Smoking Free Policy of Al-Esraa University College
Al-Esraa University college outlaws smoking and the use of electronic cigarettes ("e-cigarettes") and all vaping equipment in both indoor and outdoor places, including the front and back yards. Also prohibited is smoking outdoors within 6 meters of all University college buildings.
Moreover, smoking and the use of e-cigarettes and all vaping devices are prohibited in the following University College locations: auditoriums, classrooms, conference rooms, meeting rooms, laboratories and storage areas, employee or student lounges, elevators, hallways, stairwells, restrooms, restaurants, cafeterias, and dining facilities.
The University forbids smoking and the use of e-cigarettes and any vaping devices in any area with signage indicating smoking is prohibited, notwithstanding the descriptions of places where smoking is prohibited provided above.
Prof. Dr. Abdul Razzaq Jabr Al-Majdi
Dean of Al-Esraa University College

Maternity and paternity policy of Al-Esraa University College at work
Since its inception in 2013, Al-Esraa University College has adopted and implemented a maternity and paternity leave policy. It includes a one-month maternity break as well as the funding of maternity leave. In this regard, the maternity leave requirements must be met.
According to Al-Esraa University College, maternity protection is a fundamental human right that is essential for enhancing mother and child health and eliminating employment discrimination against women. The objective of maternity protection policy is to enable women to successfully combine their reproductive and productive activities and to promote equitable opportunities and treatment in job and profession without jeopardizing their health or economic security.
Prof. Dr. Abdul Razzaq Jabr Al-Majdi
Dean of Al-Esraa University College

Harassment and discrimination Policy of Al-Esraa University College
Since its inception in 2013, Al-Esraa University College has adopted and implemented a harassment and discrimination policy. Al-Esraa University College is committed to providing a learning, living, and working environment free of illegal discrimination and harassment and to establishing a nurturing and vibrant community based on the inherent dignity and value of each of its members. Each person has the right to work and develop in a professional environment that forbids discrimination and supports equal employment opportunities. All employees, applicants for employment, interns (paid or unpaid), students, contractors, and others with whom the University College does business are protected from banned conduct.
Al-Esraa University College prohibits any unlawful forms of discrimination, harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual exploitation.
The University College strongly urges those who have experienced, witnessed, or become aware of conduct that violates Al-Esraa University College Policies & Procedures to come forward as soon as possible so that the University can take appropriate measures to prevent such conduct from occurring in the future and mitigate its effects. To the degree practicable and permitted by law, the College will respect the privacy of people who come forward.
Prof. Dr. Abdul Razzaq Jabr Al-Majdi
Dean of Al-Esraa University College

Gender Equality and Female Empowerment Policy of Al-Esraa University College
Since its inception in 2013, Al-Esraa University College has adopted and implemented a policy of non-discrimination against women. This policy begins by emphasizing Al-Esraa University College's belief that gender equality and women's empowerment are essential to the realization of human rights and the key to achieving effective and sustainable development outcomes. This policy targets the economic rights of women, including health rights, dignity and safety on the job, and equitable property allocation. In addition, the right to health and the absence of discrimination against women in its access, including the health and rights of women regarding reproduction. The global standards for workplace harassment are implemented in an effort to end workplace violence and harassment. Additionally, gender equality is a goal that benefits all of society.
Prof. Dr. Abdul Razzaq Jabr Al-Majdi
Dean of Al-Esraa University College