Department of civil engineering

قسم الهندسة المدنية

Department of civil engineering

  • 28
  • 220
  • 5
  • 60
  • 63.5
    معدل الحدود الدنيا للقبول صباحي
  • 3,500,000
    القسط السنوي صباحي
  • 61.5
    معدل الحدود الدنيا للقبول مسائي
  • 3,500,000
    القسط السنوي مسائي
  • تطبيقي + علمي +الصناعة (البناء . الرسم الهندسي)
    مدخلات القبول
  • The Civil Engineering Department was opened at the University College of Prisoners at the beginning of the academic year (2013-2014). The first meal of students was accepted and included (150) students for morning study and (24) for evening study.

    Currently, the department has 650 students in four stages of study and this year's first meal will graduate with God's permission.

    The department operates a modern building with 9 modular laboratories with modern equipment, one painter and classrooms with a 16 capacity of 60 seats and a modern library in addition to the department's head rooms and teaching.

    The department aims at opening postgraduate studies and an engineering advisory office and conducting cooperation with accredited foreign universities

Vision, mission and goals
  • Department of Civil Engineering Vision: Our vision focuses on preparing graduates according to the highest scientific criteria in order to cope with the fast growth in science and technology. Students are therefore required to enrich their experience to be able to increase their productivity in the labor market. Mission: To rely on quality criteria in applying the scientific programs and choosing the eligible teaching staff that run the Dept. labs according to quality control. It also develops the teaching potentialities through seminars and sessions and invite good foreign universities to participate in joint studies and researches. The Dept. continuously holds continuous teaching sessions to develop the outputs efficiency. Objectives: 1. To upgrade curriculum by concentrating on engineering applications that meet the engineering requirements. 2. To cope with outputs of foreign universities 3. To dedicate integrity and good performance in work 4. To qualify graduates to handle computer programs and IT data base 5. To graduate engineers eligible to apply design, administration and construction in civil engineering projects 6. To organize seminars and conferences aiming at exchanging expertise. 7. To acquaint graduates with the local and international standard specifications 8. To encourage engineers to gain experience, professional talents, innovative thinking and work planning according to the comrnunity ethics 9. To carry out scientific research and postgraduate studies in order to procure creative solutions for the local and regional problems. 10. To establish good relations with local, regional and international companies to reinforce the scientific researchand teaching process.

Faculty Department of civil engineering

Faculty Department of civil engineering

Mr. Dr. Bassam Farman Al-Bassam


PhD in Geological Exploration





دكتوراه/ انشاءات


Mousa Riyadh Abdulmutaleb


master of energy engineering



Rana Mohammed Rasheed


Msc sanitary and environmental

Reem Tariq Saleh


Shahad Alaa Soud


هندسة معماري/ تكنولوجيا العمارة


Ali Sabah Mahdi


Zahraa Ali Abdul Hussien


Constructional Engineering

Ahlam Talib Saleem


Sainitary Engineering

Ali Abdul Razzaq Abbood


Structural Engineering

Dhuha Mohmammed ali salman


building materials

Sarah Khalid Uglah


roads and transportation