• م.د صديقة كاطع منهوب
  • M.D. Siddiqa Kati Manhoub
  • مستقيل : كلية طب الاسنان
  • retired : College of Dentistry
  • دكتوراه علوم الحياة
  • PhD in life sciences
  • sadika@esraa.edu.iq
  • sadika.almaliky@yahoo.com
  • المحاضرات الالكترونية

    المحاضرات الالكترونية

    المحاضرات الالكترونية - 11
    العام المقرر القسم المرحلة المحاضرة
    2021-2022 Medical Biology كلية طب الاسنان المرحلة الاولى BONE ,
    2021-2022 Medical Biology كلية طب الاسنان المرحلة الاولى .connective Tissue cartilage
    2021-2022 Medical Biology كلية طب الاسنان المرحلة الاولى .connective tissue
    2021-2022 Medical Biology كلية طب الاسنان المرحلة الاولى Stratified Epithelial . ,
    2021-2022 Medical Biology كلية طب الاسنان المرحلة الاولى Simple Epithelial tissue .
    2021-2022 Medical Biology كلية طب الاسنان المرحلة الاولى cellular respiration
    2021-2022 Medical Biology كلية طب الاسنان المرحلة الاولى cellular interaction
    2021-2022 Medical Biology كلية طب الاسنان المرحلة الاولى Cell cycle
    2021-2022 Medical Biology كلية طب الاسنان المرحلة الاولى Active & passive transport
    2021-2022 Medical Biology كلية طب الاسنان المرحلة الاولى lecture 2 cell structure
    2021-2022 Medical Biology كلية طب الاسنان المرحلة الاولى lecture 1 cell structre


    1982 Sterile insect technique and radiation in insect control

    1983 Date Palm Journal
    [en] The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of dates treated with different doses of gamma radiation and fed as a whole diet on the biology of ephestia cautella to provide more information on the safety of irradiated dates with low doses for the purpose of insect disinfestation as well as for dibis production in the future by using high doses of gamma radiation. The following results could concluded when the data were statistically analysed. 1. When rearing 200 E. cautella eggs for 30 days on date fruits (both Zahdi and Sayer varieties separately) irradiated with either 625, 1250, 2500 or 5000 krad of gamma radiation the average numbers of larvae and pupae developed were not different from the control. 2. No significant effect could be detected on the percentage of emerged adults or their sex-ratio when developed during 60 days of incubating the eggs or irradiated dates of both varieties. 3. Although the average percentage of malformed moths showed somewhat consistent increase as the radiation dose increased, these differences were not statistically significant. 4. The average number of eggs per female and the average percentage of eggs hatched were similar in different crosses of either adults developed on irradiated or unirradiated dates, or between them and adults of the control. 5. Rearing insects on irradiated date fruits with such doses of gamma radiation has no significant effect on the fertility of their F1 progeny. 6. These extremely high doses of gamma radiation caused significant increase in the softness of date fruits of both varieties. 7. Significant delay of development of pupae caused by 2500 and 5000 could be …