An awareness seminar for our dear students on the topic of extremism and terrorism

An awareness seminar for our dear students on the topic of extremism and terrorism

  • 109
Inspection visit

Inspection visit

  • 120
important clarification

important clarification

  • 110


  • 123
Science Day

Science Day

  • 138
بمناسبة يوم العلم شارك كل من الأستاذ الدكتورة نضال حسين غايب معاون عميد كلية طب الاسنان و الاستاذ الدكتورة لمياء حامد النقيب مدير شعبة ضمان الجودة في كلية طب الاسنان عن جامعة الاسراء في الاحتفالية التي اقامتها جامعة بغداد / قاعة الشهيد الحكيم
An orientation and welcome session for first-year students - College of Nursing

An orientation and welcome session for first-year students - College of Nursing

  • 163
Publishing a scientific research by Dr. Marwa Hussein Mohammad

Publishing a scientific research by Dr. Marwa Hussein Mohammad

  • 145
The Sixth Conference on Engineering Research and Postgraduate Studies

The Sixth Conference on Engineering Research and Postgraduate Studies

  • 169
Drugs, their effects, and ways to combat them in the university environment

Drugs, their effects, and ways to combat them in the university environment

  • 121
The opening of the clean and renewable energy center

The opening of the clean and renewable energy center

  • 70