Harassment and discrimination Policy of Al-Esraa University College
Harassment and discrimination Policy of  Al-Esraa  University College

Harassment and discrimination Policy of Al-Esraa University College

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 Since its inception in 2013, Al-Esraa University College has adopted and implemented a harassment and discrimination policy. Al-Esraa University College is committed to providing a learning, living, and working environment free of illegal discrimination and harassment and to establishing a nurturing and vibrant community based on the inherent dignity and value of each of its members. Each person has the right to work and develop in a professional environment that forbids discrimination and supports equal employment opportunities. All employees, applicants for employment, interns (paid or unpaid), students, contractors, and others with whom the University College does business are protected from banned conduct.

Al-Esraa University College prohibits any unlawful forms of discrimination, harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual exploitation.

The University College strongly urges those who have experienced, witnessed, or become aware of conduct that violates Al-Esraa University College Policies & Procedures to come forward as soon as possible so that the University can take appropriate measures to prevent such conduct from occurring in the future and mitigate its effects. To the degree practicable and permitted by law, the College will respect the privacy of people who come forward.



Prof. Dr. Abdul Razzaq Jabr Al-Majdi

Dean of Al-Esraa University College