• م.م. شفاء حسين خليل
  • تدريسي : كلية طب الاسنان
  • Teaching : College of Dentistry
  • ماجستير اشعة الوجه والفكين
  • shefaa@esraa.edu.iq
  • dr.shefaahussain@gmail.com
  • Syllabuses

    Syllabuses - 1
    Dep. Step. Sem. code No. Des. Syllabuses
    College of Dentistry three full XRA06300 4 Dental Radiology


    Lectures - 4
    Sem SYLLABUSES Dep. st. Lectures
    2019-2020 Dental Radiology College of Dentistry three Cone beam computed tomography lacture 1 - Copy
    2019-2020 Dental Radiology College of Dentistry three Computed Tomography lacture , 2
    2019-2020 Dental Radiology College of Dentistry three extra oral lacture 1
    2019-2020 Dental Radiology College of Dentistry three Cephalometric radiography

    Graduation projects

    Role of M.R.I in Evaluation of Dental Disease

    محمد جعفر

    كلية طب الاسنان

    محمد عباس

    كلية طب الاسنان

    محمد حيدر

    كلية طب الاسنان
    CBCT in implants

    عبدالله باهر مهدي

    كلية طب الاسنان
    Knowledge and attitude of Iraqi Dentists about the use of CBCT in Endodontics: A Questionnaire study

    السجاد صاحب ابراهيم

    كلية طب الاسنان