International Labor Day

International Labor Day

  • 1318
International Labor Day
Women's role in socialization

Women's role in socialization

  • 747
Women's role in socialization
Discussing College of Pharmacy research

Discussing College of Pharmacy research

  • 427
Discussing College of Pharmacy research
Discussing graduation research for College of Nursing students

Discussing graduation research for College of Nursing students

  • 426
Graduation research on the causes of suicide among university students
[ The social  perception  of phenomenona of suicide  among unvirrstiy of baghdad
Seminar entitled (The role of women in the economic development process)

Seminar entitled (The role of women in the economic development process)

  • 1281
Seminar entitled (The role of women in the economic development process)
Participation of the Rector Prof. Dr.ِabdul Razzak Jabr Al-Majdi at a meeting on community education chaired by His Excellency  Minister of Education

Participation of the Rector Prof. Dr.ِabdul Razzak Jabr Al-Majdi at a meeting on community education chaired by His Excellency Minister of Education

  • 1392
Participation of the Rector Prof. Dr.ِabdul Razzak Jabr Al-Majdi at a meeting on community education chaired by His Excellency  Minister of Education
Exhibition of Phase II students' conclusions for a sustainable inclusive design project

Exhibition of Phase II students' conclusions for a sustainable inclusive design project

  • 181
Exhibition of Phase II students' conclusions for a sustainable inclusive design project
The role of the media in combating violent extremism that leads to terrorism

The role of the media in combating violent extremism that leads to terrorism

  • 335
The role of the media in combating violent extremism that leads to terrorism
College of Dentistry Festival entitled (Al-Esraa, Source of Creativity)

College of Dentistry Festival entitled (Al-Esraa, Source of Creativity)

  • 387
College of Dentistry Festival entitled (Al-Esraa, Source of Creativity)
Discussion of Nursing College Students

Discussion of Nursing College Students

  • 447
Discussion of Nursing College Students