هندسة تقنيات الامن السيبراني
Cyber Security Engineering Technique
Faculty -
Students -
research -
معدل الحدود الدنيا للقبول صباحي -
القسط السنوي صباحي -
معدل الحدود الدنيا للقبول مسائي -
القسط السنوي مسائي -
احيائي - تطبيقي - علمي - صناعة (الكترونيك وسيطرة الكترون - الحاسبات - شبكات الحاسوب ) الحاسوب وتقنية المعلومات (تجميع وصيانة الحاسوب - شبكات الحاسوب - الحاسوب والهاتف المحمول)
مدخلات القبول
The department should be an innovative, pioneering and effective department within the departments of colleges in the region and the world in fields in the field of cybersecurity technology engineering and contribute to the development of the local Islamic community by providing it with distinguished cadres to support scientific and technical support in the field of cybersecurity apart from the quality in the infrastructure of the information technology departments at various stages. The upcoming period is as it works to organize development donor systems and laws, add work on data center systems and networks, and companies’ desire to understand applicants’ cyberspace, and create people who control their networks.
the message:
Preparing competent technical engineers in the field of technical, organizational and administrative means to protect computers, networks and data, including electronic endeavors to motivate distinguished scientific students to link the theoretical basis and the applied side of the programs to be consistent with the universality adopted for the specialization, and in doing so to meet the needs of the governmental and mixed labor market for control. In addition to building and developing cooperation relationships with all engineering and local technical components.
Objectives :
1. Preparing engineering cadres with a high level of knowledge, academic and technical preparation, mixed between engineering perceptions, technical creativity, and scientific skill, and the presence of implementation in the field of engineering cyber security technologies.
2. Preparing engineering cadres to be responsible for building and protecting technological information systems for institutions to prevent data penetration, secure monitoring of addressees, viruses, and other potential problems, and supervising and building confidential data for networks of various types and available systems. And follow up on the problems of the nervous intelligence systems of networks and protection devices and provide guidance and solutions to ethnic diversity.
3. Preparing new cadres who possess the scientific and technical skill who were able to innovate and deal with operations, new security police examination tools to identify different cases, follow up on failures to reach security correction, mitigate security failures, and provide assistance in documentation and successful solutions to disasters.
4. Preparing technical cadres who possess the comprehensive and scientific skill that enables them to analyze data records and review data for risks in the event that they shed light on the parts of the system that have been hacked and where the risk is. And hacking data and systems to review potential vulnerable people to ensure the safety of the systems.
5. Permanent development of study programs through cooperation with Arab and international academic institutions for the requirements of Iraqi and local cybersecurity and national security programs, labor market needs, and improving the work environment for primary school lessons using the latest educational methods.
6. Qualifying faculty members in scientific bodies, technicians, and administrators in the department through participation in seminars, conferences, and workshops designated by the department or the center’s departments in international universities.
7. Cooperating with the follow-up of the department’s graduate work and continuous evaluation of those who are the least and least likely to appear in community service after determining the success strategy and future vision for inventing the Community Participation Department.
8. Providing technical and academic consultations in the field of cyber policing to governmental and academic institutions
9. We rely in an effective scientific manner on modern technical capabilities in new work and studies and preparing educational supplies to suit the quality standards of the Ministry of Comprehensive Education and the scientific knowledge of society through graduates who already possess the knowledge that qualifies them to excel in their field of work and who are able to adapt to different work and keep up with the ability of the contestants in the field. Specialization while respecting professional ethics.
Faculty Cyber Security Engineering Technique