plane to enhance the antenna bandwidth. The stability in the antenna radiation pattern over the entire frequency band is achieved by introducing three rows of the proposed HS based on H-Resonators (HS-HR) next to the patch edge. Such arrays provide an Omni directional antenna at several frequency bands that suit the application of RF energy harvesting. The array of the proposed HS-HR provides high electromagnetic impedance within the frequency band of interest toward the patch length. Numerical simulations are accompanied using CST MWS and HFSS software packages to evaluate the antenna performance. Finally, the related measurements to the antenna performance and RF harvesting are conducted at 2.45GHz. It is found that the proposed antenna provides a conversion efficiency of 35% with an acceptable gain-bandwidth product.

Design of Compact Multiband Microstrip BPF Based on Fractal Open-ring Configuration
2018 Engineering and Technology Journal

Multiband bandpass filters (BPFs) are one of the core elements in the multi-services wireless communication systems. For this purpose, this paper presents a design of a compact multiband microstrip BPF design based on fractal open loop configuration. The proposed filter structure is composed of an array of equal side length open-loop resonators; each with different fractal iteration level. More specifically, the modified Minkowski fractal geometry has been adopted to be applied to the conventional openloop rectangular resonator. The resulting filter configuration has an array of different open-loop structures corresponding to various iteration levels. The simulation of the presented filter is performed using the EM Sonnet software package environment. The proposed filter is printed on a substrate of dielectric constant is 10.8 with thickness 1.27 mm. A filter structure with three resonators having different fractal iteration levels offers a triple band frequency response around 3.05 GHz, 2.05 GHz, and 1.68 GHz. Each of the three resonant bands is attributed by a distinct resonator according to the iteration levels. Additional resonant bands can be realized using extra loops with higher iteration levels.

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بحوث التدريسيين لـ هندسة الامن السيبراني

بحوث التدريسيين لـ هندسة الامن السيبراني

م.د عبدالناصر محمد نعيم رمضان (7 بحث)
Improving performance of direction of arrival estimation using sparse arrays in smart antenna system
2019 International Journal of Academic Scientific Research
This paper indicates importance of using sparse arrays (SA) in direction of arrival (DOA) estimation algorithms in smart antenna system (SAS). Analytical study of sparse arrays is introduced, which include coprime array, extended coprime array, nested array, coprime array with compressed interelement spacing (CACIS), and coprime array with displaced subarrays (CADiS).Paper evaluates these sparse arrays using their difference coarray equivalence and derives the analytical expressions of the coarray aperture, the achievable number of unique lags, the maximum number of consecutive lags and degree of freedom (DOF). Compared to uniform arrays with ( ) sensors, sparse arrays increase the degree of the freedom from ( )to ( ). For comparison of performance of these sparse arrays, numerical example is introduced, where the results indicate that nested array structure provides coarray with unique lags (that are all consecutive), which are larger than that of prototype and extended coprime. Results also indicate that the CACIS structure yields flexibility in trade-off between unique lags and consecutive lags, whereas the CADiS structure allows the minimum interelement spacing to be much larger than the typical half-wavelength requirement, but at the expense of a decrease in consecutive lags. Furthermore, the nested CADiS slightly outperform the nested CACIS due to the higher number of consecutive lags achieved. We propose the scheme for DOA estimation using suitable sparse arrays with SS-MUSIC or LASSO algorithms. According to results, we can choose suitable sparse array and DOA estimation algorithm in SAS depending to the radio situation and the purpose of this SAS. All mentioned arrays and algorithms are simulated using MATLAB. Results of simulations support the theoretical expressions.
Comparative Analytical Study of Adaptive Beamforming Algorithms in Smart Antenna Systems
2021 R. J. of Aleppo Univ. Electromechanical and Informatics Science Series

This paper is presented for performance evaluation of different adaptive beamforming algorithms in smart antenna system (SAS). These algorithms can be divided into Blind، Non-Blind and Constrained Minimum Variance Algorithms. This work introduces analytical detailed study of adaptive beamforming algorithms، which are classified Least- Mean Squares (LMS)، Normalized LMS (NLMS)، Variable Step Size LMS (VSSLMS)، Recursive Least-Squares (RLS) and Conjugate Gradient Method (CGM) as Non-blind algorithms. Blind algorithms are classified Constant Modulus Algorithms (CMA) and Recursive Least-Squares Constant Modulus Algorithm (RLSCMA). In addition to Constrained Adaptive Algorithms or Constrained Minimum Variance Algorithms، which are classified Linearly Constrained Minimum Variance (LCMV)، Multiple Constrained MV (MCMV) and Complementally Transformed Minimum Variance (CTMV). Comparison between these algorithms is performed in terms of the interference rejection capability and number of iterations required to get to the steady state or rate of convergence. Depending on results of comparison، suitable or optimal algorithms are selected in smart antenna system according to radio situation and purpose of this SAS. Results of simulations in MATLAB are presented for performance illustrations.

Analytical Study of Direction of Arrival Estimation Algorithms of Incoherent Signals in Smart Antenna System
2018 R. J. of Aleppo Univ. Engineering Science Series (2)

This paper indicates importance of algorithms of estimation direction of arrival (DOA) of incoherent signals in smart antenna system (SAS). DOA algorithms can be divided into three basic categories, namely, conventional (classical), subspaces methods, and parametric methods like maximum likelihood (ML) techniques. The paper introduces, using Uniform Linear Array, brieflly study of conventional methods, which include Delay-and-Sum and Capon's Minimum Variance, and analytical detailed study of subspaces methods, which include MUSIC, Root-MUSIC and ESPRIT. This paper compares between subspaces algorithms and determines advantages and disadvantages in terms of DOA accuracy, resolution and execution time or computation efficiency. Results indicate that subspaces methods outperform conventional methods. In addition, ESPRIT and Root-MUSIC outperform MUSIC according to DOA estimation accuracy and resolution, but MUSIC outperforms Root-MUSIC and ESPRIT when DOAs are placed on grid of angular scanning. MUSIC scans all the angles and step of angular scanning in MUSIC decides the estimation accuracy and resolution. A small step of scanning can improve the accuracy and resolution ability, but increase execution time. As well as, ESPRIT is the best due to estimation execution time. Depending on results of comparison, we can choose which of these algorithms (suitable or optimal algorithm) in smart antenna system according to radio situation and purpose of this SAS. All mentioned algorithms are simulated using MATLAB. Results of simulations support the theoretical expressions.

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