• م.م شهد علاء سعود
  • Shahad Alaa Soud
  • تدريسي : قسم الهندسة المدنية
  • Teaching : Department of civil engineering
  • ماجستير
  • هندسة معماري/ تكنولوجيا العمارة
  • shahad2021@esraa.edu.iq
  • shahad_samrdi1992@yahoo.com
  • Syllabuses

    Syllabuses - 8
    Dep. Step. Sem. code No. Des. Syllabuses
    Department of civil engineering four term 2 2 Computer Application in Civil Engineering
    Department of civil engineering two term 1 2 programming & Applications I
    Department of civil engineering one term 1 3 Engineering Drawing I
    Department of civil engineering one term 1 2 Computer ScienceI
    Department of Construction Engineering and Project Management two term 1 CAD18200 2 رسم باستخدام الحاسوب
    Department of civil engineering one full 4 Computer Science
    Department of civil engineering one full 4 Engineering Drawing
    Department of civil engineering two full 4 Computer programing & Applications


    Lectures - 28
    Sem SYLLABUSES Dep. st. Lectures
    2023-2024 Computer programing & Applications Department of civil engineering two lecture 4
    2023-2024 Computer programing & Applications Department of civil engineering two lecture 3
    2023-2024 Computer programing & Applications Department of civil engineering two lecture 2
    2023-2024 Computer programing & Applications Department of civil engineering two lecture 1
    2022-2023 Computer programing & Applications Department of civil engineering two lecture 2
    2022-2023 Computer programing & Applications Department of civil engineering two lecture 1
    2022-2023 Engineering Drawing I Department of civil engineering one محاضرات الفصل الثاني
    2022-2023 Engineering Drawing I Department of civil engineering one محاضرات الفصل الاول
    2022-2023 رسم باستخدام الحاسوب Department of Construction Engineering and Project Management two lecture 7
    2022-2023 رسم باستخدام الحاسوب Department of Construction Engineering and Project Management two lecture 6
    2022-2023 رسم باستخدام الحاسوب Department of Construction Engineering and Project Management two lecture 5
    2022-2023 رسم باستخدام الحاسوب Department of Construction Engineering and Project Management two lecture 4
    2022-2023 programming & Applications I Department of civil engineering two lecture 5
    2022-2023 programming & Applications I Department of civil engineering two lecture 2
    2022-2023 رسم باستخدام الحاسوب Department of Construction Engineering and Project Management two lecture 3
    2022-2023 رسم باستخدام الحاسوب Department of Construction Engineering and Project Management two lecture 2
    2022-2023 رسم باستخدام الحاسوب Department of Construction Engineering and Project Management two lecture 1
    2022-2023 programming & Applications I Department of civil engineering two lecture 2
    2022-2023 programming & Applications I Department of civil engineering two lecture 1
    2022-2023 programming & Applications I Department of civil engineering two lecture 6
    2022-2023 programming & Applications I Department of civil engineering two lecture 4
    2022-2023 programming & Applications I Department of civil engineering two lecture 3
    2022-2023 programming & Applications I Department of civil engineering two lecture 1
    2022-2023 programming & Applications I Department of civil engineering two lecture 7
    2022-2023 programming & Applications I Department of civil engineering two lecture 6
    2022-2023 programming & Applications I Department of civil engineering two lecture 5
    2022-2023 programming & Applications I Department of civil engineering two lecture 4
    2022-2023 programming & Applications I Department of civil engineering two lecture 3


    title Design Determinants of Discrete Digital Surfaces
    date 2022
    mag. Iraqi Journal of Architecture and Planning
    title The transformation strategy and its role in forming the structure of future architecture
    date 2022
    mag. Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences
    title The Role of Algorithms In Formation Structure of Future Architecture
    date 2023
    mag. Iraqi Journal of Architecture and Planning