• م. نور طالب عبد زيد
  • Noor talib abdzaid alshariffy
  • تدريسي : قسم هندسة تقنيات الاجهزة الطبية
  • Teaching : Department of Medical Instrumentation
  • ماجسير هندسة طب الحياتي
  • M.Sc. in biomedical engineering
  • n2021@esraa.edu.iq
  • noortalib25@yahoo.com
  • Syllabuses

    Syllabuses - 2
    Dep. Step. Sem. code No. Des. Syllabuses
    Department of Medical Instrumentation two term 1 MIN1321 7 أجهزة طبية/I
    Department of Medical Instrumentation four full GPR1340 4 مشروع


    Lectures - 35
    Sem SYLLABUSES Dep. st. Lectures
    2021-2022 أجهزة طبية / 3 Department of Medical Instrumentation four VENTILATOR MACHINE
    2021-2022 أجهزة طبية / 3 Department of Medical Instrumentation four Hemodialysis MACHINE
    2021-2022 أجهزة طبية / 3 Department of Medical Instrumentation four anesthesia machine
    2021-2022 أجهزة طبية / 3 Department of Medical Instrumentation four heart lung machine -cardiopulmonary
    2021-2022 أجهزة طبية / 3 Department of Medical Instrumentation four CARDIAC PACE MAKER
    2020-2021 أجهزة طبية / 3 Department of Medical Instrumentation four Hemodialysis MACHINE
    2020-2021 أجهزة طبية / 3 Department of Medical Instrumentation four CARDIAC PACE MAKER
    2020-2021 أجهزة طبية / 3 Department of Medical Instrumentation four CARDIAC PACE MAKER
    2020-2021 أجهزة طبية / 3 Department of Medical Instrumentation four The Cardiopulmonary Bypass Circuit
    2020-2021 أجهزة طبية / 3 Department of Medical Instrumentation four VENTILATOR MACHINE
    2020-2021 أجهزة طبية / 3 Department of Medical Instrumentation four ICU UNIT
    2020-2021 أجهزة طبية / 3 Department of Medical Instrumentation four Dental unit pdf
    2020-2021 أجهزة طبية / 3 Department of Medical Instrumentation four Dental unit ppt part 1
    2020-2021 أجهزة طبية / 3 Department of Medical Instrumentation four anesthesia machine
    2017-2018 أجهزة طبية/I Department of Medical Instrumentation two lec.11-ESU-by-ass.-lec-Noor.T.-Al-shariffy
    2017-2018 أجهزة طبية/I Department of Medical Instrumentation two lec-10-centrifugation-by-ass.-lec-Noor.T.-Al-shariffy
    2017-2018 أجهزة طبية/I Department of Medical Instrumentation two lec-9-Infant-incubator-by-ass.-lec-Noor.T.-Al-shariffy
    2017-2018 أجهزة طبية/I Department of Medical Instrumentation two lec-8-microscope-by-ass.-lec-Noor.T.-Al-shariffy
    2017-2018 أجهزة طبية/I Department of Medical Instrumentation two lec.7-autoclave-by-ass.-lec-Noor.T.-Al-shariffy
    2017-2018 أجهزة طبية/I Department of Medical Instrumentation two lec.-6-waX-bath-by-ass.-lec-Noor.T.-Al-shariffy
    2017-2018 أجهزة طبية/I Department of Medical Instrumentation two lec.-5-water-bath-by-ass.-lec-Noor.T.-Al-shariffy
    2017-2018 أجهزة طبية/I Department of Medical Instrumentation two lec.4-the-oven-by-ass.-lec-Noor.T.-Al-shariffy
    2017-2018 أجهزة طبية/I Department of Medical Instrumentation two lec.-3-water-distilator-by-ass.-lec-Noor.T.-Al-shariffy
    2017-2018 أجهزة طبية/I Department of Medical Instrumentation two LEC-2-Electronic-balance-by-ass.-lec-Noor.T.-Al-shariffy
    2017-2018 أجهزة طبية/I Department of Medical Instrumentation two LEC-1-Medical-instrumentation-1-by-ass.-lec-Noor.T.-Al-shariffy
    2017-2018 الفيزياء الطبية Department of Medical Instrumentation one lec11-electricity-within-the-body-and-its-application-by-ass.lec.-Noor-T.-Al.Shariffy
    2017-2018 الفيزياء الطبية Department of Medical Instrumentation one lec10-sound-and-ultrasound-by-ass.lec.-Noor-T.-Al.Shariffy
    2017-2018 الفيزياء الطبية Department of Medical Instrumentation one lec-9-cardiovascular-instruments-by-ass.lec.-Noor-T.-Al.Shariffy
    2017-2018 الفيزياء الطبية Department of Medical Instrumentation one lec-8-cardiovascular-system-by-ass.lec.-Noor-T.-Al.Shariffy
    2017-2018 الفيزياء الطبية Department of Medical Instrumentation one Lec7-physics-of-lungs-breathing-by-ass.lec.-Noor-T.-Al.Shariffy
    2017-2018 الفيزياء الطبية Department of Medical Instrumentation one Lec-6-pressure-in-human-body-by-ass.lec.-Noor-T.-Al.Shariffy
    2017-2018 الفيزياء الطبية Department of Medical Instrumentation one Lec.-5.-heat-and-cold-in-medicin-by-ass.lec.-Noor-T.-Al.Shariffy
    2017-2018 الفيزياء الطبية Department of Medical Instrumentation one lec.4-energy-work-and-power-in-the-body-by-ass.lec.-Noor-T.-Al-SHARIFFY
    2017-2018 الفيزياء الطبية Department of Medical Instrumentation one Lec.3-levers-in-the-body-by-ass.lec.-Noor-T.-Al.Shariffy
    2017-2018 الفيزياء الطبية Department of Medical Instrumentation one lec1-2-force-in-and-on-the-body-by-ass.lec.-Noor-T.-Al.Shariffy


    title MR Brain Image Segmentation Using Fuzzy C- means Clustering
    date 2012
    mag. The First National Conference for Engineering Sciences .Al Nahrain University /college of Engineering
    title MRI Brain mage Segmentation Using SOM Neural Network
    date 2012
    mag. The First National Conference for Engineering Sciences .Al Nahrain University /college of Engineering
    title The Emergence Of COVID-19 And Its Pandemic Potentialas A Global Health Security Threat And Its Effect On Future Life Strategy
    date 2021
    mag. BiblioMed
    title , Removal of Analgesic Paracetamol From Wastewater Using Dried Olive Stone
    date 2018
    mag. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 9(13), 2018, pp. 293–299
    title A Technical Overview and Comparison between PET and MRI Scanning
    date 2008
    mag. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11(1):35-41
    title Removal of Analgesic Paracetamol From Wastewater Using Dried Olive Stone
    date 2018
    mag. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 9(11):293-299
    title Measurement of Muscle Activity with Different Range of Motion using Arduino Advanced Software
    date 2020
    mag. Journal of Green Engineering 10(9):4965–4976
    title A critical review on medical imaging techniques (CT and PET scans) in the medical field
    date 2020
    mag. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
    title An Experimental Investigation to Redesign A Pacemaker Training Board for Educational Purposes
    date 2020
    mag. IOP Publishing Ltd
    date 2020
    mag. Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development 24(05)
    title A Technical Overview and Comparison between PET and MRI Scanning
    date 2020
    mag. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11(1):35-41