Community Service
The initiative of the Honorable President of the University to accept the outstanding student Saif Al-Din Battah to study for free in one of the university’s colleges

The initiative of the Honorable President of the University to accept the outstanding student Saif Al-Din Battah to study for free in one of the university’s colleges

Professor Dr. Abdul Razzaq Jabr Al-Majidi, President of Al-Isra University, announces his readiness to sponsor the admission of the outstanding student, Saif Al-Din Battah, from the people of Dhi Qar Governorate, to Al-Esraa University, and to exempt him from all financial expenses and bear them at his own expense if he wishes to study in the College of Dentistry, the College of Pharmacy, or any other university. Another section commensurate with his average as an encouragement to this wonderful student who endured the pain of illness and overcame it with his will and excellence

Free summer training program for Iraqi university students

Free summer training program for Iraqi university students

Under the patronage of the President of Al-Esraa University, Professor Dr. Abdul Razzaq Jabr Al-Majidi, the free summer training program for Iraqi university students was hosted, which was held by the Aswar Foundation for Training and Development. The topic of the workshop for today, Saturday, 8/5/2023, was about e-mail and how to write an official professional e-mail to correspond with companies.

Promote discount transactions

Promote discount transactions

Due to the desire of our dear students to provide the largest period of time to promote the discount transactions, the presidency of Al-Esraa University has determined the period from 7/1/2023 until 9/15/2023 of the year 2023 to promote the discount transactions with the payment of the first installment of tuition fees. The discount includes students who received the discount. In previous years, their reduction was for all years, and no transaction is promoted for reduction after this date

صدور كتاب شكر وتقدير من قبل معالي وزير التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي الدكتور نعيم العبودي لكافة كوادر وزارة التعليم العالي والجامعات اوالكليات الحكومية والاهلية ومن ضمنها (جامعة  الاسراء )بإدارتها العليا وهيئاتها التدريسية وموظفيها تثميناً لهم على تلبية الاهداف الجامعية والتنموية ومواكبة الجودة ومتطلبات الاعتماد المؤسسي والبرامجي