التنمية المستدامة - الطاقة وتغير المناخ
Energy Efficient Appliances Usage

Energy Efficient Appliances Usage

  • 1914

Energy Efficient Appliances Usage
EU, for instance, made extensive use of energy-efficient appliances.
Utilizing energy-efficient appliances can reduce costs, use less energy, ensure energy security, reduce emissions, and create jobs.
 Below is a list of the main energy-efficient devices on our campus:

  1. Due to their impact on energy conservation, air conditioners with inverters have been utilized on our campus in the lecture halls.
  2. Ceiling fans are practical, especially in Iraq's nearly year-round hot and humid climate. Ceiling fans can lessen the need for energy-intensive cooling, even if they cannot replace air conditioning. Invest in them to conserve energy and lower your costs.
  3. Our campus was using LED light bulbs. Compared to other lighting technologies, LED lighting generates more useable lumens and less waste light. According to data currently available, 60% to 70% If LED lights had been employed, the overall energy efficiency may have improved.
  4. Solar-powered outdoor lighting will be installed in future developments.
  5. There are numerous benefits to using thermal insulation in new construction, including: personnel safety, sound control, thermal performance, fire safety, condensation control, and personal comfort.

By paying great attention to energy management, Al- Esraa University hopes to make additional energy savings. By using techniques like insulation, LED lighting, and the implementation of sustainable technologies, all areas of the organization can evaluate their own energy usage and realize their own energy-saving potential.


Carbon reduction target by at least 2050

Carbon reduction target by at least 2050

  • 1515

To reduce carbon emissions, the University has planned many actions and future plans to achieve minimum carbon emissions by 2050.
Firstly would put a solar heater on the shopping center's roof because it would be quite useful in the winter. Additionally, it will use a lot of energy, which will lower your electricity costs.
The strategy outlined in the previous point took a lot of positive steps. First, one of Al-Esraa University's departments, the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Techniques Engineering Department, launched several industrial initiatives. For instance, solar evacuated tube collectors, flat plate solar collectors, and parabolic sun dish collectors can all be used to heat water. A solar trucking system and solar dish collector were recently developed for the purpose of heating water.
Al-Esraa University started putting up PV models over the campus building based only on how much electricity the building used 
Additionally, there is a plan to put solar panels for mobile charging on the green space that our students choose for their social activities like university  day, book day, and women day.
Furthermore we have a contract with a nearby business to produce egg boxes, and the university will supply the business with the paper (exam and test papers) to be turned into egg boxes instead of burning them which is useful to reduce carbon emissions to reach sustainable environment.


Carbon emission in line with the protocol GHG

Carbon emission in line with the protocol GHG

  • 1943

. تسعى جامعتنا للتعامل مع البروتوكولات المتطابقة مع GHG والتي تتعامل معها من خلال جهاز السيطرة والتقييس العراقي /وزارة التخطيط العراقي وهي الجهة المسؤولة التي تشرف وتنظم ذلك فيما يتعلق بأنبعاث الكاربون وتقليلها مرافق الجامعة وخصوصا المختبرات.

تعتبر المختبرات بيئة حيوية للأبحاث والتطوير، ولكنها قد تكون مصدرًا مهمًا لانبعاثات الكربون. لذا، فإن التركيز على تقليل انبعاثات الكربون في المختبرات يعد خطوة هامة في تعزيز الاستدامة البيئية في الجامعة. يمكن تحقيق ذلك من خلال تبني ممارسات فعالة لإدارة الطاقة والموارد، واستخدام تكنولوجيا أكثر كفاءة من حيث استهلاك الطاقة، وتعزيز ثقافة الوعي البيئي بين أفراد المجتمع الجامعي.

Our Purchasing policy in energy

Our Purchasing policy in energy

  • 1770

Purchasing policy: 

Our Purchasing policy in energy:

EU, for instance, had several energy-efficient appliance usages.

Utilizing energy-efficient appliances can reduce costs, use less energy, ensure energy security, reduce emissions, and create jobs by 2025, the EU aims to use only energy-efficient appliance:

  1. Due to their impact on energy conservation, air conditioners with inverters have been utilized on our campus in the lecture halls.
  2. Solar-powered outdoor lighting will be installed in future developments
  3. Our campus was using LED light bulbs. Compared to other lighting technologies, LED lighting generates more useable lumens and less waste light. According to the existing studies, using LED lighting may have resulted in an improvement in overall energy efficiency of 60% to 70%.
  4. Ceiling fans are practical, especially in Iraq's nearly year-round hot and humid climate. Ceiling fans can lessen the need for energy-intensive cooling, even if they cannot replace air conditioning. Invest in them to conserve energy and lower your costs.
  5. There are numerous benefits to using thermal insulation in new construction, including: personnel safety, sound control, thermal performance, fire safety, condensation control, and personal comfort.


Our Purchasing policy in waste:

We have established long-term agreements and contracts with outside businesses engaged in the recycling of several types of waste, including paper and plastic. We are implementing single stream recycling with the help of a local contractor, making it simple for professors and students to figure out what can be recycled furthermore all of our campus' trash bins have four designated barriers, which greatly facilitates recycling. Electronic garbage is disposed of using a special container.

Students led society whose purpose is to engage with sustainability

Students led society whose purpose is to engage with sustainability

  • 1802

اتحاد الطلبة هي جهة رسمية تعمل على تمثيل ودعم مصالح الطلاب فيما يتعلق بالتعليم والمناهج الدراسية والشؤون الأكاديمية والاجتماعية والثقافية  وتعزيز جودة التعليم وتحسين البيئة الأكاديمية من خلال المشاركة في صياغة السياسات والمعايير التعليمية وتوفير المرافق والخدمات الطلابية .

كما يسعى اتحاد الطلبة لحماية حقوق الطلاب والعمل على ضمان المساواة والعدالة والشمول في جامعتنا بالاضافة لتنظيم الأنشطة الطلابية يقوم الاتحاد بتنظيم الأنشطة الثقافية والرياضية والاجتماعية والترفيهية للطلاب، مثل المسابقات والمؤتمرات والحفلات والرحلات وكذلك تنظيم انشطة خاصة بالاستدامة عن طريق ممثلي الاقسام اللذين يتم اختيارهم بتصويت الطلبة لمشاركة اوسع من مختلف كليات جامعة الاسراء, لدى الجامعة العديد من النشاطات البيئية المساهمة في الاستدامة مثل حملات زراعة الاشجار وتأهيل المدارس وحملات تطوعية لمساعدة الفقراء جميع هذه الانشطة يشرف عليها عدد من الطلاب المسؤولين على اتحاد الطلبة وضمان مشاركة كافة الطلاب من اناث وذكور كذلك تنظيم حملات لرفع الوعي من خلال مشاركة الطالبات بالتنسيق مع وحدة تمكين المرأة في مهرجانات وحملات توعية لرفع الوعي ضد العديد منت القضايا الخاصة بالنساء .

عدة روابط خاصة لاحدث مشاركات الطلاب في الحملات المختلفة :

·         مشاركة طلاب كلية القانون بزراعة 50 شجرة


·         مشاركة طلاب قسم المحاسبة - زرع الحدائق وطلاء الطرقات


·         مشاركة طلاب جامعة الاسراء في حفل يوم المرأة العالمي


·         زيارة ميدانية الى مستشفى الاورام من قبل طلاب كلية التمريض


·         زيارة طلبة كلية القانون لمؤسسة جنة الايمان لرعاية الايتام ودعم العوائل المتعففة





Climate change activities

Climate change activities

  • 2293

Climate change activities


    Climate change is one of the most significant issues affecting our environment, and because it lowers individual productivity, it poses a risk to the nation's economy. Therefore, if there is no significant response to climate change, Therefore, this problem inspires the academic staff at (EU) to offer solutions.

Additionally, several renewable energy sources that aid in reducing climate change have been employed for lighting and water heating, which lessens the burden on the power grid that is constructed on traditional energy sources and also lessens pollution from gas combustion It.

It is important to note that (EU) is working to replace an outdated air conditioning split unit with an environmentally friendly air conditioning split.

The Energy Research Lab, which contains several renewable energy sources, was created within EU This lab includes a Smart Solar Building, also known as the "Smart Internet Lab," where experiments can be carried out. Solar energy research, in particular, requires a lot of time due to Iraq's hot summer temperature. Additionally, numerous green gardens were as a result of their significant contribution to minimizing carbon dioxide emission and reducing pollution. Additionally, Al-Esraa University  Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Department organizes awareness campaigns on the impact of plastic waste on the environment. Al-Esraa University is one of the first institutions of higher learning in Iraq to take steps to lessen greenhouse gas emissions and global warming, both of which have an impact on the climate. Al-Esraa University does this by reducing the demand for electricity and other sources of carbon dioxide emissions.

The first of a two-steps  to switch the university's energy sources from fossil fuel to renewable energy.

Al-Esraa University started putting up PV models over the campus building based only on how much electricity the building used

By 2030, a connection between the university's local electrical grid and the National Grid will enable the university to export the surplus electricity generated by the PV models, lowering Iraq's CO2 emissions.

Energy Concervation and Climate change policy

Energy Concervation and Climate change policy

  • 1782

سياسة التغيير المناخي :

تسعى جامعتنا الى التقليل من انبعاث الملوثات الغازية والحرارية وكذلك الملوثات الصلبة التي تحتوي على مواد كاربونية من خلال تعزيز المرشحات (filters) الهوائية للغازات والعناية بتداول النفايات الصلبة الناتجة عن فعاليات وانشطة المختبرات وخصوصا المجموعة الطبية وبذلك تم وضع سياسة ملائمة تتلائم مع التغييرات المناخية المؤثرة في بلادنا .

- الهدف

1. وضع خطط لإدماج دورات في إدارة الطاقة وتحويلها في المؤسسات التعليمية والكليات والمناهج الدراسية للمجالس.

2. الاستفادة من الآلات والإجراءات والأنظمة والأدوات الموفرة للطاقة، مثل تكييف الهواء الذي يعمل بالطاقة الشمسية، وإضاءة LED، والطاقة المتجددة.

3. تخطيط دورات تدريبية للموظفين الأكاديميين والمهنيين في مجالي الطاقة وتصميم المباني لتحسين استخدام الطاقة المستدامة في المباني.

4. دعم التطورات العلمية التي تتعلق بالمباني والطاقة.

5. الاستعانة بالخبراء الاستشاريين للمساعدة في تصميم المباني المستدامة

6. تعزيز التمويل المبتكر للمشاريع المتصلة باستخدام الطاقة والانتقال إليها وكفاءتها

- السياسة العامة

1. التحضير لإدراج مناهج دراسية للمؤسسات التعليمية والكليات والمجالس مع دورات في إدارة الطاقة وتحويلها.

2. إنشاء برامج تدريبية للموظفين الأكاديميين والخبراء في مجال الطاقة وتصميم المباني لتعزيز استخدام الطاقة المستدامة في المباني.

3. تشجيع التطورات العلمية في مجالي الهندسة المعمارية والطاقة.

4. توظيف أخصائيين للمساعدة في إنشاء هياكل مستدامة

5. تشجيع التمويل المبتكر للمبادرات بما في ذلك استهلاك الطاقة والانتقال والكفاءة

6. استخدام الأدوات والمعدات الموفرة للطاقة، مثل تكييف الهواء الذي يعمل بالطاقة الشمسية، وإضاءة LED، والطاقة المتجددة.


Renewable energy sources

Renewable energy sources

  • 1668

Renewable energy sources in campus:
Investing sustainable policy in renewable energy is a way to achieve sustainable development, since  at Al-Esraa University , solar panels are used to generate electricity to provide buildings with heating, cooling and water heating.
The following strategies, which are summarized below, were part of our plan to lower energy consumption
1. Work on the 44kw solar-powered smart solar building is progressing and will soon include electricity for lighting,
2. Al-Esraa University will add a solar heater to the shopping center's roof since it will be very useful in the winter. Additionally, it will use a lot of energy, which will lower your electricity costs.
3. The above-mentioned plan took a lot of positive measures. First, one of Al-Esraa University, the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Techniques Engineering Department, launched several industrial initiatives. For instance, solar evacuated tube collectors, flat plate solar collectors, and parabolic sun dish collectors can all be used to heat water. A solar trucking system and solar dish collector were recently developed for the purpose of heating water.
4. The beautiful buildings will soon have solar panels put on their roofs, there is also a plan to add solar panels to the main restaurant. This improves the building's appearance and increases its functionality, in addition to lowering the amount of energy we use later.
5. Nevertheless, as shown in the  Figure, we installed solar panels on the roofs of the university buildings. 
Furthermore, cleaning of these solar panels was taken into account. In addition, numerous jobs had been made available as a result of the installation of research studies on solar energy for lighting, we have mounted solar panels on our University's main entrance.  


Environmental sustainability

Environmental sustainability

  • 1835

Environmental sustainability:

Policy Description:

Al-Esraa University proposal on energy and climate change was made in response to SDG 17 of the United Nations for 2030. Different policies have been implemented at our University including policies on using renewable energy sources, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and reducing energy use.

Numerous other plans, such as increasing the number of energy-efficient appliances, cleaner fossil fuels, sustainable green buildings, and investments in renewable energy, have also been thought of as being useful in reducing energy usage.

Al-Esraa University established a sustainable development unit inside our university to follow the regulations for energy saving in designated buildings, promote energy conservation and the use of energy substitutes within university. This was done in response to energy conservation and climate change.


1. Making use of energy-efficient machinery, procedures, systems, and gadgets, such as solar-powered air conditioning, LED lighting, and renewable energy

2. The planning of training sessions for academic staff members and professionals in the fields of energy and building design to improve the use of sustainable energy in buildings.

3. Supporting advancements in science that pertain to buildings and energy. Use experts to aid in the design of sustainable buildings

4. Fostering creative funding for projects related to energy use, transition, and efficiency

5. Making plans for incorporating courses in energy management and conversion in educational institutions, colleges and universities, and boards' curricula.


1. The following policy The new buildings are planned, built, and used while taking into account the zoning code laws, ADA guidelines, fire code regulations, and applicable building and fire code regulations  controls all building-related activities at Al-Esraa University.

2. By  2030, (EU) will have cut its annual carbon dioxide emissions by 50 million kg.

3. By 2030, the EU will use 70% renewable energy.

4. Fostering a culture of energy management and conservation among faculty and staff, with a focus on sustainability and climate change.

5. All campus space is controlled and refurbished in accordance with the rules and regulations established by the relevant campus committees, such as the University Space Committee, Campus Planning Committee, and University Safety Committee.