ا. لمياء حامد حسين
المشاركة كباحث في مؤتمر ايدك دبي 2023
ا. لمياء حامد حسين
المشاركة كباحث في مؤتمر كلية الحلة الجامعة
Syllabuses - 1
Dep. | Step. | Sem. | code | No. | Des. | Syllabuses |
College of Dentistry | three | full | XRA06300 | 4 | Dental Radiology |
Lectures - 12
Sem | SYLLABUSES | Dep. | st. | Lectures |
2022-2023 | Dental Radiology | College of Dentistry | three | Part I |
2022-2023 | Dental Radiology | College of Dentistry | three | part III |
2022-2023 | Dental Radiology | College of Dentistry | three | Part II |
2021-2022 | Dental Radiology | College of Dentistry | three | Hazards and protection |
2021-2022 | Dental Radiology | College of Dentistry | three | Factors relating to the production of radiograph |
2021-2022 | Dental Radiology | College of Dentistry | three | Darkroom |
2021-2022 | Dental Radiology | College of Dentistry | three | Ideal radiographic projection |
2021-2022 | Dental Radiology | College of Dentistry | three | Factors relating to the production of radiograph |
2021-2022 | Dental Radiology | College of Dentistry | three | X –Ray films |
2021-2022 | Dental Radiology | College of Dentistry | three | X – Ray Beam Shape and Position |
2021-2022 | Dental Radiology | College of Dentistry | three | Fundamentals of Radiography |
2021-2022 | Dental Radiology | College of Dentistry | three | Dental Patient management in Oral Radiology Clinic |
title | Variation in periodontium evaluation among Iraqi dentists |
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date | 2001 |
mag. | Journal of the College of Dentistry 2001 Vol 10 109-113 |
title | Evaluation of proximal overlapping in posterior teeth bitewing radiographs by using Rinn film holder. |
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date | 1998 |
mag. | Iraqi Dental Journal 1998 vol 23, 139-146 |
title | The prevalence of selected dental anomalies among orthodontic patients aged (9-13) years. (Orthopantamographic study). |
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date | 2001 |
mag. | Journal of the College of Dentistry 2001 Vol 10 193-198. |
title | Magnification in panoramic radiography |
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date | 2005 |
mag. | Journal of Baghdad College of Dentistry 2005 vol 17 no. 3 45-47 . |
title | Evaluation of reproductive problems in male radiographers working in radiography department in main hospitals in Baghdad city. |
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date | 2002 |
mag. | Iraqi Dental Journal 2002 vol 30 239-246 |
title | Evaluation of reproductive problems in male radiographers working in radiography departments in main hospitals in Baghdad city |
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date | 2002 |
mag. | Iraqi dental journal vol. 30, p 239-245, 2002 |
title | Orthopantomographic survey of hypodontia among Iraqi orthodontic patients |
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date | 2002 |
mag. | Journal of college of dentistry vol. 12 p.74-79, 2002. |
title | Linear image distortion of different patients head position using dimax digital panoramic x-ray system |
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date | 2007 |
mag. | Journal of Baghdad College of dentistry Vol 19(1) 2007 |
title | Presurgical evaluation of impacted third molar using digital fluoroscopy |
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date | 2007 |
mag. | Mustanseria Dental Journal, vol.4, no.1, p.33-39, 2007. |
title | Chronological Age Estimation by Radiological Measurements on Digital Panoramic Image among Iraqi Sample |
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date | 2009 |
mag. | Journal of Baghdad College of dentistry, vol .21, no.4, 2009 |
title | Evaluation of dental health and thickness of mandibular inferior cortex among menopausal Iraqi female smokers using digital panoramic radiography |
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date | 2010 |
mag. | Mustanseria Dental Journal vol.7, no.2, 2010. |
title | The prevalence of cervical carotid arteries stenosis and calcifications among sample of Iraqi diabetic postmenopausal women detected by using Doppler Sonography and digital dental panoramic tomography |
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date | 2011 |
mag. | Journal of Baghdad College of dentistry Vol 23, no.: 3, 2011, p: 50-55. |
title | Correlation between clinical features and MRI findings in patients with internal and MRI findings in patients with internal derangements of temporomandibular joint |
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date | 2007 |
mag. | Journal of Baghdad College of dentistryVol. 4 No. 2 (2007) |
title | The Diagnostic Accuracy of the Digital Panoramic Imaging System in Pre and Post-Surgical Dental Implant Insertion. |
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date | 2011 |
mag. | Journal of Baghdad College of dentistry vol.23, no.2, p.50-55, 2011. |
title | Diagnostic accuracy of panoramic maxillary sinus projection in patients with midface fractures according to with CT scanning |
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date | 2011 |
mag. | Journal of Baghdad College of dentistry vol.23, no.1, p.18-21, 2011. |
title | A Cephalometric Study of Sella Turcica Size and Morphology among Young Iraqi Normal Population in Comparison to Patients with Malposed Maxillary Canine. |
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date | 2011 |
mag. | J Bagh College Dentistry. vol 23(4),p53-58, 2011. |
title | Comparison between High Resolution Ultrasonography and Conventional Radiography in the Diagnosis of Nasal Bone Fractures |
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date | 2011 |
mag. | Tickrit Journal for Dental Sciences, vol 1,no 1 , p 6-13,2011. |
title | Identification of bifid mandibular canals among Iraqi subjects using panoramic imaging system. |
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date | 2011 |
mag. | J Bagh College Dentistry.vol 23(4).p 76-80, 2011 |
title | Accuracy of digital panoramic system in sex identification using certain mandibular measurements. |
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date | 2011 |
mag. | JBCD I Current Issue , Vol : 23 | Issue : Supplement, 2011 |
title | Carotid artery atheromas and calcifications among postmenopausal women with histories of cerebrovascular or cardiovascular problems. |
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mag. | ORAL RADIOLOGY , 2012, Volume 28, Number 1, 1-9 |
title | Radiographic findings of oral and dental aspects of chronic renal failure of Iraqi patients under hemodialysis therapy. |
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date | 2012 |
mag. | Journal of Baghdad College of Dentistry, Vol:24, no.4 , 2012,P:52-57 |
title | Digital lateral cephalometric assessment of maxillary sinus dimensions in different skeletal classes |
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date | 2012 |
mag. | Baghdad College of Dentistry, Vol: 24, no.1, 2012, P:35-38. |
title | Postoperative Assessment of Dental Implants by using Multi-Slice Computed Tomography. |
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date | 2013 |
mag. | Baghdad College of Dentistry, vol 25 no. 4 (2013) |
title | The value of lateral cephalometric image in sex identification |
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date | 2013 |
mag. | Journal of Baghdad College of Dentistry, Vol:25, no.2 , 2013,P:36-40. |
title | Evalutation of the anterior loop of the mental nerve incidence and extension in different age groups in Sulaimania city using digital panoramic imaging system |
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date | 2013 |
mag. | Baghdad College of Dentistry, Vol: 25, no.1 , 2013,P:99-104 |
title | The value of lateral cephalometric image in sex identification |
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date | 2013 |
mag. | Journal of Baghdad College of Dentistry, Vol:25, no.2 , 2013,P:36-40 |
title | Evalutation of the anterior loop of the mental nerve incidence and extension in different age groups in Sulaimania city using digital panoramic imaging system. |
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date | 2013 |
mag. | Baghdad College of Dentistry, Vol: 25, no.1 , 2013,P:99-104 |
title | The prevalence of sella turcica bridging in different skeletal classes |
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date | 2013 |
mag. | The Iraqi Dental Journal, vol: 34 / Issue: 2 /2013, p 2-6 |
title | Assessment of the relationship between maxillary sinus floor and maxillary teeth root apices using Spiral CT scan. |
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date | 2013 |
mag. | Baghdad College of Dentistry, Vol:25, no.3 , 2013,P:80-86 |
title | Accuracy of multislice computed tomography in presurgical evaluation of impacted mandibular third molar position |
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date | 2013 |
mag. | Tickrit Medical Journal, vol 1,no 2 , 2013. P:46-64 |
title | Craniometric asymmetry assessment in class I and class II skeletal relationship patients using helical computed tomography sample aged between 18-35 years. |
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date | 2013 |
mag. | Journal of Baghdad College of Dentistry , Vol 25, No 4 (2013) |
title | Computed tomography bone density in Hounsfield units at dental implant receiving sites in different regions of the jaw bone |
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date | 2014 |
mag. | . J Bagh College Dentistry Vol. 26(1), March 2014, 92-97 |
title | Assessment of mandibular radiomorphometric indices as predictors of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women (Cephalometric reconstructed computed tomographical study) |
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date | 2014 |
mag. | Journal of Baghdad College of Dentistry: Vol 26 No 2 (2014) |
title | Carotid artery athreromas and calcifications among postmenopausal women with diabetes and hypertention |
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date | 2014 |
mag. | Journal of international dental and medical research Vol 7, No 2 (2014) |
title | Flattening of the posterior slope of the articular eminence of completely edentulous patients compared to patients with maintained occlusion in relation to age using computed tomography |
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date | 2015 |
mag. | Journal of Baghdad College of Dentistry Vol 27, No 2 (2015) |
title | Correlation between Clinical Features and 3T MRI Findings of Disc Position Status in Patients with Internal Derangement of Temporomandibular Joint. |
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date | 2015 |
mag. | Iraqi Dental Journal | Volume 37 ,Issue 3 - Dec. 2015. |
title | Thickness of Buccal Bone in the Mandible and its Clinical Significance in Monocortical Screws Placement using Multislice Computed Tomography |
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date | 2015 |
mag. | Journal of Baghdad College of Dentistry Vol 27, No 4 (2015) |
title | Nasal septum deviation and its relation to maxillary sinus volume among adults |
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date | 2016 |
mag. | IOSR JDMS. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR- JDMS) Volume 15, Issue 9. September .2016, P121-127 |
title | Efficacy of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of cystic neck masses confirmed by histopathological examination |
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date | 2016 |
mag. | . Journal of Al Rafidain University College, Issue No. 38/2016 |
title | Assessment of Sagittal Condylar Position of TMJ Dysfunction in Centric Occlusion Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography |
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date | 2016 |
mag. | Journal of Baghdad College of Dentistry Vol 28, No 2 (2016) |
title | Evaluation of Interradicular Cortical Bone Thickness for Orthodontic Miniscrew Implant Placement Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography |
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date | 2016 |
mag. | Iraqi Dental Journal | Volume 38 ,Issue 1 - Apr. 2016 |
title | Correlation between Dual-energy X-Ray Absorptiometry and Panoramic Mandibular Indices in Prediction of Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Females. |
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date | 2016 |
mag. | Journal of Baghdad College of Dentistry Vol 28, No 3 (2016). |
title | Location and Diameter of the posterior superior alveolar artery among Iraqi subjects using Computed Tomography. |
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date | 2016 |
mag. | IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR- JDMS) ISSN: 2279-0853. Volume 15, Issue 9 Ver. IX (September). 2016), PP 80-84 |
title | The Value of Ultrasonography in the Diagnosis and Evaluation of Early Therapeutic Response of Cervical Tuberculous Lymphadenitis. |
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date | 2017 |
mag. | Journal of Baghdad College of Dentistry Vol 29 No 1 (2017) |
title | The value of 3 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging in assessment of clinically diagnosed internal derangement of temporomandibular Joint. |
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date | 2017 |
mag. | Journal of Baghdad College of Dentistry: Vol 29 No 2 (2017) p 55-60 |
title | Prevalence and localization of the posterior superior alveolar artery in relation to the floor of the maxillary sinus and alveolar crest among sample of Iraqis using computed tomography |
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date | 2017 |
mag. | Journal of Baghdad College of Dentistry: ISSN: 16800087 2017 vol 29 no. 3 pp54-58 |
title | Determination the position of greater palatine foramen in relation to alveolar ridge by using cone beam computed tomography International |
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date | 2017 |
mag. | Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Volume 6 Issue 11, November 2017 ISSN: 2319-7064 India |
title | Correlation between facial type and certain radiomorphometric facial indices according to gender differences in each type among Iraq adult using cone Beam Computed Tomography |
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date | 2017 |
mag. | International Journal of Science and Research IJSR 2017 vol: 6, Issue 8, pp489-493 |
title | . Comparison of certain radiomorphometric facial indices in different facial types of Iraqi adults using Cone Beam Computed Tomography |
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date | 2018 |
mag. | Journal of baghdad college of dentistry 2018 vol. 30: no. 2 pp 66-70 ISSN: 16800087 |
title | Osteoporosis effect on posterior mandible in pre implanted area for postmenopausal females using cone beam computed tomography. |
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date | 2018 |
mag. | Journal of Indian Society of PeriodontologyYear : 2018 | Volume : 22 | Issue : 5 | Page : 390-394 India |
title | Relation of Gonial Angle Index to osteoporosis and age using CBCT in female subjects |
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date | 2018 |
mag. | Journal of Baghdad College of Dentistry 2018 vol. 30: no. 2 pp: 41-46 |
title | Correlation between Anatomical Variations Radiological Appearance of Sella Turcica and Mastoid Process Density among Cleft Palate and Non Cleft Palate Individuals |
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date | 2022 |
mag. | Al-Esraa University College Journal for Medical Sciences Vol.(3), No.(3)-2022, p 15-30 |
title | The Utility of CBCT in Assessment of Mandibular Bone Cortex in Osteoporotic and Non- Osteoporotic Females. |
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date | 2022 |
mag. | Al-Esraa University College Journal for Medical Sciences Vol.(3), No.(3)-2022, p 31-44 |
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title | Panoramic Mandibular Radiomorphometric Indices as Predictors of SDJ Osteoporotic Female, Diagnosed by DXA and Biochemical Investigations |
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date | 2017 |
mag. | Sulaimani Dent. J, Vol4 Special issue, |
title | Relationship Between Nasal Septum Deviation angle and it is Effect on Maxillary Sinus Volume in Sulaimani Population |
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date | 2020 |
mag. | Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, April-June 2020, Vol. 14, No. 2 |