Publication of seven scientific research for teaching Ali Majeed Ahmed
Publication of seven scientific research for teaching Ali Majeed Ahmed

Publication of seven scientific research for teaching Ali Majeed Ahmed

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نشرالتدريسي في قسم هندسة تقنيات الأجهزة الطبية م. علي مجيد احمد سبعة بحوث علمية في مجلات ذات تصنيف عالي ضمن مستوعبات سكوبس وكلارفيت خلال العام الدراسي 2021-2022 في مجالات الفيزياء وعلوم النانو تكنولوجي و الهندسة. 
1. Thermal Analysis of Graphene-Based Nanofluids for Energy System and Economic Feasibility.
2. Assessment of urban green space dynamics influencing the surface urban heat stress using advanced geospatial techniques.
3. The Debye Method is Used to Create 3D Structure Models of Electroactively Transformed Microcrystalline Cellulose.
4. The Study of the Physical and Chemical Properties of Biopolymer Gel as a Drying Object.
5. Thermal and Hydraulic Performances of Carbon and Metallic Oxides-Based Nanomaterials.
6. The impact of subband pause noise on the sensitivity of detection methods.
7. Estimate the value of CdTe thermal evaporation activation energy.
Publication of seven scientific research for teaching Ali Majeed Ahmed