• د. ابتسام عبدالله محمد
  • Ibtisam Abdulelah Mohammed Al Khafaji
  • رئيس قسم : قسم هندسة العمارة
  • Head of the Department : Department of Architecture
  • دكتوراه هندسة معمارية / التخطيط المكاني
  • PH. Degree in- Architecture - spatial planning
  • ibtisam@esraa.edu.iq
  • alkhfajiibtsam@yahoo.com
  • Syllabuses


    Syllabuses - 14
    Dep. Step. Sem. code No. Des. Syllabuses
    Department of Architecture one term 2 HAR1412 2 History of Architecture (Ⅰ) (Architecture of Ancient Civilizations)
    Department of Architecture two term 1 HAR1423 2 History of Architecture (III) ) Medieval Period(
    Department of Architecture two term 1 LDM1421 2 Logic and Design Methodology(I)
    Department of Architecture two term 2 HAR1424 2 History of Architecture (ⅠⅤ) ) Renaissance and 19th cen.(
    Department of Architecture two term 2 LDM1422 2 Logic and Design Methodology (IⅠ)
    Department of Architecture three term 2 ARD1433 2 Architectural Design (ⅠⅠI)
    Department of Architecture three term 2 PPU1430 2 Principles of Planning And Urban Design
    Department of Architecture four term 1 AUD 1444 6 Architectural And Urban Design (VI)
    Department of Architecture four term 1 IDE 1440 3 Interior Design
    Department of Architecture four term 1 TUD 1440 2 Theories Of Urban Design
    Department of Architecture four term 2 AUD 1444 6 Architectural And Urban Design (Ⅵ)
    Department of Architecture four term 2 LDE 1440 2 Landscape Design
    Department of Architecture four term 2 TAD 1440 2 Theories Of Architectural Design
    Department of Architecture five term 1 PAR1450 2 Psychology of Architecture


    المحاضرات الالكترونية - 23
    year syllabuses Dep. Step Lectures
    2022-2023 Principles of Planning And Urban Design Department of Architecture المرحلة الثالثة principles of planning
    2022-2023 Interior Design Department of Architecture المرحلة الرابعة interior design
    2022-2023 Architectural And Urban Design (Ⅵ) Department of Architecture المرحلة الرابعة urban design
    2022-2023 Landscape Design Department of Architecture المرحلة الرابعة landscape design
    2022-2023 Psychology of Architecture Department of Architecture المرحلة الخامسة Architectural design
    2017-2018 History of Architecture (ⅠⅤ) ) Renaissance and 19th cen.( Department of Architecture المرحلة الثانية عمارة العصور الوسطى -3- العمارة الرومانسكية
    2017-2018 Building Construction (ⅠI) (Load Bearing System ) Department of Architecture المرحلة الاولى العمارة الفرعونية 2
    2017-2018 Building Construction (ⅠI) (Load Bearing System ) Department of Architecture المرحلة الاولى العمارة الفرعونية
    2017-2018 Building Construction (ⅠI) (Load Bearing System ) Department of Architecture المرحلة الاولى تكملة المحاضرة السادسة- المعالجات التشكيلية لعمارة وادي الرافدين
    2017-2018 Building Construction (ⅠI) (Load Bearing System ) Department of Architecture المرحلة الاولى المحاضرة السادسة- الامبراطورية البابلية القديمة والحديثة
    2017-2018 Building Construction (ⅠI) (Load Bearing System ) Department of Architecture المرحلة الاولى المحاضرة الخامسة- الامبراطورية البابلية القديمة والحديثة
    2017-2018 Building Construction (ⅠI) (Load Bearing System ) Department of Architecture المرحلة الاولى المححاضرة الرابعة- الامبراطورية الاكدية وسلالة اور الثالة
    2017-2018 Building Construction (ⅠI) (Load Bearing System ) Department of Architecture المرحلة الاولى وادي الرافدين-ا لمحاضرة الثالثة - الامبراطوية الاكدية وسلالة اور الثالثة
    2017-2018 Building Construction (ⅠI) (Load Bearing System ) Department of Architecture المرحلة الاولى وادي الرافدين- عصر فجر السلاللات
    2017-2018 Building Construction (ⅠI) (Load Bearing System ) Department of Architecture المرحلة الاولى تاريخ العمارة عبر العصور
    2017-2018 Logic and Design Methodology(I) Department of Architecture المرحلة الثانية history of architecture III
    2017-2018 Logic and Design Methodology(I) Department of Architecture المرحلة الثانية history of architecture III A
    2017-2018 Architectural Design (I) Department of Architecture المرحلة الاولى princibles of architecture II c
    2017-2018 Architectural Design (I) Department of Architecture المرحلة الاولى princibles of architecture II b -first year
    2017-2018 Architectural Design (I) Department of Architecture المرحلة الاولى princibles of architectureII
    2017-2018 Architectural Design (I) Department of Architecture المرحلة الاولى history of architecture II - first year second co-b .
    2017-2018 Architectural Design (I) Department of Architecture المرحلة الاولى history of architecture II - first year second coA .
    2017-2018 Architectural Design (I) Department of Architecture المرحلة الاولى history of architecture II - first year second co.


    2018 Al Esraa journal

    2020 University of Sulaimani College of Engineering Sulaimani Journal For Engineering Sciences Iraq – Kurdistan Region – Sulaimani – University of Sulaimani- New Campus – Tasluja- Street

    2016 Herity International conference

    1999 University of technologywith research

    2000 University of technologywith research

    2010 the third conference of HERITY

    2014 Italy –Florence 2014 the 5thconference of HERITY

    ,2019 association of Arab university journal of engineering science

    2019 European Journal of Sustainable Development (2019), 8, 4, 437-450

    2020 New Metropolitan Perspectives. NMP 2020. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 178. Springer, Cham

    2021 laboratorio di valutazione economicm estimative) –universita medeterranea di Reggio Calabria –dipartimento PAU ,

    (2021) Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation

    2022. New Metropolitan Perspectives. NMP