Vision, Mission and Goals
Vision, Mission and Goals

Vision, Mission and Goals

  • 14718


We attempt to achieve improvement of the quality of our teaching  outputs in order to attain others’ satisfaction


1.      To commit to reliance standards and generate an expression to reveal our scientific institution ability to improve our outputs within a knowledge  framework that is supported by inputs and outputs of the scientific institution.

2.      To apply the procedural setting of the pedagogical process in accordance with Quality management system that corresponds to ISO 9001 qualification  since this is the basis in achieving the targets that meet the requirements of the labour market.

3.      To make our programs and teaching plans transparent, understandable and trustworthy to counter scientific institutions.

4.      To believe in consolidating the sustainable development in building our pedagogical programs and in achieving the scientific stability.



1.      To consolidate the Quality Management culture in the Scientific Institution

2.      To enhance the team work through the vital participation in the institution pedagogical plans and programs

3.      To achieve the requirements of the labour market

4.      To spur the competition spirit in our scientific outputs alongside with other institutions.

5.      To upgrade the quality of the pedagogical and research process so as to serve the sustainable development of the society and evaluate the work mechanism through revision reports of the higher management.

6.      To obtain our clients’ satisfaction of our outputs and programs

7.      To activate the teaching programs towards instructing and learning.


Vision, Mission and Goals