Address of Dr. Abdul Razzaq Al Majidi, Dean, on the start of the new academic year, 2022 - 2023
Address of Dr. Abdul Razzaq Al Majidi, Dean, on the start of the new academic year, 2022 - 2023

Address of Dr. Abdul Razzaq Al Majidi, Dean, on the start of the new academic year, 2022 - 2023

In the name of God, most merciful most compassionate

While we are about to start a new academic year, we are filled with hope, happiness and joy. All are prepared for the new beginning 
and the new dream that will be accomplished by means of the collective efforts and copperation. 
We, on this nice occasion, announce to you that Al Esraa University College has completed all scientific and administrative preparations as well as the necessary infrastructure represented by class rooms, labs, workshops and factories which are furnished with the most up-to-date lab tools and devices. Meanwhile, the fourth building, comprising 20 classes and 20 offices, becomes active now.
All teachers offices are provided with comfy furniture and best technology. 
Also, the Students Club which consists of two large floors, was inaugurated to give service to our students. 
Finally we kindly request all heads of the departments, teachers, admin personnel and tech people to be one team to make this year scientifically productive and progressive. 
We also hope to see our students exert considerab efforts and get committed to attendance and communicate with teachers who will act to facilitate difficulties for them. We are certain that we can all be accountable to make this year quite distinct in scientific product. 
May God speed your efforts. 

Dr. Abdul Razzaq Al Majidi, Dean 

Address of Dr. Abdul Razzaq Al Majidi, Dean, on the start of the new academic year, 2022 - 2023