Engineering Technologies College
Research Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering

Research Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering

M.D. Nima Abdullah Abdul (5 Research)
Bounded Solutions of the Second Order Differential Equations x ̈+f(x) x ̇+g(x)=u(t)
2015 Journal of Baghdad for Science
Bounded Solutions of Certain (Differential and first order systems of differential Equations)
2014 Mathematical Theory and Modelling
A hybrid intrusion detection system based on enhanced resilient Backprogration artificial neural network and K-Nearest Neighbour Classifier
2012 International Journal of Academic Research
(8 Research)
Mechanical Properties of hybrid Fiber of high Performance light weight aggregate concrete
2017 الجامعة التكنلوجيا / مجلة الهندسة والتكنلوجيا
Properties of high performance lightweight concrete masonary units made with sustainables aggregates
2018 journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development
Behavior of high performance artificial lightweight aggregate cocnrete reinforced with hybird fibres
2018 MATEC Web of Conference 162
Mohammed Jabbar Hussein (0 Research)
Haider Sadiq Muhammad Ali (2 Research)
Non-Linear Behaviour of Unbonded Post-Tensioned One-Way Concrete Slab Panel
2016 Journal of Environmental Studies (JES) / Sohag University
Behavior of Plastic Tubular Specimens Filled with Brick-Aggregates Concrete Under Compressive Loads
2018 International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (4.20) (2018) 408-413
M.M. Ghosun Ali Pharaoh (1 Research)
Behavior of hybrid reinforced concrete deep beams under repented loading
2016 International institute for science technology and education (IISTE
(2 Research)
Corrosion control of Buried Low Carbon Steel Structure by using Alteration Medias method
2014 مجلة الخوارزمي الهندسية
Effect Use of Two Chemical Compounds Sodium Nitrate and Sodium Silicate as Corrosion Inhibitor to Steel Reinforcem ent
2018 مجله الخوارزمي الهندسيه /جامعه بغداد
(0 Research)
M. M. Mustafa Wassef Abdel Majeed (2 Research)
Seismic Base Isolation in Reinforced Concrete Structures
2015 International Journal of Research Studies in Science, Engineering and Technology
Design of High Rise Reinforced Concrete Buildings
2018 Civil and Environmental Research
M.M. Sajjad Abdullah Abdul Hussein (2 Research)
Evaluation the performance of Antar bin shaddad signalized Roundabout in baghdad city
2018 Civil and Environmental Research
Special technique for pile foundation improvement by grouting
2016 (GJESRM)global journal of engineering science & research management
(0 Research)
(0 Research)
Mohamed Salem Abdel Hassan (0 Research)
(4 Research)
Tests of Composite Beams with Web Opening
2011 الجامعة التكنلوجيا / مجلة الهندسة والتكنلوجيا
Behaviour of steel plate girders with web opening loaded in shear
2013 Engineering and technology Journal
High Strength Self-Compacted Concrete Mix Design
2013 International Journal of Civil Engineering (IJCE)
Muhammad Suhail Najm (0 Research)
(0 Research)
Ali Al-Sajjad Ibrahim Jawad (0 Research)
Shahad Sarmad Abedulrazaq (0 Research)
Istbraq Issam Majid (0 Research)
Remove Salah Fleifel (0 Research)
(0 Research)
Rana Hamid torture (0 Research)
Eng. Ghasaq Abd Ali (0 Research)
Eng. Shams Amer Nagy (0 Research)
M. M. Rawa Fahim Jiyad (0 Research)
(6 Research)
Preparation and Characterization of Y2O3, Sio2 Doped by Eu2O3 as Luminescent Ink
2015 Iraqi journal for chemical and petroleum engineering
Silicon dioxide ultraviolent to visible phosphors material
2015 Automation, Control and Intelligent Systems
the inflence of graphite additions on the properties of foamed geopolymers based on glass waste
2020 Revista Română de Materiale / Romanian Journal of Materials 2020, 50 (2), 212 - 223
Research Department of Computer Technology Engineering

Research Department of Computer Technology Engineering

Basim Ghalib (0 Research)
dr.Amer Abbas Ibrahim (18 Research)
حفر رقائق السليكون ببلازما Dc لغاز CF3Br
2000 المجله العلميه لمنظمه الطاقه الذريه العراقيه
دراسه الخواص البصريه لأغشيه CuO g الرقيقه
2000 المجله العلميه لمنظمه الطاقه الذريه العراقيه
تصميم مجس محنت لقياس المجال المغناطيسي ذو الترددات العاليه
2000 المجله العلميه لمنظمه الطاقه الذريه العراقيه
(6 Research)
3d Magnetism in rare earth intermetallic ,84(1990)281-287
1990 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Anew Design of Multiple Electric Discharge
1993 MEC Eng.CON
FM Mode-Locking Fiber Laser
2008 J.Eng.&Tech. VOL.26,No.12,2008
(0 Research)
Ali Hussein Mohammed Ali (1 Research)
A pattern recognition model for static gestures in malaysian sign language based on machine learning techniques
2021 Computers & Electrical Engineering

This work proposes a pattern recognition model for static gestures in Malaysian Sign Language
(MSL) based on Machine Learning (ML) techniques. The proposed model is divided into two
phases, namely, data acquisition and data processing. The first phase involves capturing the
required sign data, such as the shape and orientation of the hand, to construct a sensor-based SL
dataset. The dataset is collected using a DataGlove device. This device is used to measure the
motions of the fingers and wrists. Sixty-four features represent each sign in the dataset. The
collected sensory dataset is cleaned in the second phase by removing redundant data. Then, the
features are scaled and normalized to exhibit symmetrical behavior and eliminate outliers. Then,
ten different ML techniques are utilized based on real-time data for SL gesture recognition.
Experimental results confirmed the efficacy of the proposed pattern recognition model compared
with previous work.

Zainab Ghazi Faisal (3 Research)
Traffic Management in Wireless Sensor Network Based on Modified Neural Networks
2014 Iraqi Journal for Computers and Informatics (IJCI)

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are event-driven network systems consist of many sensors node which are
densely deployed and wirelessly interconnected that allow retrieving of monitoring data. In Wireless sensor network,
whenever an event is detected, the data related to the event need to be sent to the sink node (data collection node). Sink node
is the bottleneck of network there may be chance for congestion due to heavy data traffic. Due to congestion, it leads to data
loss; it may be important data also. To achieve this objective, soft computing based on Neural Networks (NNs) Congestion
Controller approach is proposed. The NN is activated using wavelet activation function that is used to control the traffic of
the WSN. The proposed approach which is called as Modified Neural Network Wavelet Congestion Control (MNNWCC), has
three main activities: the first one is detecting the congestion as congestion level indications; the second one is estimated the
traffic rate that the upstream traffic rate is adjusted to avoid congestion in next time, the last activates of the proposed
approach is improved the Quality of Services (QoS), by enhancement the Packet Loss Ratio (PLR), Throughput (TP), Buffer
Utilization (BU) and Network Energy (NE) . The simulation results show that the proposed approach can avoid the network
congestion and improve the QoS of network.

Design and Realization of Motion Detector System for House Security

In this paper, the design and realization of motion detector system for house security based GSM network is presents. The development of microcontroller carried out intruder detection that supports tracking techniques to provide vital security with control and alert operation inside and outside the home. The pivot of security on the integration the motion detector and cameras into web applications has become more interested. The smart surveillance Pi camera obtain the input from the motion detector and controller which is send the video to the web server allowing the homeowner to access this video by use web applications. An intrusion alert send to the owner by mean of message via mobile and buzzers alarms located at suitable distance. This system is typify proficient video camera for remote sensing and tracking with live video for succeeding play again to offers efficient and easy implementation with omnipresent surveillance solution. 

Pathway Discover of Moving Objects using Color Segmentation and Region Property
2019 Pathway Discover of Moving Objects using Color Segmentation and Region Property

This paper presents the real time algorithm of moving objects tracking and detection using region property and color segmentation. The real time of moving objects pathway finder is a vitaldifficultyproblem in human computersinterface and video observation. The attitude of track and detect a moving objects using color characteristic and movements has introduced with new techniques for automation. The tracking of video is a method of discovery the travelthing over specific reserve by use a color camera to narrate target bodies in successive video borders. Respecting to frame rate, the relationship could be especially troublesome in case of speedy moving of objects.In interchange case, the issue grows of randomness is the time in case of the tracking objects varying the direction following eventually. For this cases, the video tracking design model are classicallyexploit the progress model willportrays process the image of the target when it CHANGE for characteristicimaginableobjects movements. A development of tracking algorithm to the real time affecting bodies with unlike frames of the videotape by use color characteristic and movement is investigated and produced in this work.

(0 Research)
(2 Research)
Design of Novel Wideband CPW Irregular Pentagonal Patch Antenna
2016 International Journal of Computer Applications
New Compact Pentagonal Microstrip Patch Antenna for Wireless Communications Applications
2015 American Journal of Electromagnetics and Applications
Dr.. And a mighty, pure tooth (0 Research)
Eng. Janan Iyad Namiq (0 Research)
M.M. Mustafa Hussein Mishari (4 Research)
Sliding Mode Control for Electro-Hydraulic Servo System
2015 Iraq Journal of Computers, Communication, Control and Systems
Electronic Throttle Valve Control Design Based on Sliding Mode Perturbation Estimator
2015 Iraq Journal of Computers, Communication, Control and Systems
Integral Sliding Mode Control Design for Electronic Throttle Valve
2015 Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Noor Alhuda Fadhil Abbas (1 Research)
MLCM: An efficient image encryption technique for IoT application based on multi-layer chaotic maps
2022 International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications

The importance of image encryption has considerably increased especially after the dramatic evolution of the internet of things (IOT) and due to the simplicity of capturing and transferring digital images. Although there are several encryption approaches, chaos-based image encryption is considered the most appropriate approach for image applications because of its sensitivity to initial conditions and control parameters. This research aims at generating an encrypted image free of statistical information to make cryptanalysis infeasible. Therefore, a new method was introduced in this paper called Multi-layer Chaotic Maps (MLCM) based on confusion and diffusion. Basically, the confusion method uses the Sensitive Logistic Map (SLM), Hénon Map, and the additive white Gaussian noise to generate random numbers to be used in the pixel permutation method. However, the diffusion method uses Extended Bernoulli Map (EBM), Tinkerbell, Burgers, and Ricker maps to generate the random matrix. The correlation between adjacent pixels was minimized to have a very small value $(x 10-3)$. Besides, the keyspace was extended to be very large $left(2^{450} ight)$ considering the key sensitivity to hinder brute force attack. Finally, a histogram was idealized to be perfectly equal in all occurrences and the resulted information entropy was equal to the ideal value(8), which means that the resulted encrypted image is free of statistical properties in terms of histogram and information entropy. Based on the findings, the high randomness of the generated random sequences of the proposed confusion and diffusion methods is capable of producing a robust image encryption framework against all types of cryptanalysis attacks.

Hasan Hadi Khaleel (15 Research)
(Chapter 15: Estimation of Noise in Gray-Scale and Colored Images Using Median Absolute Deviation (MAD
2008 3rd International Conference on Geometric Modeling and Imaging, IEEE Computer Society: London, 2008
Three-Dimension Coronary Artery Tree Curvature Confirmation
2010 Journal of Computer Science
Three Dimension Reconstruction of Coronary Artery Tree Using Single-View Cineangiogram
2010 Journal of Computer Science
Saja Saadoun Jassim (0 Research)
Ayman Bashir Youssef (0 Research)
Batoul Khalil Sahib (0 Research)
Javan Hassan Namdar Bey (0 Research)
Issam Youssef Murad (0 Research)
Sara Harith Hazim (0 Research)
Hind Hamid Rashid (1 Research)
Crack investigation by employing finite element method with fuzzy logic tool for a steel cantilever rod

The present study is aiming to investigate crack presence in the rigid steel beam in order to take this in account in structural design .FEM has been used in ANSYS software to simulate whole steel body with three different frequencies with a magnitude force that subjected at the free end of the beam. Furthermore MATLAB has been conducted to find the crack by employing Fuzzy Logic. Both approach s has been governed by The Euler- Bernoulli theory for free vibration for motion equations. As well as the other main target of this study to evaluate results that has been got by ANSYS software with MATLAB coding for the same boundary conditions of the case.

Noor abedulkareem Lafta (0 Research)
Ahmed Mohamed Sabry (0 Research)
Nour Qusay Abdul Amir (0 Research)
Lubna Muhammad Hassan (0 Research)
Hind Mahmoud Hussein (0 Research)
Lect. Abeer Mohammed Shanshol (0 Research)
Muhammad Laith Fadel (0 Research)
Ammar brave Hazem Manna (0 Research)
Hadeel Ali Kazem (0 Research)
Mustafa Fathi Hamza (0 Research)
Aya Majid Hamid (0 Research)
Asma Jaber Hassan (0 Research)
Mustafa Abdel Hadi Abdullah (0 Research)
Abdullah Samir Jawad (0 Research)
Nagam Amjad (0 Research)
Mustafa Fayek Jalil (0 Research)
Improvement Ivestigation of the TCP Algorithms With Avoiding Network Congestion Based on OPNET
2019 IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 518 (2019) 052025 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1757-899X/518/5/052025 ( 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Engineering Techniques (ICSET 2019

Abstract. The aim of this paper is to determine the performance enhancement of the network
for eliminating congestion through the use of the benefits of algorithms. These algorithms can
be used in hindering the congestion which may occur within the network that relies on a
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) protocol. This paper specifically focuses on
demonstrating the function of TCP, and most especially the four (slow start, congestion
avoidance, fast retransmit and fast recovery algorithms) that are applied in the control of
congestion. In the study, the varying effects of connection link from PPP DS1 to PPP DS3 on
the network’s performance are investigated.

Grid Based Clustering Technique in Wireless Sensor Network using Hierarchical Routing Protocol

Abstract— A wireless sensor network (WSN) has
significant applications such as monitoring the far
environmental and target tracking. This has been enabled
by the sensors that are smaller, cheaper, and intelligent.
These sensors are equipped with wireless interfaces that can
communicated with each other to form a network. The
design of a WSN depends significantly on the application,
and it must consider factors such as the environment, the
application’s design objectives, costs, hardware, and
system constraints. However, the nodes closer to the sink
in the network are overburdened with huge traffic loading
known as hot spot problem as the data from the total region
are forwarded through them to reach the sink node. As a
result, their energy gets consumed quickly and the network
is subdivided in to multiple region. This paper aims to study
the grid based random clustering and grid based static
clustering techniques in WSN and to evaluate the
performance and compare between them by via simulation.
The results show that grid based static clustering
outperforms random clustering in term of throughput by
22%, reduces energy consumption by 30%, and increase
residual energy by 20%. Thus, the network lifetime of the
WSN will be prolonged.

Performance simulation of broadband multimedia wireless networks simulation based on OPNET
2020 Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Vol. 17, No. 2, February 2020, pp. 1005~1013 ISSN: 2502-4752, DOI: 10.11591/ijeecs.v17.i2.pp1005-1013

Article history:
Received May 13, 2019
Revised Jun 14, 2019
Accepted Jul 28, 2019
As the rapid growth of multimedia application over the Internet, it is essential to preserve the Quality of Service (QoS), which is certifying the guaranteed service through the Internet and representing the biggest challenges for the current IP based services. Multimedia traffic usage has been increased in relation to the streaming media such as video conferencing using OPNET, the performance can be simulated based on heavy and light scenarios for video conferencing including web traffic. The overall WLAN load data are obtained for such scenarios, also the performance of simulated overall Delay in the three scenario networks is measured.

Abdullah Ali Jassam (0 Research)
Nidaa Abdel Reda Abd (0 Research)
Ihsan Ahmed Taha (3 Research)
Implementation of controlled robot for fire detection and extinguish to closed areas based on Arduino
2018 Telkomnika

The wireless control systems are taking a special importance in the recent years, where the wireless control system provide several advantages; including the disposal of the using wire and periodic maintenance of data transmission wires, in the science of robot wireless control unit is the main part of the fire treatment and extinguish robot system. The lives of firefighters exposed to the risk of death and Rima, therefore the use of remote control systems more secure is necessary. In this, paper a fire-extinguish robot used for extinguishing the fire in general and in treatment fires in the closed areas for protecting employees in the field of fire suppression from combustion, exposure or inhalation to the toxic gases. The basic idea of fire detection and treatment robot based on detect the fire by the wireless camera and flame sensor then suppression the fire by send command from mobile phone through Bluetooth connection to make water pump turn" ON", and the fire then extinguished.

2018 International Journal of Core Engineering & Management (IJCEM)

The sudden increase in electrical current due to increased load or electric short circuit lead to the control panel damage in homes and companies or other institutions, and may also cause damage in the electric wires which carries the electric current, which may cause to electrical seam and then lead to the connected appliances damage to the same system as well as lead to the fire. In this, paper will build intelligent circuit breaker based on Arduino and necessary sensors such that current and voltage sensor and with help of LCD can print the result of voltage and current, the intelligent circuit breaker will monitor and control the consumption current due to various domestic loads or short circuit. In short, circuit condition the current is very large and the voltage approximately equal to zero, the Arduino receive these values from sensors then compare it with the threshold values to make the proper decision to protect system from damage and the same principle with increasing the load limit.

Green Micro-grid Based on PV/WT Hybrid System for Remote and Rural Population in Iraq: A Case Study
2021 Intelligent Manufacturing and Mechatronics , Springer, Singapore

Identifying and harnessing energy sources that offer sustainability and reliability have been and continue to be constant challenges in the search for renewable energy resources. Many remote areas of Iraq have grown in recent years; however, nothing has been done to upgrade the power-producing facilities and distribution networks, because updating the system is highly expensive and beyond the capability of a remote area. Renewable energy resources such as solar and wind energy are clean and can be used extensively. Combining these sources with storage batteries can result in better, cleaner, economical and more reliable results compared to a single source. This paper proposes techno-economically feasible and optimal sizing for each component of a hybrid system to generate electricity to a typical house in Zerbattiya, a village located in southeastern 

Amany Mohammad Abood (6 Research)
Pathway Discover of Moving Objects using Color Segmentation and Region Property
2019 International Journal of Engineering and Technology

This paper presents the real-time algorithm of moving objects tracking and detection using
region property and color segmentation. The real-time moving objects pathway finder is a
vital difficulty problem in human-computer interface and video observation. The attitude of track and
detect moving objects using color characteristics and movements has introduced new techniques for
automation. The tracking of video is a method of discovering the traveling over specific reserve by using a
color camera to narrate target bodies in successive video borders. Respecting to frame rate, the
relationship could be especially troublesome in the case of the speedy moving of objects. In interchange cases, the
issue grows of randomness is the time in case of the tracking objects varying the direction following
eventually. For these cases, the video tracking design model classically exploits the progress model
will portray the process of the image of the target when it changes for characteristic imaginable object
movements. Development of tracking algorithm to the real-time affecting bodies with unlike frames of
the videotape by use color characteristic and movement is investigated and produced in this work

Design and Realization of Motion Detector System for House Security

In this paper, the design and realization of motion detector system for house security-based GSM network is presented. The development of microcontroller carried out intruder detection that supports tracking techniques to provide vital security with control and alert operation inside and outside the home. The pivot of security on the integration the motion detector and cameras into web applications has become more interested. The smart surveillance Pi camera obtain the input from the motion detector and controller which is send the video to the web server allowing the homeowner to access this video by use web applications. An intrusion alert send to the owner by mean of message via mobile and buzzers alarms located at suitable distance. This system is typify proficient video camera for remote sensing and tracking with live video for succeeding play again to offers efficient and easy implementation with omnipresent surveillance solution.

Finger vein techniques: Survey
2020 American Institute of Physics (AIP)

In recent years, finger vein recognition has taken a noticeable attention. It is greatly employed for many applications due to its multiple advantages; for example: small and easy to use scanning device, its accuracy and convenience compared to other hand-based biometric models. For years researcher presented promising finger vein recognition approaches, nevertheless, there are problems and challenges in finger vein localization, feature extraction and identification. In this paper, we study twenty two finger vein recognition systems and view the methods and the techniques for which these systems built to serve. the variety of methodologies of these systems are reflects the differences in accuracy and performance for which it is vital to know which presented methods and proposed ways to reduce the outcome; so that more suitable techniques to be produced for building more robust systems

Maysam Sameer Hussein (8 Research)
MPAES: A Multiple-Privileges Access E-Door System based on Passive RFID Technology
2017 7th Scientific Engineering and 1st International Conference “Recent Trends in Engineering Science and Sustainability”

Many techniques have been used in achieving secure door systems, with the development of Internet of Things (IoT) and technologies, Access control systems grow differentially and rapidly. This paper proposes a novel reconfigurable embedded system called multiple-privileges access E-Door system (MPAES). Unlike existing E-Door systems, MPAES is developed in such a way that enables the administrator to set multiple access rules to the users. Moreover, a single e-door can be configured to be accessed by a single person or multiple people identification based on passive Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology. In addition, unlike the physical keys, the passive tags (keys) can be used to open or participate in opening multiple e-doors. Furthermore, The administrator could control and monitor the access events. In doing so, this paper gives the hardware and software components selection; the architectural design; and the concrete hardware prototyping and dynamic software implementation of the proposed MPAES. Finally, this paper gives the future direction in developing E-door systems.

Construction of an online examination with resumption of randomization capabilities
2015 International Journal of Computing Academic Research

Online Examination is an essential ingredient in electronic and interactive learning, however, in educational environment most of examinations are done in the classical paper-based way due to the lack of resumption capability when power/network/physical computer’s component failures. For this reason, adopting and developing an online examination system acts as an active research area in recent years. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art and the-art-of-the-practice for nine general-purpose online examination systems found in the literature, as well as, some dedicated industrial systems based on seven elected intertwined features; namely: secure login, resumption capability, multi-instructor, random question selection, random questions distribution, random choice distribution, and portability implementation method. Even though, the implementation of these systems is promising, however, these systems have some bleeding points. For instance, by practicing the existing examinations system, some challenging features are found and others are missing. Among these features; namely: the resumption capability and the combination of randomization features are missing in the reviewed systems. Fix and build from earlier works, this paper proposes an Online Examination System (OLES) that addresses all the elected features to facilitate adopting online examination. OLES is based on spiral model and TCP-IP client/server networking and implemented using Java programming language and Derby database. Finally, a comparison of the proposed OLES versus other related works to distinguish its unique features, and some recommendations for future work are provided.

Pathway Discover of Moving Objects using Color Segmentation and Region Property
2019 International Journal of Engineering and Technology

This paper presents the real-time algorithm of moving objects tracking and detection using
region property and color segmentation. The real-time moving objects pathway finder is a
vital difficulty problem in human computer interface and video observation. The attitude of track and
detect moving objects using color characteristics and movements has introduced with new techniques for
automation. The tracking of video is a method of discovery the travelthing over specific reserve by use a
color camera to narrate target bodies in successive video borders. Respecting to frame rate, the
relationship could be especially troublesome in case of speedy moving of objects.In interchange case, the
issue grows of randomness is the time in case of the tracking objects varying the direction following
eventually. For this cases, the video tracking design model are classicallyexploit the progress model
willportrays process the image of the target when it change for characteristicimaginableobjects
movements. A development of tracking algorithm to the real time affecting bodies with unlike frames of
the videotape by use color characteristic and movement is investigated and produced in this work.

Ahmed Sadiq Abbas (0 Research)
(3 Research)
Multiband Characteristics and Fractal Dimension of Dipole Antenna with Square Koch Curve Geometry
2010 2nd International Conference on Education Technology and Computer (ICETC)
The Mutual Interaction effects between Array Antenna Parameters and Receiving Signals Bandwidth
2014 Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Dipole Antenna with Fractal Koch Curve Geometry for Multiple Frequency Applications
2011 Iraqi Journal of Applied Physics
M.M. Ghaida Ahmed Ali (0 Research)
M. Ayat Mohamed Yahya (0 Research)
Kadhim Jawad Kadhim (0 Research)
Mhamad Waleed Bakro (0 Research)
Saja Theab Ahmed (0 Research)
Walid Yousef Alayash (0 Research)
Ahmad Adnan Akel (0 Research)
Salim Kadhim Tarrad (0 Research)
Mustafa Nafea Jaffer (0 Research)
Laheeb Salah mkhelf (0 Research)
Research Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering

Research Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering

(2 Research)
Expermintal investigation for effect of load exhaust emission and combustion charactristics of USLD&RME biadiesel with a common -rail HDSL diesel engin
2014 مؤتمر البصرة الدولي الاول للهندسة الميكانيكية /جامعة البصرة
Vibration Analysis of Fluid Structure Interface for Rectangular Plate
2022 Next Generation of Internet of Things

Investigate the vibration of the rectangular plate related to the liquid, normal body frequency and modes shapes of cantilever plate without and with hole and perforate plate with 169 hole in air and contact of the water surface and immersed in water are presented using finite element method via ANSYS15 software. Acoustic model in three dimension domain is considered using APDL program to take the variables. The gotten comes about detailed the 6th plate normal body frequency and mode shapes which are based upon the behavior of the plate. In all cases, there are diminished with in the natural frequency of the fluid–structure framework. It can be concluded from our work that the exactness of the predicted frequencies utilizing our demonstrate is either exceptionally great or at slightest adequate for commonsense purposes.

(3 Research)
The influnce of injection timing on combustion and emission charactristics of HSDI diesel engine
2014 مجلة الهندسة والتكنولوجيا/الجامعة التكنلوجيا
The influnce of injection pressure on combustion and emission charactristics of a common -rail HSDI diesel engine
2014 مجلة جامعة ذي قار للعلوم الهندسية /جامعة ذي قار /كلية الهندسة
An investigation of the relation between premixed burn fraction and emission characteristics of acommon -rail HSDI diesel at different loads
2014 المؤتمر الدولي للعلوم الهندسية /الجامعة المستنصرية /كلية الهندسة
(2 Research)
Numerical investigation of nanofluids comprising different metal oxide nanoparticles for cooling concentration photovoltaic thermal CPVT
2022 Cleaner Engineering and Technology

The impact of utilizing Nanofluids with different metal oxide nanoparticles on heat transfer enhancement and fluid flow for concentration photovoltaic thermal the CPVT collector with Fresnel lens is demonstrated using CFD simulation. With the rising temperature, the electrical efficiency and output power of Multi-Junction Solar Cells drop. Four different types of nanofluids and water are utilized as cooling fluids to disperse heat from Multi-Junction Solar Cells by moving the fluid within the mini-channel beneath the PV Solar Cells. In the current analysis, the Reynolds numbers range from 2000 to 18000. For all forms of cooling fluids, the average Nusselt numbers are augmented by rising Reynolds numbers. The CFD results demonstrated that the Nusselt number of all nanofluid cooling fluids is greater than that of water. When compared to water in a CPVT collector, water-SiO2 nanofluid provides the maximum heat transfer improvement of 12.5%. The silicon dioxide nanoparticles have high thermal conductivity, with the water-SiO2 nanofluid exhibiting the greatest heat transfer increase, followed by water-Al2O3, water-ZnO, water-CuO, and water. The average top surface temperature of the mini-channel for the CPVT collector is reduced by 7% when water-SiO2 nanofluid is used as a cooling fluid and by 3.4% when water is used. The usage of water-SiO2 nanofluid has a significant impact on the heat dissipation with high heat transfer enhancement from Multi-Junction Solar Cells in CPVT collector, leading to an increase in electrical efficiency.

Vibration Analysis of Fluid Structure Interface for Rectangular Plate
2022 Next Generation of Internet of Things

Investigate the vibration of the rectangular plate related to the liquid, normal body frequency and modes shapes of cantilever plate without and with hole and perforate plate with 169 hole in air and contact of the water surface and immersed in water are presented using finite element method via ANSYS15 software. Acoustic model in three dimension domain is considered using APDL program to take the variables. The gotten comes about detailed the 6th plate normal body frequency and mode shapes which are based upon the behavior of the plate. In all cases, there are diminished with in the natural frequency of the fluid–structure framework. It can be concluded from our work that the exactness of the predicted frequencies utilizing our demonstrate is either exceptionally great or at slightest adequate for commonsense purposes.

Amel S. Merzah (29 Research)
An Experimental Investigation of Impressed Current Cathodic Protection System (ICCP) in Basra Soil
2017 International Journal of Scientific and engineering Research
Development of a novel needle-like phase for alumina-doped glass with couple oxide edition
2016 Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal
Study The Electron Transport Properties of Nanowire and its applications in a Nano Electronic Device
2016 المؤتمر العلمي الاول لبحوث الدراسات العليا الكلية التقنية الهندسية- بغداد
(5 Research)
Study the water hammer phenomena it’s causes and solutions
2018 المجلة العلمية الاكاديمية العربية في الدنمارك
استخدام المراكز الكهروحرارية المطوره لانتاج الطاقه الكهربائية ومياه التحليه
2018 اكاديمية شمال اوربا للعلوم والبحث العلمي
Global Warming phenomena its harms and causes and previntations method
2018 اكاديمية شمال اوربا للعلوم والبحث العلمي
Mustafa Jasim Awad (8 Research)
Experimental study to increase the strength of the adhesive bond by increasing the surface area arrangement
2020 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Experimental and numerical study of pressure drop in pipes packed with large particles
2020 Heat and Mass Transfer
Spur gear safety prediction through the analysis of stress intensity factor
2021 Int. J. Computer Aided Engineering and Technology
Prof. Dr. Saad Mohsen Saleh (0 Research)
M. Abdul Karim Rasool (0 Research)
M.M. Saud Tamim Taher (0 Research)
Areej Hamza Hilal (2 Research)
Thermal Performance of Different Solar Distillators Under Iraq Climate Condition
2019 Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences

In this work, a novel single-slope solar distillator of floating perforated absorber
inserted with wicks (cotton ribbons), and a stepped distillator are designed and
manufactured with the aim of developing the conventional distillator. They are
examined experimentally at Baghdad, Iraq (33.3°N Latitude, 44.4°E Longitude) in order
to enhance the freshwater productivity and the efficiency of the conventional
distillator. Results showed that the daily productivity and efficiency of the stepped
distillator are higher than that for conventional solar distillator by 30% and 36.19%
respectively. The daily productivity and thermal efficiency for the distillator with the
floating absorber are higher than that for the conventional distillator by 16% and 26%
respectively. Daily productivity and the efficiency of the stepped distillator are higher
than that for the distillator with floating absorber by 11.8 % and 32.9 % respectively. It
has been concluded that the stepped distillator is higher productivity and efficiency
than the conventional distilled and the distillator with the floating absorber.

Effect of Circular Turbulators on Heat Transfer in A Square Duct
2020 Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments

Flow and heat transfer are simulated numerically in a 3-dimensional square duct supplied with circular turbulators for different values of the turbulator height to the duct height (Blocking ratio BR). The investigated blocking ratios of these circular obstacles are 0.1, 0.15 and 0.2. Reynolds number for all cases is fixed at 5477. Top and bottom faces of the duct in the test region are subjected to 200 W/m2 heat flux. Turbulators number effect is examined in a range of (1-2-5-7). The fixing angle is taken of range (0, 30, and 45). The influence of these parameters on both heat transfer and fluid flow are examined. Ansys-Fluent 18 is implemented to perform the numerical simulation. The simulation of fluid flow is performed using realizable k-ε turbulence model. It was found that the presence of these turbulators has a significant effect on the heat transfer. Further that the heat transfer rate directly proportional to the blocking ratio, number of turbulators, and fixing angle. In general, the enhancement ratio of heat transfer could reach 30%.

(0 Research)
(0 Research)
(0 Research)
(0 Research)
Mustafa Mohamed Attia (0 Research)
Sama Walid Mansour (0 Research)
Zeina Ahmed Abdel Hadi (0 Research)
Heba Ahmed Abdel Razzaq (0 Research)
My right Naji Salman (0 Research)
Ghaida Alaa Mahmoud (0 Research)
Ali Riyad Hussein (0 Research)
Nour Khudair Abbas (0 Research)
‏tamaruh samir khulil (0 Research)
Ahlam Salam Abdulkareem (0 Research)
Ali Husein Jawad (0 Research)
Zainab Adnan Rasheed (0 Research)
Mena saadi nasif (0 Research)
Research Department of Medical Instrumentation

Research Department of Medical Instrumentation

Assist.Prof.Dr.Mohammed Q. Mohammed (24 Research)
The generalized effectiveness criterion wireless segments for information syst
2008 Journal Kharkiv University Air Force research papers
Features of the organization wireless segments for enterprise information systems
2010 New Technologies”, Scientific Journal
Assessment of the effectiveness of the technology for simultaneous data transmission and Rece messages meditsinsih institutions
2010 Conference Proceedings of the 13th International Youth Forum "Radioelectronics
Prof. Dr. Ashour Dawoud Hammoud Al-Saadi (30 Research)
Synthesis of New Magnetic Nanoparticles and Study their Effect on Prolactin Structure
2014 مجلة الجامعة المستنصرية
Adsorption of protein on the coated magnetic nanoparticals
2008 LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
Synthesis, characterization and biological activity study of metronidazolethiadiazole derivatives
2016 International Journal of PharmTech Research
Noor talib abdzaid alshariffy (11 Research)
MR Brain Image Segmentation Using Fuzzy C- means Clustering
2012 The First National Conference for Engineering Sciences .Al Nahrain University /college of Engineering
MRI Brain mage Segmentation Using SOM Neural Network
2012 The First National Conference for Engineering Sciences .Al Nahrain University /college of Engineering
The Emergence Of COVID-19 And Its Pandemic Potentialas A Global Health Security Threat And Its Effect On Future Life Strategy
2021 BiblioMed
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yaqeen Sabah Mezaal (19 Research)
Design of microstrip bandpass filters based on stair-step patch resonator
2018 International Journal of Electronics
Low cost smart weather station using Arduino and ZigBee
2020 TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control
An experimental study by employing Nano VNA in microwave devices
2022 International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications
To achieve precise measurements, a vector network analyzer can compensate for the instrument's systematic flaws, the features of cables, adapters, and test fixtures. To check the vector reflection coefficient of microwave devices, we used a low-cost portable VNA (NanoVNA) analyzer with a frequency range of 50 kHz to 4.4 GHz. VNAs are more versatile than oscilloscopes and may be used to explore a wide range of frequency components based on scattering characteristics, smith charts, phase response, and complex numbers. We did some experimental investigations for reported filters and antenna to evaluate the NanoVNA performance and suitability, especially its nonlinear scattering responses.
(4 Research)
Microwave-induced catalytic oxidative desulfurization of gasoil fraction over phosphotungstic acid-based magnetic silica (Ni@SiO2PWA) nanocatalyst
2020 دار نشر السفير العالمية
Preparationand Characterization of KOH/ɣ-Al2o3 Nanoparticles for BiodieselProduction
New Microstrip Multiband Filter for Modern Wireless Applications using Kappa substrate Material
2021 Materials Today: Proceedings (ISSN: 22147853, Elsevier Ltd.).
(1 Research)
Review about effects of IOT and Nano technology techniques in the development of IONT in wireless systems
M. M. Sari Muhammad Saeed Ahmed (0 Research)
Ibrahim Hasan (0 Research)
millimeter. Israa Fayeq Abbas (0 Research)
millimeter. By Hashem Muhammad (3 Research)
A back propagation neural network for identifying multi-word biomedical named entities
2016 International Review on Computers and Software
Building Information Modelling (BIM) and the Internet-of-Things (IoT): A Systematic Mapping Study
2020 IEEE
Smartphone-generated images to estimate canine packed cell volume with enhancement techniques
2021 International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications
abdallah waleed (0 Research)
Amer Hasan Mahmood (0 Research)
Eng. Hanan Jabbar Abdul Karim Al-Fleih (0 Research)
(0 Research)
Aya Munther Abdel Ali (0 Research)
(0 Research)
Ahmed Abbas Aliwi (0 Research)
Umaima Raid Khairi (1 Research)
2021 IOP Journal of Physics (Online ISSN: 1742-6596, Print ISSN: 1742-6588, SCOPUS Indexed)
(0 Research)
Eng. Afrah Jawad Muhaisen (1 Research)
Double hydrothermal synthesis of iron oxide/silver oxide nanocomposites with antibacterial activity
Sep 20,2021 الجامعة المستنصرية
Eng. Reham Ehsan Kamel (8 Research)
Enhancement the Electrical Properties of Porous Silicon for Photodetectors Applications by depositing Bi2O3 nanoparticles
2019 Optik

In this work, bismuth oxide nanoparticles (Bi2O3NPs) are preparation by laser ablation at diverse laser energy 200, 400, 600 and 800 mJ with 100 shots and laser wavelength 1064 nm then deposited on porous silicon (PS). X-ray diffraction (XRD) study revealed that Bi2O3NPs is crystalline and belong to α-phase with monoclinic symmetry. Atomic force microscope (AFM) study results for PS showed sponge like structure, and for Bi2O3NPs appears an average diameter of 31.09 nm coordinated in a rod-like shape, are watching and electrical properties are carried out to describe the samples. Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectra showed the oxidation of PS substrate resulting in the passivating of the surface states and for Bi2O3NPs/PS confirming the presence of Bi-O bond. The electrical properties such as barrier height (ΦB) and ideal factor (n) of the Al/PS/ Si/Al and Al/Bi2O3NPs/PS/Si/Al heterojunction were calculated from the current–voltage (I-V) measurements.

Synthesis of Bi2O3 nanoparticles by laser ablation on porous silicon for photoconversion application
2019 Optik

In this paper, synthesis and characterizing of bismuth oxide nanoparticles (Bi2O3NPs) are synthesized by laser ablation at different laser pulses energy 200, 400, 600 and 800 mJ with 100 shots and laser wavelength 1064 nm and porous silicon (PS) was presented. Scanning electron Microscopy (SEM), x-ray diffraction (XRD), UV–vis-NIR spectrophotometer and electrical properties are used to characterize the products. The results show X- ray patterns analysis and improve the crystalline structure of Bi2O3 nanoparticles which relate to α- phase and monoclinic symmetry. SEM image shows approximate spherical particles with a little agglomeration for both samples. From results transmittance of Bi2O3NPs suspension with energy bandgaps ranging from the infrared up to near-ultraviolet can be obtained, depending on their structure and morphology. Based on these results, we demonstrated enhanced performance of Bi2O3NPs/PS photoddetectors over a broad range of wavelengths

Bi2O3 nanoparticles ablated on porous silicon for sensing NO2 gas
2020 Optik

In this work, preparation and characterization of Bi2O3 nanoparticles (Bi2O3NPs) by laser ablation in liquid at various laser energy 200, 400, 600 and 800 mJ. X-ray diffraction (XRD) investigation is appeared broad diffraction peak when the size of the crystal becomes inside nanometer. Scanning electron Microscopy (SEM) study results for porous silicon (PS) showed sponge like structure and Bi2O3NPs nanoparticles appear as bright spots. Observed the reflectivity of Bi2O3NPs on PS is less than Si bulk and PS, however. From Raman result show peaks at 81 cm−1 and 303 cm−1 , are the specific bands of α-Bi2O3. The band at 303 cm−1 , are assumed to be because of Bi–O stretches. The electrical properties such as barrier height (ΦB) and ideality factor (n) of the Al/Bi2O3NPs/PS/Si/Al heterojunction were determined from the current–voltage (I-V) measurements. Finally, the variation of operation temperature of NO2 gas sensors which fabricated from the prepared samples on sensor sensitivity, response time and recover time have been studied, and the maximum sensitivity was about 71 % for Bi2O3NPs ablated by laser energy 600 mJ on PS.

Eng. Heba Furat Abdel Sattar (2 Research)
New Design of Temperature Sensor-Based Breathing Monitoring System

: Since March 11, 2020, the WHO has announced a global pandemic due to COVID-19, triggered by the serious, intense respiratory disease coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). Therefore, the necessity to design a temperature sensor-based breathing monitoring system increased. In this work, a new device is designed to detect the temperature of the exhaled air outside the human body is subject to the techniques of the Internet of Things and respiratory monitoring applications. These readings are recorded based on the patient’s condition diagnosed. In addition, the new device can monitor and record the change in the patient’s temperature by using the Internet of Medical Think application. As a result, this device would be able to trace changes in body temperature accompanied by the symptoms of the Covid-19 infection

Study of the Electronic and Vibrational Properties of Znx-1CdxS Wurtzoids Via Density Functional Theory
Safa Layth (0 Research)
(0 Research)
(0 Research)
(0 Research)
Dina Abbas Douai (0 Research)
Zahraa Ibrahim Najib (0 Research)
Murtaza Muhammad Mahdi (0 Research)
Zahraa Riad Hassan (0 Research)
Zahraa Hassan Abdulameer (0 Research)
Dina Abbas Douai (0 Research)
Maha Ismail Abbas (0 Research)
Dalia Salah Abdel Sahib (0 Research)
Zainab Hussein Hamza (0 Research)
Sarah Mohammed najm (0 Research)
Falah Hassan Alwan (0 Research)
ahmed sameer abdulmohsin (0 Research)
Alabbas A. Al-Azzawi (15 Research)
An efficient L-band Zirconia Yttria Aluminum Erbium co-doped fiber amplifier with 1480nm pumping
2019 Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials
Compact and Flat-Gain Fiber Optical Amplifier with Hafnia-Bismuth-Erbium co-doped Fiber
2018 Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics
A Flat-Gain Double-Pass Amplifier with New Hafnia-Bismuth-Erbium Codoped Fiber
2018 Chinese Physics Letters
M. M. Sarah Majeed Shaneen (0 Research)
Dr. Abdul Wahid Shamkhi (0 Research)
Dr. Khalil Ibrahim (0 Research)
Auf Rahoumi (0 Research)
Zeina Abdel Rahman (0 Research)
Taha Sarmad Hammoud (0 Research)
Ali Muhannad Fares (0 Research)
khalil ibraheem imhan (7 Research)
Investigation of material specifications changes during laser tube bending and its influence on the modification and optimization of analytical modeling
2017 optics and laser technology
Nowadays, laser tube bending process has become commonly used in laser material processing and fabrication fields because of its ability to produce such forms and shapes that cannot be achieved by normal mechanical bending tools. The process can avoid and overcome most of bending defects like wall thinning, wrinkling, spring back and ovalization. This investigation focused on the experimental, analytical modeling, and numerical simulation to give more understanding of the process. In this work a high power pulsed Nd-Yag laser of maximum average power laser 300 (W) emitting at 1064 nm and fiber coupled has been used to irradiate stainless steel 304 tubes of diameter 12.7 mm, 0.6 mm thickness and 60 mm in length. An analytical model has been used to determine the bending angle by using Matlab program software. The changes of material specification during the laser tube bending process due to the temperature rise has been studied and the analytical model has been modified and enhanced. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) was used to optimize the analytical and experimental results and reduce the mean absolute error. © 2017 Elsevier Ltd
Improve the material absorption of light and enhance the laser tube bending process utilizing laser softening heat treatment
2018 optics and laser technology
Laser forming is a flexible control process that has a wide spectrum of applications; particularly, laser tube bending. It offers the perfect solution for many industrial fields, such as aerospace, engines, heat exchangers, and air conditioners. A high power pulsed Nd-YAG laser with a maximum average power of 300 W emitting at 1064 nm and fiber-coupled is used to irradiate stainless steel 304 (SS304) tubes of 12.7 mm diameter, 0.6 mm thickness and 70 mm length. Moreover, a motorized rotation stage with a computer controller is employed to hold and rotate the tube. In this paper, an experimental investigation is carried out to improve the laser tube bending process by enhancing the absorption coefficient of the material and the mechanical formability using laser softening heat treatment. The material surface is coated with an oxidization layer; hence, the material absorption of laser light is increased and the temperature rapidly rises. The processing speed is enhanced and the output bending angle is increased to 1.9° with an increment of 70% after the laser softening heat treatment.
Effect of doped Zn–PbI2 nanostructures on structural and electrical properties of photodetector applications
2019 Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics
The present study focuses on the structural and electrical properties of doped zinc–lead iodide (Zn–PbI2) as-deposited film. Lead iodide (PbI2) nanostructure was successfully prepared by thermal evaporation method on a glass substrate at room temperature. The analysis, characterization, and structural properties of PbI2 were achieved using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy. The PbI2 was polycrystalline and had a hexagonal structure as proved using XRD. The measured values are in agreement with other experimental and theoretical data. Furthermore, the present research studied the effect of doping on the physical properties of lead iodide with zinc dopants at different weights (0.02, 0.04, 0.06, and 0.08) mg. The electrical properties of the fabricated metal–semiconductor–metal photodetector based on PbI2 and Pb1−xZnxI2 layers prepared on glass substrates by thermal
Mazen Mahmood Abdullatif (0 Research)
Ali Kareem Najm (0 Research)
Melak Saleh mohammed (0 Research)
mohammed sadeqa ali (0 Research)
Mohammed Hassooni Salim (0 Research)
Alhasan Nabeh Fadhil (0 Research)
tamara obeida adnan (0 Research)
Dhuha sabah mohammed (0 Research)
Ahmed Azeez Ahmed (0 Research)
Meena adnan jaafar (0 Research)
Ali Rida Abdulhusein (0 Research)
Shahad abduljabbar (0 Research)
Zainab Hadi salih (0 Research)
suroor faiq mohmmed (0 Research)
Research Cyber Security Engineering Technique

Research Cyber Security Engineering Technique

Mustafa Hatem Nahi (0 Research)
Mariam Hassan Hussien (0 Research)
Hind Ahmed Naji (0 Research)
Samer Hassan Rabih (31 Research)
Study of the technical impacts of distributed photovoltaic generation on distribution networks
2024 مجلة جامعة طرطوس
In this research, the technical effects of the photovoltaic generation are studied on distribution networks, where we used the ETAP program to analyze the flow of a load using the Newton Rafson method on the IEEE33 test network before entering the distributor generator and after entering it in different proportions and in several locations, and we studied actual and responsive losses as well as the effort On the lowest pans in all cases. We found that adding the photovoltaic generation distributed over the most loaded Basbar, the most far from the source and by 30% is the condition that achieves the best reduction rate of actual loss, as well as the best high voltage rate on low -voltage basb In addition to studying a realistic network, which is part of the Tartous Governorate distribution network (the director of industry), which mainly contains the generation of photo distributed by 24.7%, and it was noted that the actual power losses decreased by 70%, as well as the loss of custodian power by 76%, and the fact that the industry network has geographically separate loads from each other In addition, it suffers from a significant low level of voltage levels, so the distributing optimum generation should not be concentrated on one pamper but rather distributed on several viability.
Modular Multi-Level Converter in Both Cases of Sub-Synchronous and Super Study and Analysis of Performance of the Doubly-Fed Induction Generator that driving by

Doubly fed induction generators are one of the most important types used in wind turbines because they are easy to deal with changing wind speeds. These generator are driven by electronic converters where is installed between the stator of generator that connected to the electrical grid and the rotor, several converters ,such as traditional converter and matrix converter, have been used to drive this type of generators. The use of these converters is associated with several problems related to the appearance of distortions in voltage and current and oscillations in electromagnetic torque, in order to reduce these distortions and oscillations and to obtain pure voltage and current waves as much as possible to supply the electrical grid with electrical energy of high quality and efficiency, the multi- level converter which represent the latest used converters because of their unique properties and features as an alternative option to the traditional and matrix converters that have been used.
In these research, the performance of the doubly fed induction generator was studied and analyzed when it is driven by a multi-level converter in both cases of sub-synchronous and super synchronous speed, where the wind generation system based on the use of the multi-level converter was modeled using MATLAB, the simulation was carried out, and analyze the total harmonic distortion for waves of voltage and current and the results were discussed for speed, stator and rotor currents, voltages of stator and rotor and show the active generated power curve and reactive power curve ,in addition to showing the electromagnetic torque curve and then compare with the cases in which it was used matrix converter and traditional converter where the results of the comparison showed that use of the multi-level converter led to a significant improvement in the performance of the system.

Using Modular Multilevel Converter as rectifier in smart transformer when connected to medium voltage network
2023 مجلة جامعة البعث
Smart transformers, are considered as keyroles in the futuristic smart grids that contain renewables, which are essential part, of distributed generating sources. Rectifiers on medium voltage side in these transformers must have the ability of control active and reactive powers and must compensate reactive power in the network when needed. Modular multilevel converter has many features such as small size filters and low voltage rating semiconductors and a modular structure as it use a medium voltage DC-Link that gives MMC the advantage of connecting to the renewables. In this research, we will study the ability of using the Modular Multilevel converter as rectifier for the smart transformer as we will select its components using a suitable controlling technique to control the output DC voltage to be connected with the high frequency hight to low transformer
Ziad Ali Nouman (0 Research)
Assist. Prof. Dr. Mohammed G.S. Al-Safi (24 Research)
Design and Simulation of an Affordable Vehicle Speed Detection System
2023 2023 International Conference on Modeling & E-Information Research, Artificial Learning and Digital Applications (ICMERALDA) IEEE
The objective of this paper is to detect the over speed of vehicles on the roads. Although maximum speed limit signs exist on the roads, many accidents keep on because of high-speed driving. It is necessary to solve these problems through automation techniques. This paper describes a speed detection system for vehicles, the traffic police can easily check the speed of vehicles by using this system. This system consists of a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) LOGO! V8.3, two Laser sensors, an HMI (Human Machine Interface), a speed camera, and a LOGO! CMR (Communication Module Radio). The detected speed is displayed on the HMI display, moreover, if a vehicle crosses the limited speed, this system displays the over-speed on HMI, and the speed camera is activated to capture an image of that vehicle. Also, an SMS (Short Messages Service) will be sent by the CMR to the traffic authority informing them … COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS TECHNIQUES FOR MODELLING DUST STORM TURBULENCE PATTERNS IN IRAQ
2023 Mathematics for Applications-Submission Portal
Considering the various factors that affect dust storms, the independent variables included a set of six meteorological and climatological indicators: wind speed, atmospheric pressure, dust concentration, temperature, humidity, whereas dependent variable, turbulence intensity, was used to measure how turbulent dust storms are examined. Data regarding all the specified variables was accessed from “Geospatial Interactive Online Visualization and Analysis Infrastructure” for a period of twenty years. The findings suggested that there is a meaningful link between the dependent variable and the independent variables for the long-term associations. All have a significant influence on the atmosphere's predisposition to possess the kinetic energy. The significance of this discovery lies in its disclosure of the intricate nature of atmospheric dynamics and their susceptibility to a broad spectrum of external factors. By addressing these obstacles, atmospheric study will progress, and more inclusive models and policies will be developed. Therefore, the current research has also been effective in providing different research implications.
Sentence Reduction based on Automatic Document Text Summarization and Crossbred Framework
2023 IEEE المؤتمر 2023 First International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics and Computational Intelligence (ICAEECI)
variety of sources and anticipated to attract substantial growth and attention. The enormous quantity of textual content renders manual text summarization infeasible due to the time, effort, and expense required. Extraction of actionable insights from text data is vital because it provides organizations and users with solutions that increase their value. Since the 1950s, academics have endeavored to enhance ATS techniques. The people are projected to compile summaries based on summary type. Therefore, Automatic Text Summarization (ATS) is the reduction of a large quantity of information into a concise and easily understood summary and useful others. The subject matter and meaning of the text must be preserved during using the ATS. Based on the above summary, a new automatic text summarization system has been
Mohammed Mustafa Hijazeh (8 Research)
مقارنة أداء خوارزميات جدولة المهام العشوائية في نظم الزمن الحقيقي
2018 مجلة جامعة تشرين للبحوث والدراسات العلمية سلسلة العلوم الهندسية المجلد (40) العدد 4
فهرسة و استرجاع ملفات الفيديو من قاعدة بيانات باستخدام المنطق الضبابي و معالجة الصورة
2017 مجلة جامعة تشرين للبحوث والدراسات العلمية سلسلة العلوم الهندسية المجلد (39) العدد 3
دراسة أداء و فعالية ترميز الشبكة الخطي العشوائي في تحقيق النقل الموثوق للبيانات في الشبكات اللاسلكية ذات الضياع
مجلة جامعة تشرين للبحوث والدراسات العلمية _ سلسلة العلوم الهندسية المجلد 39 العدد 3
Noor Abdulmajeed Abdulhameed (0 Research)
Ahmad Osama Malla (5 Research)
Using of Manganese Dioxide Nanostructures in Microwave IC Packaging
2023 مجلة جامعة البعث-سلسلة العلوم الهندسية الميكانيكية و الكهربائية و المعلوماتية
The packaging of Microwave integrated circuits (MIC) is one of the important and sensitive matters in the manufacture of these circuits, which directly affects the performance of the whole system, as the box acts as a cradle for the circuit, which may turn into a resonant cavity under certain conditions, which leads to disturbance in the circuit’s work and instability, to avoid this effect we use a special materials that absorb excited microwaves and do not allow them to reflect and spread within the cavity. β-MnO2 nanoparticles were prepared by the simple hydrothermal method. β-MnO2 was dispersed successfully in Poly Vinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) to form the absorber system (β-MnO2/PVDF) in various percentage ratios. X-ray diffraction indicates prepared MnO2 has a nano crystallite structure (Tetragonal) in beta phase. The percentage of attenuation in all studied ratios at the peaks of curves were around 90%, and percentage of absorbing was around 72.5%, which strongly indicates that (β-MnO2/PVDF) is an excellent absorber material. The dielectric loss arising from PVDF and magnetic loss from β-MnO2. In X band.
Proposed Tunable Patch Antenna Using Substrate of PVDF
2022 مجلة بحوث جامعة حلب - سلسلة الهندسة الكهروميكانيكية والمعلوماتية

In this paper, a patch antenna with diverse geometric structure is designed and simulated by introducing a rectangular slot and tow parasitic elements of a certain shape in order to work on wideband frequency range, with ability for frequency tuning to the required frequency using piezoelectric material, which is PVDF (Polyvinylidene Flourid) that has witnessed widespread using in recent times because of its flexibility, cheapness, and light weight, in addition it’s distinctive electrical properties, where the dielectric constant value changes with the external electric field applied on it, so we can control the working frequency and obtain UWB antenna to serve large number of wireless communication systems. The research presented a broadband antenna [1.4 – 6] GHz that serve several systems: 5G, LTE, UMTS, IMT 2000, GSM, in addition to Bluetooth and Wifi. The design is light weight, small size, simple design, low cost, non-directional with 4 dBi gain, and suitable for 50Ω impedance transmission lines, easy to be implemented practically by (PCB) technology. All antenna parameters as return loss, input impedance, radiation pattern and gain have been simulated using HFSS.

Optimizing of Cellular Networks by adjusting the tilt of Base Stations Antennas – Case study (University of Aleppo Region) Using OPNET
2015 مجلة بحوث جامعة حلب - سلسلة الهندسة الكهروميكانيكية والمعلوماتية
Obviously the demand for higher data rates is increasing, and users are often complaining about Call ending problem or the coverage gaps or even decreasing in data rates while using the Internet. For that, mobile network developers have introduced multiple solutions and on multi levels in order to avoid those problems such as increase the bandwidth or the purchase of more frequencies or use advanced multiplexing techniques and improve FEC algorithms. This article discusses the impact of antenna tilting on the network performance so that we can through an integrated system connected to the core network, decrease/increase the tilt of base station antennas to increase/decrease a coverage area or do a load balancing between overcrowded cells after taking measurements from stations into account. Antenna tilting is considered an effective parameter in mobile network optimization process which specify the service area limitations in the cell and signal propagation which in turn effects on interference and fading within the network. It has become easy to control the antenna radiation pattern tilting for improving the network performance after inventing RET (Remote Electric Tilt) which allows the cell boundaries to be dynamic and controlled remotely, which enables the network to do tilt calibrations by itself.