
تقييم تقنية قياس مستوى السكر في لعاب مرضى السكري بالمقارنة مع مستوى السكر في مصل الدم.
يستخدم اللعاب في تحاليل تشخيصية كثيرة لانه يعد ملائما لهذه الاغراض المهمة. في هذه الدراسة تم اختيار عينة مرضى من 200 مريض واصحاء كسيطرة وقد قسمت على 3 مجاميع المجموعة الاولى تكونت من مريضي سكري لديهم مستويات عالية من السكري )مستوى السكر غير مسيطر عليه( والمجموعة الثانية تكونت من مريضي سكري متوسط اي مسيطر عليه اما المجموعة الثالثة فتكونت من اصحاء ليس لديهم داء السكري
تم اخذ عينات دم ولعاب من جميع العينة وقورن مستوى السكر في واللعاب حيث ظهر تطابق ممتاز في مستوى السطر في اللعاب والدم مما يدل على امكانية اللجوء الى اللعاب لتقييم و تشخيص مرض السكري في عيادات الاسنان كوسيلة بسيطة وعملية وننح بتعميمها وتوسيع استخدامها على نطاق واسع

Background. In Iraq , around 1.2 million cases of diabetes are reported in 2015.
Currently, diagnosis of diabetes is achieved by evaluating plasma glucose levels.
Screening for diabetes in developing countries , however , is not easy because of limited resources, blood tests may be difficult to be performed . Relying on the less expensive tests available to predict high risk subjects for the development of diabetes is favored . Saliva offers some distinctive advantages as whole saliva can be collected non-invasively and by individuals with limited training. The present study estimated and correlated the plasma and salivary glucose levels in type 2 diabetic and non diabetic subjects aiming at validating saliva samples as routine method in dental chair side testing setup.
Method. The study population consisted of 200 subjects scattered on three groups: Group 1 consisted of diabetics with blood glucose level ( BGL) >200mg/dl and group 2 consisted of diabetics with BGL 130-200mg/dl based on their random plasma glucose levels. Group 3 consisted of healthy population as controls with BGL <130 mg/dl. Two ml of peripheral blood was collected for the estimation of random plasma glucose levels and unstimulated saliva was also collected for the estimation of salivary glucose levels.
Results. The salivary glucose levels were significantly higher in group 1 and group 2 diabetics when compared with controls. The salivary glucose levels show a significant correlation with plasma glucose levels between study populations, suggesting that salivary glucose levels can be used as a monitoring tool for predicting glucose level in diabetic patients.
Conclusion. The present study found that estimation of salivary glucose levels can be used as a noninvasive, painless technique for the measurement of diabetic status of a patient in a dental and primary health set up.
Key words : Diabetes mellitus , Plasma Glucose Levels , Saliva Glucose Levels , Enzymatic glucose oxidase peroxidase colorimetric Assay.