Memorandum of Understanding and twinning agreement
Memorandum of Understanding and twinning agreement

Memorandum of Understanding and twinning agreement

Based on the directives of the Dean of Al-Esraa University College, Prof. Dr. Abdul Razzaq Jabr Al-Majidi, a memorandum of understanding and a twinning agreement was signed between Al-Esraa University College and the College of Electrical Engineering Technology / Middle Technical University and based on the principle of joint scientific cooperation and openness to various fields and modern specializations in the field of medical device technologies. On behalf of the first party, the assistant professor, Dr. Muhammad Qasim Muhammad, head of the Department of Engineering of Medical Devices Technologies, and on the second party, Prof. Dr. Adel Ahmed Obaid, Dean of the College of Electrical Engineering Technology, and in the presence of the head of the Department of Medical Devices, Professor Dr. Sadiq Kamel at the College of Electrical Engineering Technology, where the agreement included many of the clauses of It is concerned with scientific development by benefiting from the expertise and scientific capabilities of both parties. In addition, Al-Esraa University College was invited by an official letter to participate in the above-mentioned college conference in the disciplines of electrical engineering and medical devices, and the invitation was directed by