• م.م. عبد العالي حمزة محمد
  • Abdul Aali Hamza Muhammad
  • تدريسي : قسم هندسة العمارة
  • Teaching : Department of Architecture
  • ماجستير هندسة معمارية
  • Master of Architecture
  • abdalali@esraa.edu.iq
  • abdulalihamza@gmail.com
  • Lectures

    Lectures - 8
    Sem SYLLABUSES Dep. st. Lectures
    2021-2022 History of City Department of Architecture three مدن عصر النهضة
    2021-2022 History of City Department of Architecture three مدن العصور الوسطى
    2021-2022 History of City Department of Architecture three المدن الرومانية
    2021-2022 History of City Department of Architecture three المدن الاغريقية
    2021-2022 History of City Department of Architecture three المدن الفرعونية
    2021-2022 History of City Department of Architecture three مدن وادي الرافدين
    2021-2022 History of City Department of Architecture three المحاضرة الثانية
    2021-2022 History of City Department of Architecture three المحاضرة الاولى