• م.د بنين عبدالكريم حسين
  • Baneen Abdulkareem Hussein
  • تدريسي : قسم هندسة العمارة
  • Teaching : Department of Architecture
  • دكتوراه هندسة معمارية / تصميم حضري
  • PhD in Architecture/Urban Design
  • baneen@esraa.edu.iq
  • archbaneen@yahoo.com
  • المقررات المكلف بها

    المقررات المكلف بها

    المقررات المكلف بها - 3
    القسم المرحلة الفصل رمز المقرر الوحدات توصيف المقرر
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    قسم هندسة العمارة المرحلة الخامسة فصل ثاني TAC1450 2 Critical Theories Of Architecture
    المحاضرات الالكترونية

    المحاضرات الالكترونية

    المحاضرات الالكترونية - 17
    العام المقرر القسم المرحلة المحاضرة
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    2021-2022 Methodology Of Research قسم هندسة العمارة المرحلة الخامسة مشكلة البحث (تعريفها، مصادرها، حدودها، صياغتها، مستوياتها، ومعايير اختيارها)
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    2016 Engineering & Technology Journal, University of Technology, Iraqvol.34, No.14, part A, 2016

    The world experienced an increasing interest in the concept of place-making in accordance with the contemporary urban trends. The healthy trend was considered as the trend that combines most of the other trends properties. It represents a response to the challenges facing the society. These are environmental, economic, social, cultural, Urban and security. Most states and world countries focus on making a sustainable healthy place, achieving the dwelt desires and considered as a container for all human activities ; social, recreational, economic and cultural. Local places continue suffer from neglect, extinction, random design and the lack of clarity of policy handled according to the contemporary healthy urban trend. To stand out the problem of the research thoroughly (Lack of comprehensive knowledge study describes the most important dimensions and features that contribute to the making of the healthy place within cities) and to address this research problem, a comprehensive knowledge framework was built relying on vocabulary extracted from the theoretical framework in the analysis of a number of global urban cities. It includes a range of healthy places designed according to this trend.After reviewing a number of global studies, researches and experiments, it appeared that there are certain dimensions and features for making a healthy place. Then, some dimensions and features were neutralized. The environmental dimensions and features of the open spaces were chosen because they are more important, effective and influential than the rest of the dimensions and features. After analyzing the results it appeared that the environmental dimension contributes in making a healthy place, achieve health, well-being and sustainability for the population.The open space features had a great role in making a sustainable healthy place, that supports biological, cultural, social and intellectual diversity, improves the urban landscape of the city as a whole (environmentally and visually), enhances coherence and social interaction between individuals and achieves participation community. Then places will be healthy, social, aesthetic, functional, which Root urban identity of the city in general and the place in particular.


    2016 The Fifth Jordanian International Architectural Conference/ Amman, 2016

    Contemporary urban environments Constitute temporal extension to the traditional and historical environments as a result of a response to contemporary challenges facing cities and urban places, And as a reaction against the modern trends brought to the urban fabric, which require reconsidering to the legislation codes and standards that contribute in production urban environment which achieve possible life chances, response to contemporary Challenges, including the social, economic, environmental, cultural and aesthetic challenges of competing at different levels (local, regional and global).

    Urban design concerned in place making that consent current and future human need, and contain his intellectual, cultural, social and economic activities, that reflects his identity, presence and personality within the place. Therefore we must take the sustainable healthy trend as the most important contemporary urban trends, that gave increasing attention in making place and ways to conversion the space  to active and effective place, characterized by a set of dimensions and features, and the social dimension is one of the important dimensions in making a sustainable healthy place, also the urban center consider as an important  characteristics in structuring healthy place  and sustainable within the contemporary urban projects..

    Accordingly, many organizations, institutions and associations concerned to making health, social and sustainable places, which act as contemporary interactive urban environments able to work, live and learn.

    While that the locally urban places centers are suffer from a lack of clarity in dealing policies according to the sustainable healthy urban trend, so research problem emerged (Lack of knowledge to the vocabulary of sustainable social dimension and the urban center features that contribute in healthy place making within cities), and to processing the research problem and through global studies and experiments we have been building a theoretical framework for making a sustainable healthy place, according to the vocabulary of the social dimension and features of the urban center.

    Then depending on the theoretical framework vocabulary we had been analyzed a number of international metropolitan cities which includes a range of sustainable health places which designed according to this approach which consider the social dimension as one of the dimensions that contribute to the cities health and sustainability

    After analyzing the results appeared that the social dimension contributes in making the sustainable healthy places through achieving prosperity, civilization excellence and promotion of the social cohesion and integration, through the strengthening of, community participation, development a sense of belonging to the place, revival the association memory and improve the quality of life within the city.

    Also finding that urban center features has a role in making a healthy urban place through visual coherence, and strengthen principle of centralization, legibility, vitality, safe and support the aesthetic attractiveness and the diversity.

    Then evaluating the local experience of Baghdad city, according to the social dimension vocabulary and urban center features vocabulary, in order to achieve sustainable healthy urban centers, characterize by flexibility, legibility, attractively, safety, security and Social integration and prosperity.

    Finally reached to a theoretical model explain the impact of contemporary healthy urban trend in the place making according to the sustainable social dimension and the urban center features.


    Key words: Making the Contemporary Urban Place, Making Sustainable Healthy Place, Sustainable Healthy Social Dimension, Contemporary Urban Places, Contemporary Challenges, Urban Center features.

    2018 Engineering & Technology Journal, University of Technology, Iraq, I received Publishing acceptance, 2018

    Rapid changes and developments have brought contemporary intellectual theories and different and diverse ties to highlight the different and multiple concepts contribute to the definition of any philosophy and intellect, which are frequent and mutant methods and demonstrations of the same values and origins which in turn describe the state of existence, continuity, permanence and human communication, the most important concepts are Difference and contradiction as the basis of everything, and without them there is no existence or knowledge.

    most contemporary studies focused on the different critical methods linked to the semantics and meanings that express architecture on the one hand, and methods of expression, invocation and illustration on the other hand, and both are contribute in the formation and creation of architecture and enrich its architectural output, despite the wide presentation of the concepts of difference and contradiction but these propositions only addressing each notion separately without knowing their relationship as critical methods and trends shaping the contemporary architecture and achieving communication with community structure, So the problem of research has determined with (lack of comprehensive knowledge study describes the most important applied mechanisms to concepts of difference and contradiction as critical methods contribute to the production of continuous civilized building formation patterns of interaction between the designer objective and the receiver subjective), In order to address this problem, a conceptual framework was built for the methods of difference and contradiction, and the election a number of architectural projects of "Eisenman" which shows difference and contradiction as a clear critical trends and methods as applied mechanisms or strategies produce emerged architecture formation patterns of outreached architectural output among clones of what is happening globally or immersed in cloning for local references, and then described and evaluated them in accordance with indicators drawn from the conceptual framework of the concepts of difference and contradiction that place and give the more plausible explanation, presenting a number of recommendations to depend on  as critical methodology contribute in production of patterns forming architecture, its recognition swinging  between what is subjective accompanies sensory perception and what is that accompanies mental perception, and as sentimental mechanism for networking events, harmony and pleasure and thrill in physical output.

    Keywords- difference, contradiction, modulation patterns, criticism methods of architectural, architect Peter Eisenman.

    2018 1th SR International science and engineering Congress in Antalya- Turkiye 21-23/ 9/ 2018.

    2018 1th SR International science and engineering Congress in Antalya- Turkiye 21-23/ 9/ 2018.

    2018 4th International Scientific conference on environment and sustainable development- Egypt, Cairo, 24-28 November 2018.

    2019 Fourth Scientific Conference for Engineering and Postgraduate Research (PEc19): Electrical Engineering Technical College, 16-17 December 2019, Baghdad - Iraq