A memorandum of scientific understanding between the University of Baghdad and Al-Esraa University College

A memorandum of scientific understanding between the University of Baghdad and Al-Esraa University College

The two parties agreed to continue meetings and exchange visits in order to enhance cooperation and the relationship between the two colleges
Signing a memorandum of understanding and a twinning agreement between Al-Esraa University College and the College of Health and Medical Technologies / Middle Technical Universityy

Signing a memorandum of understanding and a twinning agreement between Al-Esraa University College and the College of Health and Medical Technologies / Middle Technical Universityy

The agreement included many items that would scientific development by benefiting from the expertise and scientific capabilities of both parties to serve the scientific process of our beloved country.
An art exhibition supporting youth energies and arts

An art exhibition supporting youth energies and arts

The Department of Medical Equipment Technologies Engineering always seeks to support its students in various fields and create an atmosphere of love and harmony
Issuance of a literary novel for the teaching professor, Dr. Saad Qassem Al-Asadi, in the Department of English Language

Issuance of a literary novel for the teaching professor, Dr. Saad Qassem Al-Asadi, in the Department of English Language

   Al- Esraa University College entered  into new international ranking

Al- Esraa University College entered into new international ranking

Al- Esraa University College entered into new international ranking
Continuous Education Committee In Progress

Continuous Education Committee In Progress

Under the patronage of Dean, Dr. Abdul Razzaq Al Majidi, the Continuous Education Committee in the Dentistry Dept. hosted Dr. Kaiser Khalil Ureibi to hold a seminar entitled (Facial Feminization Protocol). The seminar which was held Saturday 19th March at the Conference Hall was recognized for the good participation of students, teaching staffers and public.