• أ.م.د محمد قاسم الفريجي
  • Assist.Prof.Dr.Mohammed Q. Mohammed
  • تدريسي : قسم هندسة تقنيات الاجهزة الطبية
  • Teaching : Department of Medical Instrumentation
  • دكتوراه تكنولوجيا المعلومات
  • PhD. Computer Science/ Information Technology
  • dr.mohammed@esraa.edu.iq
  • dr.mohammed@esraa.edu.iq
  • Syllabuses


    Syllabuses - 1
    Dep. Step. Sem. code No. Des. Syllabuses
    Department of Medical Instrumentation four full MAN1340 4 ادارة مشاريع


    المحاضرات الالكترونية - 6
    year syllabuses Dep. Step Lectures
    2021-2022 ادارة مشاريع Department of Medical Instrumentation المرحلة الرابعة ِِAlgorithem PERT
    2021-2022 ادارة مشاريع Department of Medical Instrumentation المرحلة الرابعة ِِAlgorithem CPM Home Work
    2021-2022 ادارة مشاريع Department of Medical Instrumentation المرحلة الرابعة ِِAlgorithem CPM 2
    2021-2022 ادارة مشاريع Department of Medical Instrumentation المرحلة الرابعة ِِAlgorithem CPM
    2021-2022 ادارة مشاريع Department of Medical Instrumentation المرحلة الرابعة Network Analysis
    2021-2022 ادارة مشاريع Department of Medical Instrumentation المرحلة الرابعة Project Management


    2008 Journal Kharkiv University Air Force research papers

    2010 New Technologies”, Scientific Journal

    2010 Conference Proceedings of the 13th International Youth Forum "Radioelectronics

    2009 International scientific conference., (METIT-4)

    2009 Navigating Control Systems and Communications.

    2010  High-Energy physics and nuclear physics accelerators

    2018 Estren-Europen journal of enterprise technologies

    At present, the market for IT services is quite unstable. The Gartner study shows that the cost of IT services has significantly decreased over 2015–2016. Some growth in expenses for IT services observed in 2017 did not eliminate the uncertainty of the market dynamics [1]. It should be not- ed that the software segment remains the largest segment in the IT market today [1]. Therefore, one of the main problems requiring attention from consumers and providers of IT ser- vices is the problem of reducing the IT service development expenses. One of the most important expense items in the IT proj- ects of software product development is the staff expense item. This type of expenses includes, particularly, the ex- penses on hiring the staff to participate in the IT project, the IT salaries and emoluments, training, and upgrade of the IT project staff skills. It should also be noted that the existing project management practices recommend that the project personnel be divided into groups of permanent employees and employees hired to participate in a particular project [2]. At the same time, existing models of maturity of IT com- panies assume improvement of software writing processes and the IT project management in the direction of ensur- ing repeatability and standardization of software products [3, 4]. This approach enables an assumption of the possibility of substitution of intelligent information technologies for the IT project personnel in a number of repeatable process- es and software development works provided that such a replacement is economically viable. Such a solution to the problem of reducing expenses on staff participation in the development of information systems and software products for various purposes is relevant from theoretical and applied points of view.

    2018 Journal of advanced research in dynamical and control systems

    2018 IJCI Journal by UOITC

    2018 International journal of engineering and technology

    2019 International journal of engineering and technology

    2019 Estren-Europen journal of enterprise technologies

    2019 International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering

    2020 IJCI Journal by UOITC

    2020 Plant Archives journal

    2018 Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

    2021 Journal of Physics: Conference Series

    2021 Journal of Physics: Conference Series

    2021 International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications (IJNAA)

    In this research paper, we will present how to hide confidential information in a color image randomly
    using a mathematical equation; by apply this equation to the number of image bytes after converting
    the image into a digital image, the number of randomly selected bytes depends on the length of
    the secret message. After specifying the bytes, we include the secret message in those selected
    bytes utilizing least significant bit (LSB) of steganography, and return the new bytes in the same
    place in the original image by using the same mathematical equation, after the hiding process using
    steganography, and then we encrypt the image and send it to the recipient. Several statistical
    measures applied to the original image, compared with the image after embedding, and after the
    image encrypted. The results obtained are very good. The statistical measures were used the
    histogram, mean square error (MSE) and the peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR). The system is
    designed to perform these processes, which consists of two stages, hiding stage and extract stage.
    The first stage contains from four steps, the first step of this stage reading the image and converting
    it to a digital image and make an index on each byte of the image bytes and the application of
    the mathematical equation to select the bytes by randomly, second step is the process of hiding the
    secret message in selected bytes and return those bytes to the original locations, third step is the
    calculation of the statistical measures to determine the rate of confusion after the inclusion of the
    confidential message, fourth step to encrypt the image of the message carrier and measure the rate of
    confusion after the encryption and compare with the original image. The extraction process consists
    of three steps, the first step is to use the private key to decrypt, and the second step is to apply..

    2021 International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications (IJNAA)

    The information and communications technology time are essential for the security aspect of processes
    and methodologies. The security of information should a key priority in the secret exchange of
    information between two parties. That’s to guarantee the information’s security, some strategies are
    used, and they include steganography, watermark, and cryptography. In cryptography, the secrete
    message is converted into unintelligible text, but the existence of the secrete message is noticed, on
    the other hand, watermarking and steganography involve hiding the secrete message in a way that its
    presence cannot be noticed. Presently, the design and development of an effective image steganography
    system are facing several challenges such as low capacity, poor robustness and imperceptibility.
    To surmount these challenges, a new secure image steganography work called the Pixels Contrast
    (PC) method is proposed along with the eight neighbour’s method and Huffman coding algorithm
    to overcome the imperceptibility and capacity issues. In the proposed method, a new image partitioning
    with a Henon map is used to increase the security part. This method has three main stages
    (preprocessing, embedding, and extracting) each stage has a different process. In this method, different
    standard images were used such as medical images and SIPI-dataset. The experimental result
    was evaluated with different measurement parameters like Histogram Analysis Structural Similarity
    Index (SSIM), Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR). Compared the proposed method with the previous
    works then proved to be better than existing methods. In short, the proposed steganography method
    outperformed the commercially available data hiding schemes, thereby resolving the existing issues.