Discussing graduation research for College of Nursing students 2024-04-29 426 Graduation research on the causes of suicide among university students[ The social perception of phenomenona of suicide among unvirrstiy of baghdad More
Seminar entitled (The role of women in the economic development process) 2024-04-28 1281 Seminar entitled (The role of women in the economic development process) More
Participation of the Rector Prof. Dr.ِabdul Razzak Jabr Al-Majdi at a meeting on community education chaired by His Excellency Minister of Education 2024-04-28 1392 Participation of the Rector Prof. Dr.ِabdul Razzak Jabr Al-Majdi at a meeting on community education chaired by His Excellency Minister of Education More
Exhibition of Phase II students' conclusions for a sustainable inclusive design project 2024-04-28 181 Exhibition of Phase II students' conclusions for a sustainable inclusive design project More
The role of the media in combating violent extremism that leads to terrorism 2024-04-28 335 The role of the media in combating violent extremism that leads to terrorism More
College of Dentistry Festival entitled (Al-Esraa, Source of Creativity) 2024-04-27 387 College of Dentistry Festival entitled (Al-Esraa, Source of Creativity) More