• م.د هلال عبدالله يونس
  • Dr. Hilal Abdullah Younes
  • تدريسي : كلية الصيدلة
  • Teaching : college of Pharmacy
  • دكتوراه تحليل مختبرية سريرية
  • drhilal@esraa.edu.iq
  • drhilalabdulla@gmail.com
  • Syllabuses

    Syllabuses - 3
    Dep. Step. Sem. code No. Des. Syllabuses
    college of Pharmacy five term 1 PRO0950 1 Graduation project
    college of Pharmacy five term 1 CCH0950 2 Clinical chemistry
    college of Pharmacy five term 2 PHB0950 1 Pharmaceutical biotechnology


    Lectures - 14
    Sem SYLLABUSES Dep. st. Lectures
    2022-2023 Clinical chemistry college of Pharmacy five drug interactions
    2022-2023 Clinical chemistry college of Pharmacy five tumor markers
    2022-2023 Clinical chemistry college of Pharmacy five pitutary gland
    2022-2023 Clinical chemistry college of Pharmacy five renal function
    2022-2023 Clinical chemistry college of Pharmacy five acid base balance
    2022-2023 Clinical chemistry college of Pharmacy five carbohydrate metabolism
    2022-2023 Clinical chemistry college of Pharmacy five plasma proteins
    2022-2023 Clinical chemistry college of Pharmacy five liver function
    2022-2023 Clinical chemistry college of Pharmacy five lipid metabolism
    2022-2023 Clinical chemistry college of Pharmacy five calcium metabolism
    2022-2023 Pharmaceutical biotechnology college of Pharmacy five pharmacokinetics
    2022-2023 Pharmaceutical biotechnology college of Pharmacy five formulation of biotech products
    2022-2023 Pharmaceutical biotechnology college of Pharmacy five molecular biotechnology
    2022-2023 Pharmaceutical biotechnology college of Pharmacy five introduction to biotechnology