• أ.د. بسام فرمان البسام
  • Mr. Dr. Bassam Farman Al-Bassam
  • تدريسي : قسم الهندسة المدنية
  • Teaching : Department of civil engineering
  • دكتوراه استكشاف جيولوجي
  • PhD in Geological Exploration
  • albassam@esraa.edu.iq
  • hasonat@gmail.com
  • Syllabuses

    Syllabuses - 11
    Dep. Step. Sem. code No. Des. Syllabuses
    Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering one full 4 Engineering Geology
    Department of civil engineering two term 2 1 programming & Applications II
    Department of civil engineering one term 1 2 Engineering Geology
    Department of civil engineering one term 1 3 Mathematics I
    Department of Construction Engineering and Project Management one term 1 EGE1811 1 Engineering Geology (1)
    Department of Construction Engineering and Project Management one term 2 EGE1812 1 Engineering Geology (2)
    Department of Construction Engineering and Project Management two term 1 ETL18200 2 اللغة الانكليزية التقنية
    Department of civil engineering one full 2 Engineering Geology
    Department of civil engineering two full 2 Human Rights and Democracy
    Department of civil engineering two full 2 English Language
    Department of civil engineering three full 2 English Language


    Lectures - 11
    Sem SYLLABUSES Dep. st. Lectures
    2022-2023 Engineering Geology Department of civil engineering one الجيولوجيا والجيولوجيا الهندسية
    2022-2023 Engineering Geology Department of civil engineering one التركيب الداخلي للارض
    2022-2023 Engineering Geology Department of civil engineering one المعادن
    2022-2023 Engineering Geology Department of civil engineering one الصخور
    2022-2023 Engineering Geology Department of civil engineering one التجوية والتعرية
    2021-2022 Engineering Geology Department of civil engineering one التجوية والتعرية
    2021-2022 Engineering Geology Department of civil engineering one الصخور 2
    2021-2022 Engineering Geology Department of civil engineering one الصخور 1
    2021-2022 Engineering Geology Department of civil engineering one المعادن
    2021-2022 Engineering Geology Department of civil engineering one التركيب الداخلي للأرض
    2021-2022 Engineering Geology Department of civil engineering one الجيولوجيا والجيولوجيا الهندسية

    Graduation projects

    فاعليه سرعه الاستجابة وعلاقتها بأداء المهارات الاساسيه لحراس المرمى بكرة اليد

    سلطان ظافر جبار

    كلية طب الاسنان