The Black Prince, a new novel by Dr. Saad Al Hasani of Al Esraa University College
The Black Prince, a new novel by Dr. Saad Al Hasani of Al Esraa University College

The Black Prince, a new novel by Dr. Saad Al Hasani of Al Esraa University College

Al Mamoun House for Translation and Publishing, affiliate of the Culture Ministry, has today issued the Arabic rendering of the novel (The Black Prince) by Iris Mardoch and translated by Dr. Saad Al Hasani, Head of the English Department at the college. 

The significance of the novel which comes out in 419 pages lies in its being the foundation of a strictly defined British school of writing that is different from the other European artistic schools. 
Now 20 years after the death of this writer, her works still enjoy us. They starkly present humanly touchy topics. 
This novel by Iris Mardoch who won the Poker Book Award,  was greatly attended by grand translator Saad Al Hasani who is known for his eligible talent. He spared every effort to safely render this work to the Arab reader. It is not a mere literary and philosophical story, it is also in-depth psychological analysis that affects the characters who are interactive through dramatic escalation. Certainly, it is very interesting story so critics are rather lost as to consider it a detective story, or a psycho-analytical novel. The same happens with James Joyce, Virginia Woolf or even D. H. Lawrence.

The Black Prince, a new novel by Dr. Saad Al Hasani of Al Esraa University College