• م.م هيثم بشار قاسم
  • M. M. Haitham Bashar Qassem
  • تدريسي : قسم المحاسبة
  • Teaching : Department of Accounting
  • ماجستير علوم الحاسوب
  • Master in computer science
  • haitham@esraa.edu.iq
  • haitham@esraa.edu.iq
  • المقررات المكلف بها

    المقررات المكلف بها

    المقررات المكلف بها - 3
    القسم المرحلة الفصل رمز المقرر الوحدات توصيف المقرر
    قسم المحاسبة المرحلة الاولى فصل اول CSK0711 3 حاسوب(1)
    قسم المحاسبة المرحلة الثانية فصل اول AAC0720 3 تطبيقات محاسبية بالحاسوب
    قسم المحاسبة المرحلة الاولى فصل ثاني CSK0712 0 حاسوب (2)


    2023 Journal of Communicable Diseases

    Introduction: Toxoplasmosis is one of the most common parasitic zoonoses around the world. It is caused by Toxoplasma gondii. This study aimed to detect the prevalence of toxoplasma in women in Baghdad province. Method: One hundred and five blood samples were taken from women who had abortions or were at risk of abortion and were admitted to the clinic in the province of Baghdad during the period of 2021-2022. In accordance with the protocol, the blood samples were examined for T. gondii IgM and IgG using the ELISA method (Biotech, USA), with the latex agglutination test (LAT) serving as a screening test. Using sterile, disposable hypodermic traveler needles and tubes, patients’ arms were used to collect around 3 ccs of venous blood samples. The serum was obtained by centrifuging obtained venous blood at 14,000 rpm for 20 minutes; it was then stored at 80 °C. All the necessary variables for analysis were included in the questionnaire that was created for data collection. Results: The seropositivity of women who had undergone an abortion caused by T. gondii was 44.8% when using LAT, as opposed to 6.7% and 24.8% when using ELISA to detect T. gondii IgM and IgG, respectively. The proportion of patients who had previously had two abortions was significantly higher (55.3%). In contrast, only 31 out of 47 individuals (66%) tested positive during the winter-spring season, compared to 16 (34%) during the summer-autumn period. Conclusion: The percentage of toxoplasmosis in Baghdad among women who had undergone two abortions was significantly high, and the infections occurred mostly during the winter-spring season. © 2023 Indian Society for Malaria and Communicable Diseases. All rights reserved.


    2022 Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing