To complement the afforestation campaigns of Al-Esraa University
To complement the afforestation campaigns of Al-Esraa University

To complement the afforestation campaigns of Al-Esraa University

As directed by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Incendiary campaigns including
1. To complement our first campaign (where the elderly house land was planted in Al-Salikh where 50% of the house's 2,000 metre garden was planted) with the participation of 67 students over two full days
- Planting the New Testament School Park 
- Afforestation of Rawda Al-Abeer Park  and palm trim and arrangement of all corners

This was done for several days, 2024/3/13_2024/3/20 _2024/3/20.

2. Posting awareness posters and ceremonial work plant a tree in the university center and classrooms

3. Afforestation throughout the University and deployment of a number of natural backs to improve the environment in various pillars of the University