This paper presents a framework for the crime data analysis and detection using different data mining techniques including Classification, Association, Prediction and finally outliers and link analysis. The paper tends to help specialists in discovering patterns and trends, making forecasts, finding relationships and possible explanations, mapping criminal networks and identify possible suspects. The classification is mainly based on grouping the crimes according to the type, location, time and other attributes, Association is based on finding relationships between different Crime and Criminal attributes, Prediction helps in finding out the trends and behavior of the given objects, Link analysis shows the link between different attributes and the weight of this linkage.
Data for both Crimes and Criminals were collected from free dataset police departments from the Internet, to create and test the proposed framework, and then these data were preprocessed to get clean and accurate data using different preprocessing techniques. The preprocessed data were used to find out different crime and criminal groups, associations and relationships between different attributes were discovered, and finally the linkage between different attributes including crime type and criminal age, job, history and others was found. WEKA mining software was used to analyze the given data