• م.د لمياء محمد جواد مهدي
  • Dr. Lamya .M. J Mahdi
  • تدريسي : قسم هندسة البناء وادارة المشاريع
  • Teaching : Department of Construction Engineering and Project Management
  • دكتوراه هندسة الطرق والنقل
  • dr.lamya@esraa.edu.iq
  • laal20042003@yahoo.com
  • Syllabuses

    Syllabuses - 4
    Dep. Step. Sem. code No. Des. Syllabuses
    Department of civil engineering four term 1 2 Highway Engineering
    Department of Building and Construction Technologies Engineering three full HIE1230 6 Highway Engineering
    Department of Construction Engineering and Project Management three term 1 EEW18300 2 اللغة الانكليزية
    Department of civil engineering four term 2 3 Highway Pavement


    title Effect of organic montmorillonite Nanoclay Concentration on the physical and Reological properties of Asphalt Binder
    date 2013
    mag. Australian Journal of basic and applied Sciences
    title (Characterization of Organic Montmorillonite Nanoclay modified Asphalt Binders Using Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR
    date 2013
    mag. Australian Journal of basic and applied Sciences
    title Effect of mineral Filler type and particle size on Asphalt-Filler Mastic and Stone Mastic Asphalt labrotary Measured Properties
    date 2013
    mag. Australian journal of basic and applied science
    title Influence of Clay Nanoparticles on the Physical and Rheological Characteristics of Short term Aged Asphalt Binder
    date 2013
    mag. Australian Journal of basic and applied Sciences
    title Modification of Bitumen By Various Concentration of Organic Nanoclay
    date 2014
    mag. Malaysian Road Conference 9th
    title Effect of short Term Aging on organic Montmorillonite Nanoclay Modified Asphalt
    date 2013
    mag. Indian Journal of science and Technology