• م. عبد الرحمن صالح ابراهيم
  • تدريسي : قسم هندسة تقنيات البناء والانشاءات
  • Teaching : Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering
  • ماجستير في هندسة تقنيات المواد
  • abdalrahman@esraa.edu.iq
  • abdulrahmanibrahim987@yahoo.com
  • Syllabuses


    Syllabuses - 2
    Dep. Step. Sem. code No. Des. Syllabuses
    Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering one full 4 Mechanical & Civil Workshops
    Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering two full FME1220 4 Fluid Mechanics


    المحاضرات الالكترونية - 39
    year syllabuses Dep. Step Lectures
    2021-2022 Fluid Mechanics Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الثانية امثلة على مسائل المضخات (التصحيحات على معادلة برنولي)
    2021-2022 Fluid Mechanics Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الثانية التصحيحات على معادلة برنولي
    2021-2022 Fluid Mechanics Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الثانية امثلة محلولة على معادلة برنولي
    2021-2022 Fluid Mechanics Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الثانية معادلة برنولي
    2021-2022 Fluid Mechanics Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الثانية Incompressible Fluid (Newtonian Fluid) Overall mass balance and continuity equation
    2021-2022 Fluid Mechanics Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الثانية امثلة محلولة على معادلة الاستمرارية
    2021-2022 Fluid Mechanics Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الثانية Kinematics of fluid flow
    2021-2022 Fluid Mechanics Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الثانية مسائل القوى الهيدروستاتيكية
    2021-2022 Fluid Mechanics Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الثانية القوى الهيدروستاتيكية
    2021-2022 Fluid Mechanics Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الثانية مسائل الضغط
    2021-2022 Fluid Mechanics Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الثانية الضغط
    2021-2022 Fluid Mechanics Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الثانية مسائل خصائص الموائع
    2021-2022 Fluid Mechanics Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الثانية خصائص الموائع
    2018-2019 Fluid Mechanics Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الثانية Week 4-5
    2018-2019 Fluid Mechanics Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الثانية Week 1-3
    2017-2018 Fluid Mechanics Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الثانية Laboratory 4+5
    2017-2018 Fluid Mechanics Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الثانية (week (9+10
    2017-2018 Priciples of Computer Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الاولى Appendix 1
    2017-2018 Priciples of Computer Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الاولى Part One
    2017-2018 Priciples of Computer Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الاولى (10)Lecture
    2017-2018 Priciples of Computer Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الاولى (9)Lecture
    2017-2018 Priciples of Computer Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الاولى (8)Lecture
    2017-2018 Priciples of Computer Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الاولى (7)Lecture
    2017-2018 Priciples of Computer Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الاولى (Lecture (6
    2017-2018 Priciples of Computer Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الاولى (Lecture (5
    2017-2018 Priciples of Computer Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الاولى (Lecture (4
    2017-2018 Priciples of Computer Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الاولى (Lecture (3
    2017-2018 Priciples of Computer Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الاولى (Lecture (2
    2017-2018 Priciples of Computer Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الاولى (Lecture (1
    2017-2018 Fluid Mechanics Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الثانية Laboratory6+7
    2017-2018 Fluid Mechanics Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الثانية 3+Laboratory2
    2017-2018 Fluid Mechanics Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الثانية Laboratory1
    2017-2018 Fluid Mechanics Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الثانية (Week (11-13
    2017-2018 Fluid Mechanics Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الثانية (Week (8
    2017-2018 Fluid Mechanics Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الثانية Tutorial
    2017-2018 Fluid Mechanics Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الثانية (week (7
    2017-2018 Fluid Mechanics Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الثانية (week (6
    2017-2018 Fluid Mechanics Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الثانية (week (4-5
    2017-2018 Fluid Mechanics Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering المرحلة الثانية (week (1-3


    2015 Iraqi journal for chemical and petroleum engineering

    2015 Automation, Control and Intelligent Systems

    2020 Revista Română de Materiale / Romanian Journal of Materials 2020, 50 (2), 212 - 223

    2019 REVISTA

    2022 Caspian Journal of Environmental Science

    2022 International Journal of Mechanical Engineering