Lectures - 6
Sem | SYLLABUSES | Dep. | st. | Lectures |
2020-2021 | Information Theory and Coding(فرع شبكات اتصالات الحاسوب) | Department of Computer Technology Engineering | four | اسئلة واجوبة مادة نظرية المعلومات والترميز |
2020-2021 | Information Theory and Coding(فرع شبكات اتصالات الحاسوب) | Department of Computer Technology Engineering | four | ملزمة مختبر الترميز |
2020-2021 | Information Theory and Coding(فرع شبكات اتصالات الحاسوب) | Department of Computer Technology Engineering | four | ملخص نظرية المعلومات والترميز |
2017-2018 | Information Theory and Coding(فرع شبكات اتصالات الحاسوب) | Department of Computer Technology Engineering | four | Source coding |
2017-2018 | Information Theory and Coding(فرع شبكات اتصالات الحاسوب) | Department of Computer Technology Engineering | four | Channel |
2017-2018 | Information Theory and Coding(فرع شبكات اتصالات الحاسوب) | Department of Computer Technology Engineering | four | Random variable |
title | 3d Magnetism in rare earth intermetallic ,84(1990)281-287 |
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date | 1990 |
mag. | Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials |
title | Anew Design of Multiple Electric Discharge |
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date | 1993 |
mag. | MEC Eng.CON |
title | FM Mode-Locking Fiber Laser |
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date | 2008 |
mag. | J.Eng.&Tech. VOL.26,No.12,2008 |
title | Design and Test multichannel of Quantum Cryptographic |
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date | 2006 |
mag. | J. of Babel university of science,vol.12.No.3.2006 |
title | Design And Evolution of Mach-Sender Modulator |
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date | 2014 |
mag. | The first international Conference On Laser Applications ,and advance Material ,University of technology |
title | Accurate Camera Calibration Algorithm for Laser Applications |
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date | 2014 |
mag. | The first international Conference On Laser Applications ,and advance Material ,University of technology |