department of Radiology Techniques

قسم تقنيات الاشعه

department of Radiology Techniques

  • 7
  • 748
  • 9
  • 12
  • 69.5
    معدل الحدود الدنيا للقبول صباحي
  • 3,500,000
    القسط السنوي صباحي
  • 64.5
    معدل الحدود الدنيا للقبول مسائي
  • 3,500,000
    القسط السنوي مسائي
  • احيائي + علمي
    مدخلات القبول
  • About the department :
    It was established in 2020 and the department offers an integrated bachelor's program in radiology techniques. Where the department teaches and trains students scientifically and practically to acquire the necessary skills to practice successfully work in the field of radiology techniques and its various applications. The educational programs of the department are implemented through courses that include anatomy, histology, physiology, pathology, foundations of medicine, medical applications of computers, radiation physics, applied physics in medical technology, modern techniques in diagnostic radiography, ultrasound, magnetic resonance, nuclear medicine, computer tomography and radiotherapy. . Thus, they can make and understand radiological images of various types and work with radiologists, nuclear medicine doctors, and doctors who specialize in examining tumors and other various diseases. The program also qualifies graduates to work as medical technicians in the field of diagnostic radiology technologies in radiology and medical imaging departments in hospitals and health centers.
Vision, mission and goals
  • Radiology and Sonar Techniques Department
    Department Vision
    The Department is looking forward to becoming a pioneer in the field of teaching radiological technology and medical imaging and supportive for the development, and research process in Iraq. Besides, contribution in building a healthy society.
    Department Message
    Qualifying technical competencies specialized in the radiography to work in health institutions and able to meet the needs of work in various fields of radiology and medical imaging techniques with focus on professional ethics, achieving the safety and quality conditions in addition to providing research and advisory services to the local community.
    Department Goals
    1. Preparing an advanced medical health technical personnel as per the level of advanced countries capable of providing the health institutions and society based on their specialization needs.
    2. Graduating qualified specialists with knowledge and skills that enable them to deal efficiently with radiology and medical imaging equipment in addition to perform the radiological tests at different levels.
    3. Training students on how to dealing with different pathological conditions within the radiology department along with proper ways to taking care of them and justify their radiation exposure.
    4. Preparing students for professional and managerial ethical values in addition to imaging quality in the department of radiology.
    5. Educating the students and introducing them to the risks of radiation exposure and how to protect workers and patients from these risks. In addition to this, the development of educational and research capabilities and creativity skills of students.
    6. Providing the appropriate environmental and necessary tools to enable faculty members to enhance their capacity and develop their academic skills to ensure the quality of educational outcomes.
    7. Encouraging faculty members to effectively contribute to scientific research and academic studies.
    8. Taking advantage from the academic and professional experiences of faculty members in serving the university and contribution to solving some problems facing the community in their field of specialization.

Graduate Description
  • Academic degree awarded by the department: The department grants graduates a bachelor's degree in radiology and ultrasound technologies. The tasks and duties assigned to the graduates of the department:

    A- Operating radiographic imaging devices, including acidifying devices, ultrasound diagnostic devices, sonars and scanners under the supervision of a specialized doctor and taking care of them
    B- Working in radiographic imaging centers, arranging information, opening records, keeping radiological films related to this, and dealing with infectious and contagious patients With regard to adjusting the radiograph and how to prevent these diseases.
    C- Working in diagnostic radiography centers in health institutions.
    D- Operating various radiographic imaging devices, X-rays, digital image display devices, CR devices
    E- Ultrasound diagnostics, sonar, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging, and taking care of them under the supervision of a specialized radiologist.
    F- Preparing different radiographic equipment to work through the preparation of special protocols and according to the examination required by the treating physician, and this is done under the supervision of the specialized radiologist in the radiology department in health institutions.
    G- Carrying out standard measurements of the devices and measuring the percentage of radiation to which patients are exposed and the permissible percentages for patients and workers in the field of work
    H- Preparing patients for the purposes of various examinations using diagnostic devices
Faculty department of Radiology Techniques

Faculty department of Radiology Techniques

Qahtan kashash jasim


لا يوجد

raad owiad jasim


Master of Radiology Technologies

Safa yaseen taha


Dr.Russul Mohammed Shehab


PhD in laser and electro-optics technologies

Mohamed Rafe Abdel Hamid


Bachelors degree mass media journalism

Faten Abdulwahab


lazer and electrec optecal

Rania Jamal Ahmed


Medical Physics

Rania Jamal Ahmed


Medical Physics

Duha Khalel Ibrahim



Zainab Naseer Hashem


physical sciences

Mohammed Halwas Kareem


Atomic &moleccules Spectroscopy

Mohammed Husein Mohammed

