Research Dentistry College
In vitro Performance of Polymethyl–methacrylate with Ultra High Density Poly Ethylene Fiber and Nano Zirconium Oxide Particles Composite | ||
2018 | Journal of Baghdad College of Dentistry | |
Frequency and suppliers of removable partial dentures among group of Iraqi population | ||
2009 | مجلة جامعة بغداد طب الاسنان | |
Evaluation the Effect of Addition of Plasma Treated Polypropylene Fiber and Silanized Silicon Dioxide Nanoparticles Composite on Some Properties of HeatPolymerized Polymethylmethacrylate | ||
2016 | Journal of Baghdad College of Dentistry |
Spectrophotometric method for the determination of ciprofloxacin in pure and pharmaceutical preparations: development and validation | ||
2024 | engineering proceedings | |
Abstract: Ciprofloxacin (Cip) is spectrophotometrically identified through the formation of a colored
charge-transfer complex that exhibits a maximum absorbance at 440 nm. This complex is generated by the reaction of the drug’s secondary amine with sodium nitroprusside (SNP) in an alkaline
medium in the presence of hydroxylamine (NH2OH). Classical univariate analysis is employed
to optimize the experimental conditions affecting the formation of the charge-transfer (CT) complex. The method presented herein offers a straightforward and sensitive approach for quantifying
ciprofloxacin within a concentration range of 50.0–250.0 µg/mL. The method exhibits a molar absorptivity of 364.4817 L/mol·cm and a coefficient of determination (r
) of 0.997. Validation of the method
is achieved through determination of the regression equation, accuracy, precision, and detection
limit. The procedure is successfully applied to the quantification of ciprofloxacin in pharmaceutical
formulations and demonstrates satisfactory recovery and precision. Statistical validation corroborates
the reliability and repeatability of the obtained results. |
Spectrophotometric determination of chloromphenicol in balk and pharmaceutical preparation | ||
2017 | Journal of madenat al-elem college | |
Chloramphenicol is spectrophotometrically determined by the formation of a colored charge transfer exhibiting λmax at 445 nm after the reaction of the secondary amine with sodium nitroprusside in the presence of NH2OH in alkaline medium. Classical univariate and chemometric central composite experimental design approaches were used to find the optimum experimental conditions for the parameters affecting the formation of CT-complex. The proposed method is simple and sensitive for the determination of the drug in a concentration rage of 1.0-25.0 µg.mL-1 with molar absorptivity 8.142 x 103 and r = 0.9995. The validity of the method was confirmed by finding the regression equation, accuracy, precision, and detection limit. Chloramphenicol was successfully determined in its pharmaceutical preparations by the developed procedure with a reasonable of recovery and precision. Statistical validation of the obtained results was made and the method shows acceptable recovery and repeatability. |
Spectrophotometric determination of sulfamethoxazole based on charge- transfer complexation with sodium nitroprusside | ||
2017 | Ibn al-haitham journal for pure and appl. Science | |
A simple, accurate and precise spectrophotometric method has been developed for the analysis of sulfamethoxazole (SMZ) in pure form and pharmaceutical preparation. The method involves a direct charge transfer complexation of sulfamethoxazole (SMZ) with sodium nitroprusside (SNP) in alkaline medium and the presence of hydroxyl amine hydrochloride. Variables affecting the formation of the formed orange colored complex were optimized following two approaches univariate and central composite experimental design (CCD) multivariate. Under optimum recommended conditions, the formed complex exhibits λmax at 512 nm and the method conforms Beer's law for SMZ concentration in the range of 5.0-150.0 (µg.mL-1) with molar absorptivity 1.139×103, and r = 0.9997. Analysis of SMZ pharmaceutical dosages shows a good agreement with the real amounts. |
لا توجد بحوث منشورة للتدريسي |
لا توجد بحوث منشورة للتدريسي |
The Impact of Dental Environment Stress on Dentition Status, Salivary Nitric Oxide and Flow Rate | ||
2020 | Journal of International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry | |
INTRODUCTION Stress is experienced by numerous individuals in a diversity of social, academic, and work settings. Although stress can be a cause of motivation, extreme stress can be debilitating that could lead to disease.[1] The central nervous system (CNS) reacts to stress. This reaction involves different morphological and neurochemical alterations, for example, oxidative stress.[2] Oxidative stress comprises an imbalance between the amounts of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the capability of antioxidant systems to equalize them.[3] Dentistry is known as a very stressful occupation, and dental education is considered stressful education environment because of the dental occupation demanding interpersonal dexterity and clinical competencies as well as theoretical knowledge.[4] The main sources of stress among dental students include the education environment, apprehension of fail, hardness in dealing with patients, clinical requirements, hardness in dealing with transitions in curriculum, and difficult relationships with academic staff.[5] Dental caries is a complex, chronic, and multifactorial disease that occurs due to imbalance between demineralization and remineralization of dental hard tissues.[6] When the individual exposes to stressful event, the psychological reaction to this event activates the sympathetic nervous system and the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenocortical (HPA) axis, which causes a decrease in salivary flow, and in this manner, changes salivary capability with regard to oxidation reduction.[7] The reduction in salivary flow decreases the defensive actions created by saliva, and as a result, increases the hazard for dental caries.[8] Another study found that there is no relation between stress and salivary flow rate.[9] Nitric oxide (NO) is a free radical gas and a detrimental chemical in the atmosphere; however, it presents in little well-controlled concentrations in the body and plays a key role in several physiological and pathological processes. NO is implicated in the stress physiology and is involved in disease processes related to stress; it counteracts norepinephrine activity and sympathetic reactivity.[10] NO is strong antimicrobial chemical, and it implicates in oxidative stress-linked disturbances.[11] Results of studies on the relation between NO levels and dental caries were controversy. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to determine the dental caries experience among different stress levels of dental students and to assess an evaluation of its relationship with salivary NO and flow rate. The null hypothesis was that there is no relation between salivary NO and flow rate with the development of dental caries experience among different stress levels of dental students. | ||
The impact of dental environment stress on caries experience, salivary flow rate and uric acid | ||
2020 | Journal of Baghdad College of Dentistry, 2020 | |
ABSTRACT Background: Several pathologies of the oral cavity have been associated with stress. Dental students need to gain assorted proficiencies as theoretical knowledge, clinical proficiencies, and interpersonal dexterity which is accompanied with high level of stress. Uric acid is the major antioxidant in saliva. The aim of this study is to assess the dental caries experience among dental students with different levels of dental environment stress in relation to physicochemical characteristics of whole unstimulated saliva. Materials and Methods: the total sample is composed of 300 dental students (73 males, 227 female) aged 22-23 years old, from collage of dentistry / university of Baghdad, from the 4th and 5th grade. The total sample was classified into three categories (mild stress, moderate stress and severe stress) according to Dental environment stress questionnaire (DESQ); Diagnosis and recording of dental caries were assessed according to Decay, Missed, Filled surface and teeth index (DMFS, DMFT) of WHO criteria in 1987. Unstimulated salivary samples were collected from the 95 dental students from the mild stress group (27 male, 28 female) and from the severe stress group (11 male, 29 female). Then, salivary flow rate was measured and chemically analyzed to determine salivary uric acid concentration. All data were analyzed using statistical package for social science (SPSS) version 21. Results: The mean value of the DMFT and DS fraction was higher among severe stress group of dental environment stress scale with no significant differences(P≥ 0.05), while DMFS, FS and MS fractions were higher among moderate stress group of dental environment stress scale with no significant differences (P≥ 0.05). The data from salivary analysis showed that the mean value of salivary flow rate was lower among severe dental environment stress category than mild dental environment stress category but the difference was statistically not significant, while the mean value of uric acid was higher among students with severe dental environment stress than students with mild dental environment stress with statistically significant difference. The flow rate was negatively correlated with caries experience among both mild and severe stress groups except for the DS was positively correlated with flow rate among students with mild stress. The correlation of uric acid with DMFT was negative among students with mild stress while among severe stress group was positive; however all these correlations were not statistically significant. Conclusion: Dental environment stress appears to affect oral health, shown by higher caries prevalence among dental students with moderate and severe dental environment stress level by affecting the normal level of salivary flow rate and uric acid. Keywords: Dental environment stress, stress, dental caries, flow rate, uric acid. |
لا توجد بحوث منشورة للتدريسي |
لا توجد بحوث منشورة للتدريسي |
Assessment of Periodontal Health Status and Serum Level of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Women with Breast Cancer Introduction | ||
2017 | Research gate | |
Periodontal diseases are inflammatory diseases that affect the periodontium which lead to alveolar bone and attachment loss. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide. Expression of (VEG F) is elevated in both diseases and it is the marker of angiogenesis related to cancer development. 1. To determine the periodontal health status and the serum levels of (VEGF) in women with breast cancer in comparison to women without breast cancer. 2. To correlate between serum levels of VEGF with clinical periodontal parameters (PLI, GI, BOP, PPD, and CAL) in women with breast cancer in comparison to women without breast cancer. Eighty women with age ranged from (30-60) years old, 40 women with breast cancer and another 40 women without. Periodontal health status were taken for all participants and then they were subdivided into four groups: the (BC +CP) group which included participants with breast cancer and chronic periodontitis (n=20), the (BC+ G) group included participants with breast cancer and gingivitis (n=20), the (CP) group which included participants with chronic periodontitis only (n=20) and the (G) group which included participants with gingivitis only (n=20). Other than breast cancer, all subjects were systemically healthy females. Periodontal health status was determined by clinical periodontal examination of (PLI, GI, BOP, PPD and CAL). Blood samples were collected from each participant, serum levels of VEGF were determined by enzyme -linked immune-sorbent assay (ELISA). The results of this study showed that the median values of PLI and GI were slightly increased in BC+G group in comparison to other groups with non-significant differences, the percentages of BOP showed highly significant differences among the groups (P <0.01). The median values of PPD showed slight increase in BC+CP group than CP group with non-significant differences. Median values of CAL were increased in CP group than BC+CP group with non-significant differences. VEGF serum levels were elevated in BC+CP group than other groups with non-significant differences. Also by using Spearman’s rank Correlation Coefficient, serum levels of VEGF were correlated positively with all clinical periodontal parameters. VEGF serum level could be associated with progression of both periodontal diseases and breast cancer. | ||
Periodontal health status and assessment of vitamin D levels in the serum of women with breast cancer | ||
2016 | IOSR journal of dental and medical since | |
Periodontal diseases are Group of inflammatory diseases that affect the periodontium of the tooth that results from interactions betweenmicroorganisms and the host's immune response. Breast cancer is the malignant tumor of breast tissues forms from uncontrolled growth of abnormal breast cells. Vitamin D exhibits physiological and pharmacological effects in the human body. It is present in normal breast tissue and has antiprofilirative effect on differentiation of breast cancer cells |
لا توجد بحوث منشورة للتدريسي |
لا توجد بحوث منشورة للتدريسي |
لا توجد بحوث منشورة للتدريسي |
لا توجد بحوث منشورة للتدريسي |
لا توجد بحوث منشورة للتدريسي |
لا توجد بحوث منشورة للتدريسي |
لا توجد بحوث منشورة للتدريسي |
لا توجد بحوث منشورة للتدريسي |
لا توجد بحوث منشورة للتدريسي |
Effect of ageing on selected salivary chemical compositions and dental caries experience among group of adults | ||
2019 | Journal of Baghdad College of Dentistry | |
Background: Ageing is a continuous accumulative ordinary physiological phenomena occurs upon all organs and body structures including saliva by its constituents which can influence the caries process, for that this study was conducted to determine the impact of ageing on selected chemical composition of saliva and their effects on dental caries experience characteristics at different age groups among apparently healthy men. Materials and method: A descriptive comparative study was conducted to compare between three study samples (young, middle and old age adults), thirty male in each study insert, aged (20 years, 40 years and 60 years) respectively. They were selected from private health center in Baghdad - Iraq, from the mid of November 2017until the end of February 2018, where they subjected to complete body investigations to confirm their health status, followed by thorough general body history and oral examination. Caries experience was recorded according to the criteria of WHO in1987. Un-stimulated saliva was collected according to Navazesh and Kumer and analyzed chemically to determine the level of calcium ions and alkaline phosphatase. All data then statistically analyzed by using SPSS version 22. Results: The current study, showed that the caries experience represented by DMFs increased with increasing age, by which the highest mean value of DMFs was established in the oldest age (60.37± 31.39) and the lowest mean value was noted among the youngest age (7.27±8.02). A significant differences existed between all study samples (p≤0.05). However, the missing surfaces represented the largest proportion of DMFs value when compared to Ds and Fs among all ages Iin the current study, with significant differences (p≤0.05) was followed by the decay fraction that found to be increased with age but with no significant difference. Salivary Calcium ions showed decreasing with increasing age with statically significant differences among different study samples while salivary alkaline phosphatase was increased with increasing age with no significant differences. Concerning the caries experience among the study samples, the salivary Ca+2 ions inversely correlated while alkaline phosphates correlated positively with caries experience. Conclusion: there is a significant age related changes on the selected chemical constituents of saliva that could affect the caries experience | ||
Age-Related Changes with Selected Salivary Physical Properties and Caries Experience among Healthy Adult Men | ||
2018 | International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences | |
Introduction: The caries process is characterized as a lifetime disease that occurs at an early phase of life. One of the most important factors which influence the development of dental caries is saliva. Aim of the study: The study was conducted to correlate the effect of ageing on selected physical properties of saliva and caries experience. Methodology: A cross-sectional comparative research was assessed among 90 healthy subjects (males only) who attended International Medical Center at Baghdad city. They were classified into 3 age groups (20 years, 40 years and 60 years) each age groups consisted of 30 subjects. The data was then statistically analyzed using SPSS version 22. Statistically, a significant difference was at p<0.05. Results: The current study found that the increase in the mean value of caries experience represented by DMFs with an increase in age (7.27 ± 8.02), (22.07 ± 20.33), (60.37 ± 31.39) respectively. There was a highly statistically significant difference between different age groups (p<0.01). The present study recorded decrease in the mean value of salivary flow rate and a slight increase in the mean value of salivary viscosity with an increase in the age with highly significant difference (p<0.5) among different age groups, while salivary pH recorded approximately equal mean value with no significant difference among different age groups. The current study revealed a negative significant correlation between Ds fraction with salivary PH among the young age group, a positive correlation was recorded between (Ds) fraction with salivary viscosity among young and middle-aged groups. Conclusion: The present data suggest that with increasing age an increase in dental caries is experienced. There are significant age-related differences in salivary physical properties that can affect the caries experience. |
لا توجد بحوث منشورة للتدريسي |
لا توجد بحوث منشورة للتدريسي |
لا توجد بحوث منشورة للتدريسي |
استخدام تقنيه الارتشاح بالراتنج في تدبير الافات المينائيه النخريه البدئيه البيضاء في طب الاسنان التجميلي المحافظ | ||
2021 | جامعه دمشق |
لا توجد بحوث منشورة للتدريسي |
لا توجد بحوث منشورة للتدريسي |
لا توجد بحوث منشورة للتدريسي |
لا توجد بحوث منشورة للتدريسي |
لا توجد بحوث منشورة للتدريسي |
Research College of Dentistry
Loss of permanent teeth and Prosthodontic treatment need in Anbar population. | ||
2001 | Journal of dental college | |
Periodontal treatment needs among dental and non dental Iraqi students (comparative study) | ||
2007 | Mustansiria DJ | |
Ameloblastoma and keratocyst: statistical analysis of cases. ) | ||
2008 | Mustansiria DJ |
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Evaluation of the Oral Health-Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL) in Patients wearing removable complete dentures made with different border molding techniques: A clinical study | ||
2022 | Teikyo Medical Journal | |
How different techniques of border molding affect removable complete�denture oral health quality of life is unclear. Under-standing the factors affecting patients’ quality of life with their dentures is essential to achieving higher quality of life rates. The Aim of this clinical study was to compare the oral health quality of life (OHIP-14) between The sectional and the single-step techniques in participants with removable complete dentures. Twelve Edentulous patients were recruited according to definitive criteria. The participants were randomly divided into two groups: in the first group the borders were molded with sectional technique using green stick impression compound and in the second group, were molded with the single-step using light-cured acrylic resin. the two techniques followed by a final impression using zinc oxide-eugenol impression paste. After the delivery of the denture. Denture satisfaction was evaluated with the OHIP�14 questionnaire. Data were statistically analyzed by using the t test and Mann-Whitney U (a=.05). The general mean OHIP-14 was higher for the single-step using light-cured acrylic resin than for the conventional technique. There was a significant difference between maxillary removable complete dentures with the single-step and the conventional techniques BUT there was not statistically significant (P>.05) between mandibular removable complete dentures with the 2 techniques. No significant difference in participants with mandibular removable complete dentures. There was a significant difference in participants with maxillary removable complete denture between the 2 techniques in term: Oral health quality of life. |
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Prevalence of molar-incisor-hypomineralization among children attending pedodontic clinic of college of dentistry at Baghdad University | ||
1990 | J Bagh Coll Dentistry | |
Evaluation of primary school pupils with traumatized anterior permanent incisors in relation to different variables in Mosul city (Comparative study) | ||
1990 | Al–Rafidain Dent J. | |
Oral health status and treatment needs among 3-12 years old children with cleft lip and/or palate in Iraq | ||
1990 | J Bagh College Dentistry |
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Variation in periodontium evaluation among Iraqi dentists | ||
2001 | Journal of the College of Dentistry 2001 Vol 10 109-113 | |
Evaluation of proximal overlapping in posterior teeth bitewing radiographs by using Rinn film holder. | ||
1998 | Iraqi Dental Journal 1998 vol 23, 139-146 | |
The prevalence of selected dental anomalies among orthodontic patients aged (9-13) years. (Orthopantamographic study). | ||
2001 | Journal of the College of Dentistry 2001 Vol 10 193-198. |
The preventive dental behavior of 308 Iraqi students | ||
1990 | Iraqi Dental Journal | |
(Tooth mortality in a group of Iraqi university students (comparative study in six years intervals | ||
1990 | Iraqi dental journals | |
Evaluation of certain mechanical properties of acrylic coated Cobalt-Chromium alloy | ||
1998 | Journal of Iraqi dental Association |
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the Efficacy of Platelets Rich Plasma Injection in the Superior Joint Space of the Tempromandibular Joint Guided by Ultra Sound in Patients with Non-reducing Disk displacement | ||
2016 | journal maxillofac .oral surg | |
CBCT Diagnosis to the athletic people suffering TMJ pain and / or dysfunction before a prolong therapy with platelet richplasma | ||
2017 | international journal of science and research |
the impact of mal nutrition on dental health of 12 years old children | ||
2024 | folia medica |
(Evaluation of Traumatic Fracture of Mandible in Baghdad / Al Rasafah Alkindy Hospital (829 case | ||
2020 | TRKU | |
The pattern and causes of permanent teeth extraction AL–Karkh Baghdad | ||
2020 | Eurasian Journal of Biosciences |
(Evaluation of Traumatic Fracture of Mandible in Baghdad / Al Rasafah Alkindy Hospital (829 case | ||
2020 | TRKU | |
The pattern and causes of permanent teeth extraction AL–Karkh Baghdad | ||
2020 | Eurasian Journal of Biosciences |
(Anti-Microbial Effect Of Different Time’sexposureofozonized Gas And Ozonized Water Onperiodontalpathogens (In Vitro Study | ||
2017 | Journal of baghdad college of dentistry | |
The Effect of Exposure Times of Gaseous Ozone on Bacterial Growth of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans and Porphyromonas gingivalis isolated from Sub Gingival Plaque Patients with Chronic Periodontitis | ||
2018 | International Journal of Oral Health and Medical Research | |
The Efficacy of Chlorhexidine Gel as an Adjunctive Treatment for Patient with Chronic Periodontitis | ||
2020 | Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology | |
Background: chronic Periodontitis is considered to be an inflammatory disease and is characterized by the damaging the connective tissue and supporting bone due to secondary infection by periodontal bacteria. Chlorhexidine has been used in the dental practice as an excellent antiplaque agent. Chlorhexidine not only exhibits special property of substantivity, it also possesses a broad antimicrobial spectrum which makes its use in wide variety of oral disorders. Virtually all disciplines of dentistry make use of this material in different formulations like mouth wash, gel, spray, varnish, and restorative material. |
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The Impact of Malnutrition on Dental Health of 12-Year-Old Children: a Study on Permanent Teeth Caries, Cariogenic Bacteria and Salivary IgA | ||
2024 | Folia medica | |
Introduction: Malnutrition in children is epidemic in developing countries. Several health issues and consequences are believed to develop due to this phenomenon. Children’s oral health is also affected by malnutrition. The main aspects of oral health status are caries experience, the existence of cariogenic bacteria, and salivary immunoglobulin A. Materials and methods: This comparative study included 87 school children aged 12 years. Participants with systemic disease were excluded. An oral examination was conducted to record the DMFT score, then saliva samples were collected in the morning using an unstimulated method. Salivary IgA were analyzed using Sandwich ELISA technology. Malnutrition was based on body mass index (BMI) which was computed as weight/height2 (kg/m2). Ethical approval was granted by the ethical committee at the Faculty of Dentistry. Informed consents from children’s parents were gained prior to the start of the study. Results: Compared to the normal weight group, the results of this study showed that overweight and obesity are inversely correlated with the mean DMFT and the number of S. mutans and S. sobrinus. Salivary IgA was negatively correlated with overweight and obesity, compared to normal weight group. Conclusions: Children suffering from malnutrition are at risk of developing oral health diseases. Treating malnutrition will therefore improve children’s overall oral health. | ||
The Levels of Salivary IgA and Lactoferrin and Some Salivary Parameters in Waterpipe Smokers and Cigarette Smokers | ||
2022 | Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology | |
Background: Waterpipe and cigarette are two types of tobacco consumption, their smoking is associated with many adverse effects it has a detrimental effect on saliva and causes a reduction in salivary pH and flow rate in addition to their controversial effect on salivary IgA and lactoferrin. Materials and Methods: unstimulated saliva was collected from 84 subjects in the early morning between 8-10 am. Subjects were divided equally into three group’swaterpipe smokers, cigarette smokers, and non-smokers all of the participants are adult male aged between 25-60 years, Sandwich ELISA technique was used for detection and estimation the level of salivary IgA and lactoferrin. Result: IgA and Lactoferrin results showed significantly(p≤0.01), higher concentration in cigarette and waterpipe smokers group than nonsmokers Results also showed that Salivary flow rate(SFR) and pH was higher in the non-smoker’s group followed by waterpipe and cigarette smokers groups with a highly significant difference (p≤0.01), The correlation between Lactoferrin and salivary IgA also showed a significant (p≤0.01),moderate positive correlation in the cigarette group only. Conclusions:Smokingincrease Salivary IgA and lactoferrin concentrations while it reduces SFR and pH of saliva, a significant positive correlation was founded between lactoferrin and salivary IgA only in cigarette smokers | ||
estimation of the viable count of mutans streptococcus in waterpipe smokers and cigarette smokers | ||
2021 | Journal of Baghdad College of Dentistry | |
Background: Waterpipe and cigarette are two products of tobacco consumption, tobacco use has detrimental effects on the oral cavity, numerous studies around the world have reported a significant relationship between smoking and increase dental caries and viable count of cariogenic bacteria, Materials and Methods: unstimulated saliva was collected from 84 subjects and divided equally into three groups waterpipe smokers, cigarette smokers, and non-smokers all of the participants are adult male aged between 25-60 years, dental caries was measured by use DMFT index, while S.mutans and S.sobrinus were isolated by using a selective medium SB 20M (Sugar bacitracin-20 modified) agar Results: this present study showed a significant (p≤0.01). higher DMFT, DT, MT, and FT among cigarette smokers group than both waterpipe smokers and non-smokers groups. The viable count of S mutans was significantly (p≤0.01).higher in the cigarette smokers group followed by the waterpipe smokers group and then the non-smoker's group, while the viable count of S sobrinus showed no statistical differences (P>0.05) between groups. The correlation of DMFT with S.mutans, and S sobrinus count, were significantly positive (p ≤0.05), in the cigarette smokers group only Conclusion: Dental caries increase in cigarette smokers, where the DMFT and S mutans viable count are less affected by waterpipe than cigarette smoking, a positive correlation is found between DMFT and .mutans streptococcus count only in cigarette smokers |
Bionomics of Ectomyelois ceratoniae (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) on Pomegranates in Iraq | ||
1985 | Environmental Entomology | |
In the field in Iraq Ectomyelois ceratoniae had four generations on an artificial diet and four to five generations on pomegranate fruits. On an artificial diet the mean time for development from egg to adult ranged from 41 to 59 days for the first three generations. Fourth-generation larvae entered diapause in the fall and averaged 241 days. Insect population increased progressively during the fruiting season. Mean percentage of infestation increased from 20% by early generations to more than 80%. High infestation was observed in southcentral areas of Iraq. Orchards in which sanitation was poor were highly infested. |
Culturing the Carob Moth, Ectomyelois ceratoniae (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), on an Artificial Diet | ||
1987 | Journal of Economic Entomology | |
Adaptation of a population of the carob moth, Ectomyelois ceratoniae (Zeller), to laboratory rearing conditions takes six generations. Average larva and pupa periods were 17 and 7 days, respectively; the adult lives 2–10 days. Oviposition ceased after day 8. Polynomial curves of the percentage of fertile females, viable eggs, and progeny per female per day reflect similarity in shapes with three peaks on days 4 and 5. Higher numbers of eggs were laid by laboratory-reared females. Female fertility increased from 22% in the F1 to 42% in the F6. However, unmated females with no eggs laid decreased from 48% in F1 to 17% in F6. Wild males lacked competitiveness and did not transfer sperm to the wild females as frequently as to the fertilized females of the laboratory colony. Higher percentage of eggs hatching was found with three to four pairs in a mating container. |
Parasites ofEctomyelois ceratoniae with biological studies onApanteles sp. Group ultor in Iraq | ||
1986 | Kluwer Academic Publishers | |
Apanteles ultor [Hym.: Braconidae] is the dominant and most widely distributed parasite ofEctomyelois ceratoniae (Zeller). The parasitization percent was increased from 10 % during April to 35 % at the end of the pomegranate fruiting season at October. Female parasite preferred to infest the host larvae at the age of, 2–3 days than 7 day old. The average number of host larvae parasitized by single female parasite was 58 under the rearing conditions of 27±2 °C., 55±10% RH and photoperiod of 16 h light per day.
Parasites other thanA. spgroup ultor were:Bracon hebetor Say.,Ascogaster sp., andPhanerotoma sp. [Braconidae];Nemeritis canescens Grav. [Ichneumonidae];Brachymeria sp., andB. aegyptiaca Masi [Chalcididae]; and the secondary parasitePerilampus tristis Mayr [Perilampidae
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Cytotoxic and anti cancer investigation of Chelidonium majus on human cancer cell lines. | ||
2016 | تركيا | |
In Vitro Cytotoxic Activity of Chelidonium majus extract using | ||
2018 | الهند | |
Cytotoxic and Cell Cycle Arrest of Total Alkaloids Extracted from Chelidonium Majus Against Human Colon Cancer (HCT-116) | ||
2018 | Journal of Al-Nahrain University |
The association between current unemployment and clinically determined poor oral health | ||
2015 | Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology | |
Association of current employment status with oral health-related behaviors: Findings from the Finnish Health 2000 Survey | ||
2016 | European Journal of Oral Sciences | |
Role of employment in 11-year changes of clinical oral health – A multilevel longitudinal analysis | ||
2017 | JDR Clinical & Translational Research |
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To develop dental prostheses and improve the addition of polymers (Atridox, Fort Collins) in dental procedures | ||
2019 | EurAsian Journal of BioSciences | |
The Electronic Transition Behavior Cr (III), Fe (III), Fe (II) and Ni (II), Transition Metal Cations In Ammonium Alum-Urea Room Temperature Ionic Liquid | ||
2013 | Journal of Al-Nahrain University-science | |
polymers synthetic degradable for design of devices medical implantable | ||
2020 | Journal of Xi‘an University of Architecture & Technology |
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Assessment of Some Immunological and Physiological Indicators for Infected and Uninfected Coronavirus Disease Patients | ||
2023 | Medical Journal of Babylon | |
The relationship of Taq I(rs731236) polymorphism in vitamin D receptor gene besidesgestational diabetes mellitus in Iraqi prenatalwomen | ||
2020 | Annals of Tropical Medicine & Public Health | |
Study of Some Immunity Characters Results of Injection antigenic Staphyloccocus sp. in Local Rabbits | ||
2021 | Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, January-March 2021, Vol. 15, No. 1 |
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OnThe impact of malnutrition on dental health of 12 years old children study | ||
2024 | Folia medica | |
Malnutrition in children is epidemic in developing countries. Several health issues and consequences are believed to develop due to this phenomenon. Children’s oral health is also affected by malnutrition. The main aspects of oral health status are caries experience, the existence of cariogenic bacteria, and salivary immunoglobulin A. |
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To develop dental prostheses and improve the addition of polymers (Atridox, Fort Collins) in dental procedures | ||
20٢٠ | EurAsian Journal of BioSciences | |
Study The Rate Constant of Photodecomposition of PVC Films Doped by 2-(6- Methoxynaphthalen-2-yl) Propanoate Complexes | ||
2015 | Journal of Iraqi Industrial Research | |
Synthesis and Characterization on some Metal Ions of 2-(6-Methoxynaphthalen-2-Yl)Propanoate Complexes | ||
2013 | Journal of Al-Nahrain University-science |
Assessment of local application of exogenous melatonin on bone healing process | ||
2018 | Journal of global pharma technology | |
Assessment of the local application of the exogenous melatonin on bone healing process | ||
In vivo study of the effects of local application of melatonin and beta tricalcium phosphate on healing of experimentally induced bone defect | ||
2018 | International journal of medical research and health sciences | |
Assessment of the effects of the combination of local application of melatonin and beta tricalcium phosphate on bone marrow healing process This study on experimental rats |
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he Relation between Influenza Pandemics and Solar Activityt | ||
2014 | Iraqi Journal of Science | |
iruses from space and its relation with solar activityV | ||
2011 | Journal of College of Education | |
Treatment of Psoriasis Using Ultraviolet-B Radiation | ||
2018 | مؤتمر الدولي الاول للعلوم الطبية - جامعة العميد |
Implication of Silver Nanoparticles to Enhance the Potential Therapeutic Activity of Doum Palm (Hyphaene Thebaica) Extract for in vitro Sperm Activation of Asthenozoospermic Infertile Men | ||
2019 | Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology |
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2022 |
The influence of CAD/CAM ceramic and heat processed composite inlays on the fracture resistance of premolars (An in-vitro study) | ||
2012 | Journal of Baghdad College of Dentistry المجلد 24 الإصدار 4 الصفحات 14-18 | |
The influence of recent adhesive onlay fabrication techniques on the fracture resistance of endodontically treated premolars (An in vitro study) | ||
2014 | مجلة Journal of Baghdad College of Dentistry المجلد 26 الإصدار 2 الصفحات 12-17 | |
Fracture Strength of Laminate Veneers Using Different Restorative Materials and Techniques: A Comparative in Vitro Study | ||
2014 | Journal of Baghdad College of Dentistry |
Spectrophotometric determination of Levo-dopa in pharmaceutical preparation via oxidative coupling organic reaction | ||
2012 | ﻣﺟـــــــــــــﻠﺔ ﻛــــﺭﺑﻼء ﻟﻠﻌــــــﻠﻭﻡ ﺍﻟﺻــــﻳﺩﻻﻧﻳﺔ ﺍﻟﻌــﺩﺩ 4 Kerbala Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences No. 4 | |
Anew colorimetric method for the determination of Levo-dopa in pharmaceutical preparation via oxidative coupling organic reaction | ||
2012 | The First Scientific Conference the Collage of Education for Pure Sciences 2012 |
Evaluation of marginal gap at the composite/enamel interface in Class II composite resin restoration by SEM after thermal and mechanical load cycling (An in vitro comparative study) | ||
2014 | J Bagh College Dentistry | |
ABSTRACT Background: This study compared in vitro the marginal adaptation of three different, low shrink, direct posterior composites Filtek™ P60 (packable composite), Filtek™ P90 (Silorane-based composite) and Sonic fill™ (nanohybrid composite) at three different composite/enamel interface regions (occlusal, proximal and gingival regions) of a standardized Class II MO cavity after thermal changes and mechanical load cycling by scanning electron microscopy. Materials and methods:Thirty six sound human maxillary first premolars of approximately comparable sizes were divided into three main groups of (12 teeth) in each according to the type of restorative material that was used: group (A) the teeth were restored with Filtek™ P60 and single bond™ Universal adhesive using horizontal incremental technique, group (B)the teeth were restored with Filtek™ P90 and P90 system adhesive using horizontal incremental technique and group (C) the teeth were restored with Sonic fill™ composite and single bond™ Universal adhesive using bulk technique.After specimens were stored in distilled water at 37°C for 7 days, all specimens were subjected to thermocycling at (5° to 55 °C), then submitted to mechanical load cycling (intermittent axial force of 49N and a total of 50.000 cycles). The specimens were observed under scanning electron microscope at (2000 X) to measure marginal gap width (the distance between the dental wall and the restoration) at occlusal, proximal and gingival regions in micrometer using Tescan software, version 3.5. Data were analyzed statistically by one way ANOVA test and least significant difference tests. Results:The results showed that the silorane-based posterior composite (Filtek™ P90) showed significantly the least marginal gap width at the occlusal, proximal and gingival regions after the application of thermal changes and mechanical load cycling in comparison to the two methacrylate-based posterior composite Filtek™ P60 (packable) and the Sonic fill™ (nano-hybrid). Sonic fill™ bulk fill composite that relied on the vibration concept to lower the viscosity of high filler loaded composite material showed significantly lesser marginal gaps width at occlusal, proximal and gingival composite/enamel interface regions in comparison with Filtek™ P60 (packable composite) using horizontal incremental technique. The silorane-based composite (Filtek™ P90) showed non-significant difference in marginal gaps width at the three different regions. While, both methacrylate based Filtek™ P60 and Sonic fill™ composite showed significantly lesser marginal gap width at the occlusal region in comparison with gingival regions. Conclusion: None of the low-shrinkage composite restorative materials tested in this study totally prevented micro-gap formation at composite/enamel interfaces of Class II MO cavity.Key words: Scanning electron microscope, marginal gap, Filtek™P60, Filtek™P90, Sonic fill™. (J Bagh Coll Dentistry 2014; 26(4):63-70). |
Computer-Aided Measurement of Total Occlusal Convergence of Teeth Preparations for All-Ceramic Crowns by Dental Students | ||
2021 | Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, |
Estimation of Left Ventricular Diastolic Function in GestationalHypertension during the Third Trimester InbaghdadTeaching Hospital | ||
Background: Gestational hypertension exerts a great challenge on the maternal cardiovascular system, inspite of this fact, there is lack of reports regarding the maternal diastolic function in gestational hypertensionwhich precedes systolic dysfunction in any cardiovascular complications.Objectives: To evaluate the maternal left ventricular diastolic function in gestational hypertensive women in thethird trimester by measuring the mitral inflow parameters with pulse wave Doppler and Tissue DopplerImaging.Patients and Methods: This studywas conducted in Baghdad teaching hospital from November 2015 to June2016. Sixty gestational hypertensive womenwith singleton pregnancy in the third trimester, aged 29.7 ± 5.9year, gestational hypertension was defined as systolicblood pressure that is equal or more than 140 mmHg ordiastolic bloodpressurethatequals or exceeds 90 mmHg and starts after 20 weeks of gestation withoutproteinuria were enrolled in this study. Another 50 Normal pregnant womenaged 28 ± 3.18year served ascontrols. The left ventricular diastolic function was studied using two transthoracic echocardiographicmethods: Pulsed wave Doppler (PWD) to measure the transmitral flow velocity including the early maximumvelocity of mitral inflow(E wave), the late maximum velocity of mitral inflow (A wave), and E/A ratio wasrecorded. Tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) to measure thelateralmitral annular velocity (lateral é), the septalmitral annular velocity (septal é) and their average (é) was calculated. The ratio of E/é was recorded.Results: Gestational hypertensive women hadsignificant lower E wave velocity compared tonormal pregnantwomen (P value was 0.001). “A”wave velocity was higher in gestational hypertensive women with statisticaldifference(P value 0.002) and E/A was significant low in gestational hypertension with P value <0.05. TissueDoppler imaging showed significant difference in é velocity which was lowerin gestational hypertensive women(P value 0.001). E/éin gestational hypertension showed significantly higher value than controls with Pvalue<0.05.Conclusion: Gestational hypertension puts the maternal heart under pressure and volume overload associatedwith impaired relaxation as manifested by the changes inthe left ventricular diastolic function measured bytransthoracic echocardiography |
Evaluation of Myocardial Function in Cases of Gestational Hypertension Using Myocardial Performance Index | ||
2017 | J Fac Med Baghdad | |
Background: Gestational hypertension represents a transient period of elevated blood pressure with special effects on the maternal left ventricle that is different from the effects observed in chronic essential hypertension; it affects a previously normal heart and lasts for a maximum of nine months associated with volume and pressure overload on the maternal heart. Tei index (also called myocardial performance index) was found to be a dependent combined index evaluating the systolic and diastolic function of the left ventricle and represents a sensitive indicator for many types of heart diseases. Objective: to evaluate the effects of gestational hypertension on the maternal myocardial function during the third trimester by measuring the Tie index using transthoracic echocardiography. Method: This study was performed in Baghdad teaching hospital in the time period from November 2015 to August 2016. The study included a total of 150 women; 100 women had gestational hypertension, in the third trimester of a singleton pregnancy and with a mean age (29.83 ± 5.33 year), gestational hypertension was identified as elevated systolic or diastolic blood pressure over 140/90 mmHg that emerges after the 20th week of gestation with proteinuria level lower than 300 mg/dl. Another 50 normotensive pregnant women with singleton pregnancy and mean age (28 ± 3.18 year) were used as controls. Left ventricular mass index (LVMI) and relative wall thickness (RWT) were measured to find the type of hypertrophy in gestational hypertension. Ejection fraction (EF) was measured with 2D directed M mode echocardiography, and isovolumic relaxation time (IVRT), isovolumic contraction rime (ICT) and ejection time (ET) were measured for both groups using pulse wave Doppler echocardiography in order to calculate the myocardial performance index which is also called “Tei index” and equals the sum of IVRT and IVCT divided by the ET (Tei index = IVRT+IVCT/ET). Results: Left ventricular mass index and relative wall thickness were significantly higher in gestational hypertensive women, 41% of gestational hypertensive women had normal geometry and 59% had abnormal geometry (34% eccentric hypertrophy, 19% concentric hypertrophy and 6% concentric remodeling). IVRT and IVCT were significantly higher in gestational hypertensive women with p value of 0.0001 and P = 0.003. ET showed a non-significant lower values (p= 0.34) in gestational hypertensive women. Tei index was significantly higher in Gestational hypertension (P=0.011). Conclusion: Women with gestational hypertension had altered myocardial function characterized by the higher Tei index values associated with eccentric hypertrophy which can be explained by the fact that gestational hypertension poses higher afterload on the left ventricle instead the state of low peripheral resistance that is ysually expected during normotensive pregnancy. |
2022 | Biochem. Cell. Arch | |
ABSTRACT : Ideal cardiac performance is dependent on coronary circulation. Which can be determined by measuring the coronary sinus blood flow (CSBF); as it provides a good estimation on global LV perfusion. Hypertension is a major risk factor for coronary artery disease, yet, still there is some debate about coronary sinus blood flow in hypertension. Evaluate the relation between CSBF and left ventricular (LV) mass in individuals with hypertension and coronary artery disease. In the time between January 2020 and March 2021, a total of 70 patients referred for diagnostic cardiac catheterization at Baghdad Teaching Hospital for suspected coronary artery disease and potential PCI were included in this study. All PCIs were successful, with good angiographic results. Transthoracic two-dimensional and Doppler flow imaging was used to determine CSBF. Among the selected patients 33 were hypertensive with coronary artery disease, while, 17 patients were normotensive with coronary artery disease. 20 patients were normotensive without coronary artery disease and served as controls. LV internal dimensions, interventricular septum, posterior wall thickness and LV mass were recorded. Regarding the coronary sinus, the peak and mean velocity, the peak and mean pressure gradient and the velocity time integral VTI were recorded. The Coronary sinus blood flow (CSBF) was calculated according to the formula: [(CSVTI) × (cross-sectional area of the CS) × (heart rate)). In comparison with controls, hypertensive patients without CAD had significantly higher VTI and mean gradient (20.48±1.8 cm and 0.935±.108mmHg vs 18.63±1.5 cm and 0.53±0.2). They also had significantly higher CSBF (554.653±70 mL/min compared to 501.64±63.8 mL/min, p value <0.05). On the other hand, they had significantly lower global LV perfusion 2.71±.7 mL/min/g compared to 3.04±0.7 mL/min/g in normotensive patients). Compared with normotensive patients with CAD, those who were hypertensive with CAD had significantly lower CS diameter (0.65±11.3 cm compared to 0.7±12.8 cm), significantly higher VTI and CSBF (13.81±2 cm and 338.57±43.9 ml/min in hypertensive with CAD, compared to 11.28±1.1 cm and 259.42±35.5 ml/min in normotensive ones). LV mass was significantly higher (244.95±36.26 g/m2) than (170±57.7 g/m2) in normotensive patients with CAD. As a result, hypertensive patients with CAD had significantly lower LV perfusion than the normotensive patients (1.042± 0.27 mL/minute compared to 1.58±0.53mL/minute). In conclusion, hypertension is associated with an increase in CSBF; attention should be taken while assessing hypertensive patients with coronary artery disease. There is highly important inverse relationship between global perfusion and LV mass. |
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The Role of TNF-α in Pathogenesis of Rheumatoid Arthritis | ||
2023 | Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences | |
Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) is one of the essential cytokines that have an important role in the pathophysiology of rheumatoid arthritis (RA); it is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by a disordered immune system that predominantly affects multiple peripheral joints. The study aimed to evaluate the level of serum TNF-α as a biomarker of pathogenesis in RA. In the Medicine City Baghdad hospital consulting clinic, blood samples were taken from 150 volunteers: 119 rheumatoid arthritis patients, 22 (18,.3%) males and 97 (80.8%) females and 31 healthy controls, 12 (38.7%) males and 19 (61.3%) females. The Demographic characteristics showed statistically significant results for sex, age, family history, smoking, duration of disease, and DAS-28 between rheumatoid arthritis patients and healthy control, where the P-value (>0.001) and BMI (0.038). Further, the results showed significance in TNF- α in the patients’ group compared to the control group. In addition, TNF-α relates to demographic characteristics in age, BMI, and biological therapy with p-value (>0.001, 0.038, >0.001), respectively. According to the area under the curve for RF (0.76) and anti-CCP (0.61) was not associated with disease activity score-28. |
2023 |
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