College of Health and Medical Technical
Research Department of Medical lab technique

Research Department of Medical lab technique

Rehab Subhi Ramadhan (40 Research)
The Possible Role of Progesterone Receptors in Prostate Cancer Incidences in the Iraqi Population
2024 Frontiers in Bioscience-Scholar
Background: Prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the leading diseases causing mortality. It comes in the third rank of common cancer types. It is considered extremely a complicated cancer type since it occurs in highly steroid-responsive and dependent tissues. Many factors are considered to play an important role in the disease progression of PCa, with some functioning at the molecular level. Methodology: After applying the exclusion criteria, 200 patients who underwent proctectomy were included in this study. Following receiving patient consent, blood samples were withdrawn from patients, DNA was extracted, and precise polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification was conducted using specifically designed primers. The resulting amplicons were sequenced and analyzed. Results: The progesterone receptor B (PGRB) DNA from patients showed four distinctive single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at sites 11:101128812, 11:101128924, 11:101128949, and 11:101128986, which altered the amino acid sequences to Y>N, A>D, T>I, and C>R, respectively, compared to control. These SNPs resided in sensitive sites that either affected the control elements or promoted alterations in the protein configuration. This DNA change diminished the PGR gene function and promoted an imbalance in the encoded PGR protein structure and expression. Conclusions: Many factors may play a role in PCa manifestation, with steroids and progesterone initially noted as factors. Many studies have dealt with the hormonal effect on PCa; however, few have ultimately determined the molecular impact on disease progression. The presence of pathogenic SNPs in the enhancing region of the gene may impact the expression level of PGR. High or low expression levels may negatively affect gene function, which can be considered a reliable factor in prostate tumorigenesis.
Isolation, identification, and assessment of the ability of local Streptomyces isolate from Iraq to utilize crude oil and diesel fuel‏
2013 International Journal of Biotechnology
Molecular analysis of FSH receptor gene in Iraqi women with PCOS syndrome
2018 Middle East Fertility Society Journal

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder in women during their reproductive
age. This study was design to establish the relationship between this syndrome and follicle stimulating
hormone receptor defect by determination of lethal single nucleotide polymorphism that may play a
vital role in this syndrome. A total number of 500 women attending Kamal Al- Samarrai Hospital diagnosed
with PCOS were selected and divided according to their age into group one which includes (20–
30) years old women, group two included (31–40) years old women, and group three which included
(41–50) years old women. Fertility hormones (FSH, LH, and testosterone) were tested for all groups.
Results showed that LH increased significantly in groups three with low FSH, whereas testosterone
increased significantly in age group two. Molecular analysis of whole FSHR gene amplified using specific
primers showed the presence two SNPs rs6166, and rs6165 which are associated with drug response and
9 lethal missense mutation that caused sever effect on FSHR, that probably render this receptor more sensitive
to FSH without the possibility of feed back inhibition.


Mukaram Shikara (10 Research)
Isolation of DNAse and RNAse from Nectria galligena, proceedings of the first scientific conference, National Board for Biotechnology research, 93, 2001.
2008 العراق
photo-oxidation of a DNase from a human small intestine
2012 African Journal of Biochemistry, 1(97) 16353-16359
Evaluation of some physico-chemical and detection of parasites in Hamrin lake
2019 مجلة العلوم والتكنولوجيا 2019
millimeter. Ahmed Rashid Abdel Hamid (0 Research)
Dr.. Abbas Tala' Abdul Reda (3 Research)
2018 International Date Palm Conference / Abu Dhabi-UAE
Use of serum calcium squid ink in the food of chicken to increase the nutrition value of the food
2018 Biological and chemical research journal
Phytochemical investigation of antibacterial and antianxiety activities of Enteromorpha spp. Algae
2017 Molecular pharmaceutical journal
PHD. Iyad Ahmed Reda (12 Research)
2018 International Date Palm Conference / Abu Dhabi-UAE
Potential study at biological control agents and pheromone traps for the control of ephestia spp. In date warehouses of two provinces in iraq
2016 International journal at entomology research
Implementatial nuclear technology inesfly paint and some integrated pest management elements for conteolling ephestia spp in date palm orchards and date warehouses in iraq
2016 Journal at entomology and zoology studies
Ihsan Mahdi Al-saqur (23 Research)
قياس فعالية انزيمات الكبد والبيليروبين الكلي للمرضى المصابين بالاكياس المائية الكبدية
2008 مجلة مدينة العلم
Spatial and demographic aspect of kala azar (visceral leishmaniasis in Iraq during 2011-2013
2018 مجلة جامعة بغداد
The distribution of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Iraq:demographic and climate aspects
2017 Asian biomedicine
millimeter. Issam Shaker Hamza (18 Research)
Comparison among different method of DNA extaaction from corn and their role in pcr
2014 Journal of Gentic and enviromental resources conservation
Biofilm formation by intestinal spore- forming bacilli
2013 International jouranal for sciences and Technology
Qualitative Identification of formalin in local and export milk and his diary products
2016 Journal of ministry of science and Technology IRAQ
Yasir Khaleel Ibrahim (5 Research)
2022 Biochemical and cellular archives


The aim of the study is to determine changes in several trace elements in erythrocytes such as cobalt, chromium,
manganese, molybdenum and phosphorous in a chosen group within the students in Al-Esraa University College and the
outcome of the study showed that a physical training everyday (may) motivate some variables in the concentration of some trace

Changes in the Cancer Antigen Markers in the Pleural Liquid During Chemotherapy among Ovarian Cancer Patients
2021 Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

The silent killer or ovarian cancer (OC) is one of the major causes of cancer deaths among women in the
modern age. In view of the therapeutic roles of platinum based chemotherapy among the ovarian cancer
patients, objective of this report was to assess the effects of the first round of chemotherapy among women
with ovarian cancer. Here, the levels of the pleural markers for cancer bio markers, before and after the
chemotherapy were tested among ovarian cancer patients. The biochemical indices may be of use in
deciphering the relation between cancer relapse and platinum retrieval. The pleural analyses pre and post
platinum chemotherapy session demonstrated wide range of biochemical and protein marker changes among
ovarian cancer patients. The various cancer antigens were variedly reduced post chemotherapy. Hence, it is
proposed that biochemical markers in pleural liquid may serve as better indicators and early diagnostic tools
for ovarian cancer.

Assessment of Neuregulin4 function in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome disorder

Subject: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is female disorder caused by cysts formation in ovarian that results disorder of hormones secretion and menstrual cycle. Neuregulin 4 (NRG4) is one of adipokines family members synthesis and release via adipose tissues, it acts as activator the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR).

Objective of the Study: Assessment role of NRG4 in PCOS patients.

Materials and Methods: Present study included 30 PCOS patients with 30 controls, the age individuals of tow group at study were 18 years and above of females. At this study measured serum NRG4 level by quantity method for all study individuals, the body mass index (BMI) also measured for all study individuals.

Results: Present study explain increase of NRG4 level in serum samples and BMI in PCOS patients group compared with control group.

Conclusion: Current study demonstrate role of NRG4 level that act as compensate mechanism in PCOS disorder.

Hussein Salmaan Qasim (1 Research)
Impact of Helicobacter pylori in some Blood Parameters Change of Iraqi Patients with Gastritis Disease
2023 Iraqi Journal of Biotechnology
Mustafa Mahdi Mustafa (0 Research)
Ola Amer Jasim (2 Research)

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a functional disease of gastrointestinal tract (GIT) that affects 10-20% of the population worldwide and is distinguished by abdominal pain/discomfort and changes in bowel habits that is accompanied by diarrhea, constipation, or both. Control-based study was conducted on 50 Iraqi patients with IBS who were presented at private clinics for gastrointestinal diseases (GIDs), along with 20 healthy individuals matched in their age and gender to act as control group. The study lasted from November 2021 to May 2022 and aimed to determine the frequency of IBS subtypes among Iraqi patients, as well as the influence of several factors on disease’s initiation, type and severity such as age and gender, anxiety, obesity, hematological indices, and secretor status. In comparison with control group, patients showed significant higher frequency of severe anxiety and non-secretor cases particularly in those with IBS-c type. However, BMI, blood groups, and all complete blood count parameters revealed non-significant difference between patients and control groups. Among patients of different types of IBS, results showed that blood group A is highly correlated with IBS-d, and IBS-m patients, while blood type O is highly correlated with IBS-c. Also, platelet-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) is significantly associated with IBS types, which is elevated in patients with IBS-c in comparison with other types of disease. It can be concluded that people who are non-secretors and having experience of severe anxiety may be at higher risk for getting IBS. 

Influence of IL-1ꞵ, Anti-CdtB, and Histamine in irritable bowel syndrome
2023 Al-Esraa University collage Journal for Medical Science

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common gut disorder that affects approximately 11% of the global population and negatively affects the quality of life of patients and imposes a significant socioeconomic burden. Control-based study was conducted on 42 Iraqi patients with IBS who were presented at private clinics for gastrointestinal diseases (GIDs), along with 20 healthy individuals matched in their age and gender to act as control group. The study aimed to determine the frequency of IBS among Iraqi patients, as well as the influence of biomarkers on disease’s initiation, type and severity such as (IL-1ꞵ, anti- Cytolethal distending toxin B ‘Anti-CdtB’, and histamine). The results showed that constipation subtype of IBS is the most frequent among patients, and females constitute the majority of IBS patients with female: male ratio about 2.23: 1. The levels of IL-1β, anti-CdtB, and histamine are significantly elevated in the serum of IBS patients when compared to their levels in control group. In patients’ group, anti-CdtB showed significant positive correlation with their level of histamine, while correlation between anti-CdtB and IL-1β as well as between histamine and IL-1β are not significant. It can be concluded that anti-CdtB may act as a key player in IBS pathogenesis after disruption gut microbiota which needs further investigation

Arwa fadil haqi (0 Research)
Sarah Alaadin Abdulhameed (0 Research)
ِAli Jabbar Hatem (0 Research)
Alhakam ahmed abdullateef (0 Research)
Ali Abdul;areem Ismaeel (0 Research)
Maryam abdulhussein (0 Research)
Samar Mohammed Younis (0 Research)
Sincerity of Kazem Hazza (0 Research)
Rula Raed Mustafa (0 Research)
Mariam Bassem Mohsen (0 Research)
Mariam Riyad Khalil (0 Research)
Oh, Karim Azzawi (0 Research)
Sarah Zulfiqar Beautiful (0 Research)
Reem Aziz Karim (0 Research)
M.M. Saad Majed Abdel Hussein (3 Research)
تحديات الوحدة الوطنية في جمهورية السودان
2018 مجلة كلٌة الاسراء الجامعة/ المجلد الاول/ العدد الاول

لوحظ افتقار المجتمع السوداني الى تقاليد سياسية موروثة مؤدية الى اعتماد نظام التعددية السياسية ذات الاطر التعاونية، وبرزت هذه المشكلة خلال فترة الاستعمار العثماني–البريطاني للسودان وما افرزه هذا الارث الاستعماري من حرمان المجتمع السوداني من الحرية والمشاركة السياسية، فمثلا استند تشكيل معظم الاحزاب السياسية في السودان على اسس اثنية قبلية ضيقة، مما ادى بدوره الى فشل هذه الاحزاب في تحقيق ديمقراطية حقيقية تسهم في بناء نظام سياسي رين، وهذا دفع بالمؤسسة العسكرية الى التحرك لاسقاط الحكومات المدنية التي تشكلت عند الاستقلال من خلال سلسلة من الانقلابات، ومن ثم السيطرة على الحكم سيطرة تامة، مما يجعلها (المؤسسة العسكرية) مدر السلطات كافة، الأمر الذي يشكل تحدياً تجاه عملية التحول الديمقراطي في السودان في الوقت الراهن.لوحظ افتقار المجتمع السوداني الى تقاليد سياسية موروثة مؤدية الى اعتماد نظام التعددية السياسية ذات الاطر التعاونية، وبرزت هذه المشكلة خلال فترة الاستعمار العثماني–البريطاني للسودان وما افرزه هذا الارث الاستعماري من حرمان المجتمع السوداني من الحرية والمشاركة السياسية، فمثلا استند تشكيل معظم الاحزاب السياسية في السودان على اسس اثنية قبلية ضيقة، مما ادى بدوره الى فشل هذه الاحزاب في تحقيق ديمقراطية حقيقية تسهم في بناء نظام سياسي رين، وهذا دفع بالمؤسسة العسكرية الى التحرك لاسقاط الحكومات المدنية التي تشكلت عند الاستقلال من خلال سلسلة من الانقلابات، ومن ثم السيطرة على الحكم سيطرة تامة، مما يجعلها (المؤسسة العسكرية) مدر السلطات كافة، الأمر الذي يشكل تحدياً تجاه عملية التحول الديمقراطي في السودان في الوقت الراهن.

ازمة بناء الدولة الوطنية في العراق في ظل دستور 2005
2020 مجلة كلٌة الاسراء الجامعة للعلوم الاجتماعية والانسانية/ المجلد الثاني/ العدد 1

لا يمكن استيعاب مفهوم المواطنة،إلا إذا وضع في سياقه التاريخي، فالمفاهيم لا تنشأ من فراغ ولا تنتشر إلا بعد ممارسات وتراكمات فكرية، والمواطنة كلمة تتسع للعديد من التعريفات، فهي في اللغة العربية مأخوذة من الوطن، وهو محل الإقامة والحماية، ومن حيث مدلولها السياسي، فهي شعور بالانتماء وولاء للدولة ومنظومة حقوق وواجبات كاملة يفرضها هذا الانتماء”.

المواطنة في المجتمعات العربية، وبضمنها العراق في وقتنا الراهن "كمعنى" غائبة، وأهم أسباب غيابها الداخلي، فشل الدولة العربية الحديثة في تحقيق التنمية الشاملة، وضمان حماية قانونية واجتماعية لمواطنيها بأبعادها المختلفة،

فدفع هذا الاختلاف إلى انتشار الإحباط والخذلان لدى شريحة عريضة من المواطنين، حيث ادى انعدام إشباع الحاجات الأساسية للأفراد إلى اللامبالاة على كافة الأصعدة، بل دفع إلى الرغبة في الهروب من الوطن بحثا عن جنسية ووطن جديدين.

اشكالية تحقيق الأمن وضمان الحقوق والحريات العامة في العراق بعد عام 2003
2021 مجلة كلٌة الاسراء الجامعة للعلوم الاجتماعية والانسانية/ المجلد الثالث/ العدد 5

إن الأمن المجتمعي يتصدر أولويات الخطط والأهداف الإستراتيجية لدى كل الأمم والشعوب،إذ أنه يعني الحياة والبقاء والإستقرار وفي ظله تتحقق التنمية والإزدهار، وعلى ذلك يحرص القابضون على السلطة في مختلف النظم السياسية المعاصرة على توظيف كل ماهو متاح لإنجاز تلك المهمة وبكل الوسائل والسبل.

   ولكن الإشكالية التي تعترض هذا السبيل تكمن في مدى القدرة على تطبيق سياسات أمنية ناجعة مع مراعاة المحافظة على الحقوق والحريات العامة،وتبدو تلك الإشكالية أكثر تعقيداً في الدول الأقل تطوراً والتي تعاني شعوبها من تدني مستوى الوعي الثقافي وضعف الإنسجام وهشاشة وغلبة الولاءات الفرعية على حساب الولاء للوطن إلى جانب ضعف مؤسسات الدولة وأجهزتها الأمنية،وتلك الإشكالية يواجهها العراق حالياً،فمع وجود تحديات أمنية كبيرة يجد أصحاب القرار أنفسهم بين ضغط الحاجة إلى توفير الأمن وهو ما يستدعي استعمال مظاهر القوة المادية وتصاعد الانتقادات الموجهة ضد تلك المظاهر بزعم إنها تشكل انتهاكاً صارخاً لحقوق الإنسان.

Dr. Ruqayyah Sabbar Salman (0 Research)
M. M. Esraa Khalaf Anid (0 Research)
Ahmed Zamil Hattab (0 Research)
Dur Abdalkareem abd (1 Research)
The association between plasma IL-6 levels and several thalassemia-related clinical features in Iraqi patients
2022 International Journal of Health Sciences

The present study was set to investigate the potential association between the level of Interleukin-6 (IL-6), as a key component of the pro-inflammatory response, with different thalassemia’s biological and clinical features. For this purpose, one hundred fifty blood samples were collected from 100 beta-thalassemia patients, who attended the Genetic Hematology Centre at Ibn Al- Baladi Hospital in Baghdad, Iraq, and 50 healthy subjects who were employed as a control group. IL-6 levels were estimated using an ELISA Kit, whereas other thalassemia-related clinical features (such as HbA, HbF, ferritin, blood transfusions, splenectomy status, and the history of frequent infection) were additionally assessed. The results of the present study showed a significant elevation (P≤0.01) in the levels of IL-6 in thalassemia patients as compared to healthy controls (57.7763± 8.94837 vs. 6.3059± 1.90364 pg/ml, respectively). Furthermore, IL-6 plasma levels seem to be influenced by the number of multiple scheduled blood transfusions, with the higher IL-6 mean level corresponding to the more frequent transfusions. Also, splenectomized thalassemia patients showed significantly higher IL-6 levels than those of non-splenectomized patients (61.2687±9.30688 vs. 56.9571±8.71926 pg/ml, respectively).Additionally, thalassemia patients exhibited a significant increase in HbF and ferritin levels in comparison to the healthy controls (57.1430 vs. 0.5020 g/dL and 2813.7000 vs.56.8220 ng/ml, respectively), whereas the levels of HbA showed a significant drop as compared to the control group (26.8118 vs. 96.1340 g/dL). IL-6 plasma levels correlated positively with ferritin levels (r= 0.611, p≤0.0001) and HbF (r= 0.7501, p≤0.0001). However, IL-6 appears to correlate negatively with HbA (r= -0.885, P≤0.0001) in β-thalassemia patients compared to healthy controls. Overall, the present investigation suggests that the levels of IL-6 in β-thalassemia cases seem to be affected by the multiple scheduled blood transfusions and other disease-associated complications, including splenectomy and elevated ferritin levels, which might influence patients’ susceptibility to infections.
Keywords---Interleukin-6, beta-thalassemia, splenectomy, ferritin level, HbF, HbA, blood transfusion

(3 Research)
Differentiation of CD34+ human hair follicles stem cell into functional melanocytes
2018 IconMEAS
Isolation of CD34+ Human Melanocyte Stem Cells from Hair Follicles.
2019 Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development

Background: Melanocytes are specialized neural crest-derived cells. They are responsible for hair, skin and eye pigmentation, so they are specialized pigment-producing cells. Melanoblasts are localized in the bulge region of the hair follicle can transform into melanocyte stem cells (MelSCs) or differentiated melanocytes, which produce melanin pigment. It holds promise for functional therapeutic potential and development for the future cell-based therapy of various diseases caused by defective pigment cells like vitiligo. The aim of this study was to isolate melanocyte stem cells from human hair follicle. Methods: The MelSCs CD34+ population was isolated by MagCellect Magnet and assessed for melanocyte stem cell markers by flow cytometry. Results: Results revealed that the isolated CD34+ melanocyte stem cells exhibited higher expression for melanocyte stem cells markers dopachrome tautomerase (DCT) and microphthalmia associated transcription factor (MITF) and differentiation markers melanocytic antigen (PNL2) and tyrosinase (TYR). Conclusion: the study revealed an efficient method of isolation of melanocyte stem cells. The cells were confirmed for their characteristics by flow cytometry analysis of positive and negative markers. Functional analyses of the isolated cells would further confirm its usage in cellular therapies for treatment of skin pigmentation disorders.

Biological activity of gum Arabic-coated ferrous oxide nanoparticles
2021 Modern Physics Letters B

In this study, iron oxide nanoparticles (NPs) had been prepared by co-precipitation method. In order to reduce their toxicity and increase stability, prepared iron oxide was coated with gum Arabic. Gum Arabic is preferred over synthetic materials due to their non-toxicity, low cost and availability. Characterization of coated and non-coated iron oxide NPs had been performed by spectrophotometer, Fourier transfer infra-red spectrophotometer (FTIR), Zeta potential, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and field emission scanning electron microscopic (FE-SEM). The fabricated nanoparticles appeared purity and crystalline nature by XRD, with diameter average of 27.01 nm and 55.12 nm for iron oxide NPs and iron oxide NPs coated with gum Arabic, respectively. On the other hand, four biological activities of coated and non-coated iron oxide had been investigated. High removal of methylene blue pollutant dye (46%) was observed with iron oxide NPs, while removal percentage was 22.6 performed by iron oxide NPs coated with gum Arabic within 72 h. Iron oxide NPs revealed high inhibition zones of 27.5 nm and 30 mm, at 1000 μμg/ml, against S. aureus and E. coli, respectively, while coated iron oxide NPs with gum Arabic revealed low antibacterial activity against both examined bacteria even when used at 1000 μμg/ml. The hemolytic activity of prepared NPs had been determined. The hemolytic percentage was increased whenever concentrations of nanoparticles increased. Lower hemolytic percentages were 69.76 and 50.98 for iron oxide NPs and iron oxide NPs coated with gum Arabic were observed at a concentration of 250 μμg/ml. Finally, cytotoxic activity was estimated against MCF-7 cell line and normal cell line WRL68 by MTT assay. A decrease in MCF-7 viability to 65.1% was observed when 400 μμg/ml of iron oxide NPs was used, while WRL68 viability was 75.03%. Iron oxide NPs coated with gum Arabic revealed significant reduction in MCF-7 and WRL68 viability to 69.90% and 80.05%, respectively, when 400 μμg/ml of nanoparticles was applied.

Ahmed Fadhil Al-Khateeb (3 Research)
Role of proteus mirabilis DNA in comparison to candida albicans DNA in rats joints infection
2014 Iraqi journal of science
prevalence of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli in children and characterization of some virulence factors from different hospitals in Baghdad
assessment the gene expression of sigma factor (RPOS) under ceftriaxone stress in pathogenic Escerichia coli
Ameer Mohammed Jafar Ali (0 Research)
Rosa Kareem (0 Research)
Dhuha ismael qasim (0 Research)
Nooralhuda Adel rajaa (0 Research)
Zahraa Abdul Hussien (0 Research)
Zainab Waheed Kadhum (0 Research)
Zeyad Tariq Khaleel (0 Research)
Zahraa abdulkareem (1 Research)
Investigation of the relationship between the anticancer effect of bortezomib in HL-60 promyelocytic leukemia cells and the JAK/STAT signaling pathway
2023 ِAksaray university
The JAK/STAT (Janus Kinase Transducers and Activators of Transcription) signaling pathway is involved in many cellular events such as cell growth, development, survival, tumorigenesis, and cell differentiation. But it is critical for immune cells and hematopoietic cells. Proper functioning of JAK/STAT pathway is necessary for the normal formation of blood cells. Mutations that may occur in this pathway may cause hematological cancers by disrupting JAK/STAT functionality. Leukemia is a type of hematological cancer of myeloid and lymphoid origin. JAK/STAT signaling pathway has become one of the appropriate targets in the treatment of leukemia, one of the hematological cancers. Therefore, in our study, the expression levels of JAK/STAT signaling pathway genes were investigated in bortezomib-treated HL-60 (acute myeloid leukemia) cell line to elucidate the role of JAK/STAT signaling pathway in hematological cancers. HL-60 leukemia cell line was propagated in cell culture. MTT analysis was performed to determine the IC50 value of bortezomib applied to the cell line. Then, cDNA synthesis was performed by RNA isolation. Expressions of JAK1, JAK2, JAK3, STAT1, STAT3, STAT5A and STAT5B genes in the JAK/STAT signaling pathway were analyzed using Real-Time qPCR. According to our findings, it was determined that JAK1, JAK2 and JAK3 gene expressions in the HL-60 cell line were statistically significantly decreased at all bortezomib doses. A significant decrease was observed in STAT1, STAT5A and STAT5B gene expressions at all doses. However, no decrease was observed in STAT3 gene expression at 20nM, while a lesser decrease was detected at other doses compared to STAT1 and STAT5(A,B) genes. In conclusion, bortezomib showed its anticancer effect on HL-60 leukemia cells by suppressing the JAK/STAT pathway. Thus, it may be possible to develop alternative treatment strategies for patients with acute myeloid leukemia by developing new inhibitory drugs specific to these suppressed JAK/STAT genes. Keywords: Acute .Myeloid Leukemia, HL-60 Cell Line, Bortezomib, JAK/STAT Signaling Pathway, Real-Time qPCR
Maryam Majed Hameed (0 Research)
Saif Ali Jaafar (0 Research)
Eman Abdulameer Mahdi (0 Research)
Sarah Mutashar Hatem (0 Research)
Hayder Dhia Abdulla (1 Research)
Hepcidin and CRP Levels in a Sample of Iraqi Hypothyroid Patients Treated with Levothyroxine
2024 Ibn AL-Haitham Journal For Pure and Applied Sciences
Abstract Study of hypothyroidism and its relationship to the levels of the hormone hepcidin and C-reactive protein in people treated with levothyroxine. This study was carried out between November 2022 and March 2023. The study had a total of 90 male and female participants with an average age of 25 to 50 years old. All samples were obtained from both hospitals in Baghdad and the Medical Lab. The diagnosis of hypothyroidism based on symptoms and the hypothyroidism control test score led to the collection of 30 samples from healthy individuals, 30 from those with untreated hypothyroidism, and 30 additional samples. From people with hypothyroidism who were treated with levothyroxine, where the necessary tests were conducted for the three groups, Blood samples were collected in a gel tube, and serum was separated for use in their respective measurements of (TSH, T3, T4, CRP, and hepcidin. According to the results, there were no significant differences in the mean patient’s age (p=0.419) or gender distribution (p=0.638) between the three studied groups. When thyroid function tests were done on the groups that were studied, the hypothyroid patients had significantly lower levels of triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) and higher levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) before treating them (p< 0.001). And the highest serum hepcidin and CRP levels (11.77 ± 0.98 and 14.61 ± 2.49 respectively) were found in group 1 patients. On the contrary, the lowest levels (7.61 ± 1.56 and 3.19 ± 0.29, respectively) were present in group 2 patients. In healthy subjects, the hepcidin and CRP levels were 8.45 ± 0.53 and 3.51 ± 0.91, respectively.Accordingly, there was a significant difference in hepcidin and CRP levels between the three studied groups, and the results showed a decrease in hepcidin and C-reactive protein after treatment.
Zahraa Jabbar Diwan (0 Research)
Duha Nagim Abdullah (0 Research)
Maryam Faysal Salman (0 Research)
Mashair Zaki Ismail (0 Research)
Lamees Mohammed hassan (0 Research)
Hassan Sabah Hafez (1 Research)
Estimating the parameters of the GARCH model for the Polya distribution with a practical application
2024 مجلة الادارة والاقتصاد
Abstract The research aims to study time series with high volatility (volatility) , in which the problem of autoregressive conditional on the heterogeneity of variance in the case of intermittent distributions , that is when its observations have integer values . The INGARCH model was studied when the series follows the Polya distribution , which was Studying the model theoretically and practically , and then estimating the model parameters using the maximum likelihood method (MLE) , and in the applied aspect , data on the number of transactions of the Sumer Commercial Bank in the Iraqi Stock Exchange was used , where the presence of the ARCH effect was tested using the Ljung - Box Test and (ARCH Test) It became clear from the two tests that the data suffers from the problem of heterogeneity of variance (ARCH) , and finally it was concluded that the model that explains the fluctuations in the number of transactions of Sumer Commercial Bank is the INGARCH (2.0) model , based on the results of the two standards AIC and BIC .
Asst. Lec. Noor Hatem Jumaa (0 Research)
Amani Mahmood tuama (4 Research)
Estimation the level of il-17a in a sampleof type 1 diadetis mellitus patients
2014 IOSR Journal of pharmacy
Changes of some electrolyte in non diabetic patients suffering from kidney disease
2015 المؤتمر العلمي الاول للتخصصات الصحيه والطبيه
Most common cause of Repeated aborrtion in women in Nasrriya
2015 Medical Journal of Babylon
Lec. Dr. Ameera Hussein Qader (0 Research)
Ali Adel Adnan (0 Research)
SataiYousef Mohammed (0 Research)
Fatima Haider Fawzi (0 Research)
Ruaa Salah Mahdi (0 Research)
Ghanim Hussein Majeed (0 Research)
Haider Hassanein Mohammed (0 Research)
Adnan Ahmed Ali (0 Research)
Sara Thoalfuqar Jameel (0 Research)
Research Dental industry techniques

Research Dental industry techniques

Fadhil Abbas Hashim (0 Research)
Thair Latif Alzubaydi (39 Research)
Influence of microstructural changes on corrosion behaviour of thermally aged Ti-6Al-7Nb alloy
2004 Materials and Corrosion


Solution treatment and ageing (STA) is an effective strengthen-
ing method for aþ b titanium alloys. This paper reports the effect
of solution treatment and aging on the corrosion behaviour of Ti-
6Al-7Nb alloy in a simulated body fluid (Ringer’s solution). Ti-
6Al-7Nb alloy is hot rolled in the aþ bfield and subjected to solu-
tion treatment above and below its beta transus temperature
(1283 K). The solution treated specimens are water quenched
(WQ), air-cooled (AC), and furnace cooled (FC) at three different
rates, and subsequently aged at 823 K for 4 h. Microstructural
changes were examined using optical microscopy and phases devel-

oped were analyzed using XRD. The influence of microstructure on
the corrosion performance of the alloys are discussed in detail based
on the Open Circuit Potential (OCP), passive current density and
area of repassivation loop values obtained from the cyclic polariza-
tion study in Ringer’s solution. The passive current density was low
(0.5 lA/cm2) for the specimen with duplex microstructure obtained
for solution treated at 1223 K, air-cooled, and aged, in comparison
with that for as-rolled specimen (1.5 lA/cm2). The corrosion as-
pects resulting from various heat treatments are discussed in detail.

Surface characterization of passive film formed on nitrogen ion implanted Ti–6Al–4V and Ti–6Al–7Nb alloys using SIMS
2003 Corrosion Science


The aim of this paper is to study the effect of Nþ ion implantation on corrosion and phase
formation on the implanted surfaces of Ti–6Al–4V and Ti–6Al–7Nb alloys. Nitrogen ion was
implanted on Ti–6Al–4V and Ti–6Al–7Nb alloys at an energy of 70 and 100 keV, respectively
using a 150 keV accelerator at different doses ranging from 5 1015 to 2.5 1017 ions/cm2.
Electrochemical studies have been carried out in Ringers solution in order to determine the
optimum dose that can give good corrosion resistance in a simulated body fluid condition. The
implanted surfaces of such modified doses were electrochemically passivated at 1.0 V for an
hour. Secondary ion mass spectroscopy was used to study and characterize titanium oxide and
titanium nitride layers produced on implanted surface and to correlate them with the corro-
sion resistance. The nature of the passive film of the implanted–passivated specimen was
compared with the unimplanted–passivated as well as as-implanted specimens.

Nitrogen ion implantation and in vitro corrosion behavior of as-cast Ti–6Al–7Nb alloy
2002 Corrosion Science


In the present investigation, surface modification of Ti–6Al–7Nb alloy with nitrogen ions is
considered as a method to improve its performance with respect to corrosion. Nitrogen ion
was implanted on Ti–6Al–7Nb alloy at an energy of 70 and 100 keV using a 150 keV accel-
erator at different doses between 1  1016 and 3  1017 ions/cm2. Gracing incidence X-ray
diffraction was employed on the implanted specimens to understand the phases formed with
increasing doses. The implanted samples were subjected to electrochemical study in Ringer’s
solution in order to determine the optimum dose that can give good corrosion resistance in a
simulated body fluid condition. The OCP of the implanted specimens were found to shift in
the noble direction in comparison with unimplanted specimen. The passive current density and
area of the repassivation loop were found to decrease as the dose values increased. The
electrochemical impedance spectroscopic results indicate that the polarization resistance was
higher for the dose of 2:5  1017 ions/cm2 implanted at both energy of 70 and 100 keV. Ni-
trogen ion implantation enhanced the passivability and reduces the corrosion kinetics of the
alloy surface with increasing tendency for repassivation. Nature of the surface and reason for
the variation and improvement in corrosion resistance are discussed in detail.  2002 Elsevier
Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Rehab morad khadum (1 Research)
Investigation of some Immunological Parameters in Psoriatic Iraqi Female Patients
2020 Iraqi journal of Science
Fadhil Turky Maan (0 Research)
Randa Nael Adil (3 Research)
Design and implementation of the planar inverted-F antenna using computer simulation technology for wireless applications
2023 International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications
The Planar Inverted-F antenna (PIFA) is becoming more popular in the new multi-band mobile phone industry for transceiver systems of wireless communication systems. The purpose of this paper is to design and implement a planar inverted-F antenna for wireless communication. This device can work in the S-band resonance frequency range. Because the antenna is a quarter wavelength, the antenna size and return loss are reduced. The practical results of the used antenna showed that the return loss is about 34.20 dB, the voltage Standing Wave Ratio(VSWR) is 1.18258, and the bandwidth is 220 MHz. Theoretically, the directivity, gain, and input impedance values were also calculated as 5.617 dB,5.247 dB, and 50 Ω, respectively. Therefore, the desired antenna is considered to perform well in terms of return loss and voltage. It can be utilized in Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and Long Term Evolution (LTE) applications in fourth-generation cellular communications (4G).
Design of Inverted F-Shape Antenna at 2.35 GHz for S-Band Applications
2022 Al-Nahrain Journal of Science
In this work, a simulation model of planar inverted F antenna (PIFA) will be presented with the radiating plate that has been connected to ground plane that has been accompanied by shortening plate and the FR4 substrate between ground plane and radiating plate. Where PIFA was built using computer simulation technology (CST) for the studio microwave (2019 release). The simulation model has been studied for return loss (S-parameter), bandwidth (BW), voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR), and input impedance (Zin) which are −21.875406dB, 301MHz, 1.1752855, and 50 , respectively. The simulation results showed that the PIFA component covers a wide frequency band ranging between 2.202 and 2.504 GHz, which can be used in Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and Long Term Evolution (LTE) applications that are used in the fourth generation cellulares communications.
Potential of Nanocages (Ni-Si52, Ni-C52 and Ni-B26N26) and Nanotubes (Ni-SiNT (6, 0), Ni-CNT (6, 0) and Ni-BNNT (6, 0)) for CO2 Reduction Reaction
2024 Silicon
The abilities of Ni-Si52, Ni-SiNT(6, 0), Ni-C52, Ni-B26N26, Ni-CNT (6, 0) and Ni-BNNT (6, 0) as catalyst of CO2-RR to CH4 are compared. The Eadoption and Eformation of Ni-Si52, Ni-SiNT(6, 0), Ni-C52, Ni-B26N26, Ni-CNT (6, 0) and Ni-BNNT (6, 0) are stable parameters. The Eadoption of CO2-RR on Ni-Si52, Ni-SiNT(6, 0), Ni-C52, Ni-B26N26, Ni-CNT (6, 0) and Ni-BNNT (6, 0) are − 3.34, -3.47, -5.42, -3.81, -3.99 and − 5.89 eV. The HCOOH, CO, HCOH, CH3OH and CH4 adsorption as important products for CO2-RR on Ni doped nanotubes an nanocages are examined. The Eformation of CO2-RR on Ni-Si52, Ni-SiNT(6, 0), Ni-C52, Ni-B26N26, Ni-CNT (6, 0) and Ni-BNNT (6, 0) are − 4.27, -4.39, -4.51, -4.87, -5.02 and − 4.92 eV. The CO2-RR mechanisms on Ni doped nanotubes and nanocages are examined. The overpotential of CO2-RR on Ni-Si52, Ni-SiNT(6, 0), Ni-C52, Ni-B26N26, Ni-CNT (6, 0) and Ni-BNNT (6, 0) are 0.338, 0.327, 0.331, 0.304, 0.295 and 0.296 V. The Overpotential of CO2-RR on Ni-C52, Ni-B26N26, Ni-CNT (6, 0) and Ni-BNNT (6, 0) are lower than metal catalysts. The Ni-Si52, Ni-SiNT(6, 0), Ni-C52, Ni-B26N26, Ni-CNT (6, 0) and Ni-BNNT (6, 0) is processed the CO2-RR.
Assist. Lecture. Aymen Ameen Alwash (0 Research)
ahmad mustafa alkhayer (0 Research)
zahraa kareem jebir (0 Research)
M. M. Walaa Ahmed Abdel-Reda (1 Research)
Determination of Metochloropramide Hydrochloride by Spectrophotometric Method by using Diazotized p-nitro aniline reagent
2020 International Journal of Drug Delivery Technology

ABSTRACT New simple,  sensitive,  accurate, and  inexpensive  spectrophotometric  technique  has been  developed  for  the  estimation  of Metochloropramide hydrochloride [MCP-HCl] in pure and pharmaceutical preparation.  This technique is based on the diazotization  of a primary amino group of Metochloropramide  hydrochloride  [MCP-HCl] with NaNo2  and HCl followed by coupling  with  p-nitro  aniline  in  alkaline  medium  to  obtain  a  stable  red-colored  water-soluble  azo-dye,  show a  maximum absorption (λmax) at 513. 50nm. Bear,s  low is obeyed in the concentration range of (0.2–25)  µ  with molar absorptivity of 2.313× sandall’s sensitivity  0.0145  µg.mL-2.  The limit  of detection  (LOD) and limit  of quantitative  were 0.182  µg.mL-1and 0.553  µg.mL-1, respectively.  The proposed technique successfully applied to (tablets, syrup,  and injection). Keywords:  Determination, Diazotization reaction, Dosage forms,  Metochlorobromide, Spectrophotometric. International Journal of Drug Delivery  Technology (2020); DOI: 10.25258/ijddt.10.1.11 How to cite this article:  Abd  Alrada  WA, Sulaiman ID. Determination of Metochloropramide Hydrochloride by Spectrophotometric  Method by using Diazotized  p-nitro  aniline  reagent.  International  Journal of Drug Delivery  Technology. 2020;  10(1):68-73.

Ayat Hatem Nafeh (0 Research)
Reem abdulrahim nsyif (0 Research)
Hanan Jawad Kadhum (0 Research)
Ayaat Hatem Nafea (0 Research)
Mahmoud Mohammed Ismail (0 Research)
Research department of Radiology Techniques

Research department of Radiology Techniques

Qahtan kashash jasim (0 Research)
Asistant Lecturer Enass Hammadi Hasan (0 Research)
Dr. Nour Malik Saadoun (0 Research)
Zainab Hassan Omran (2 Research)
Preparation CdSe Quantum Dots using laser ablation technique for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell
2021 International Journal of Nanoelectronics and Materials
Safa yaseen taha (2 Research)
Performance augmentation of a solar air heater using herringbone metal foam fins: An experimental work
2021 International Journal of Energy Research
M. M. Aseel Abed Tamr (0 Research)
Dr.Russul Mohammed Shehab (6 Research)
"Modified laser-etched silicon covered with bimetallic Ag–Au Alloy nanoparticles for high-performance SERS: laser wavelength dependence.",
2020 Springer, Indian Journal of Physics (2020): 1-9.


The effect of etching laser wavelength on the performance of bimetallic alloy Ag–Au nanoparticles (Ag–AuNPs) SERS-active substrate was investigated. Two kinds of macro-P-Si structures were synthesized by a laser-assisted etching process using two laser wavelengths 650 and 532 nm. Ag–AuNPs/macro-P-Si SERS-active substrate was made up via the ion reduction process. The SERS-active substrates were investigated by utilizing XRD, FE-SEM microscope, EDS analysis and Raman microscope. P-Si surface modification process by bimetallic alloy Ag–AuNPs was carried out to form efficient and nearly uniformly distributed Ag–AuNPs hot spot regions with ultra-high specific surface areas. The morphological features of the deposited Ag–AuNPs on the P-Si layer prepared by 650 nm exhibited that the nucleation process is mainly concerted on the pore boundaries with a low tendency for aggregation, while for 532 nm, the Ag–AuNPs layer is mostly well ordered of high-density semi-uniformly distributed spherical nanoparticles initiate over the macro-P-Si. The SERS results of Ag–AuNPs/macro-P-Si exposed a strong dependence on the hot spot regions among bimetallic nanoparticles. The enhancement factor of the Raman signal of Ag–AuNPs/macro-P-Si modified with 532 nm is four orders of magnitude greater than that of modified with 650 nm, which is about 2.1 × 1012 and 9.3 × 108, respectively.

Optimizing plasmonic characteristics of Ag-AuNPs/Nanohillocks Si Heterostructures for efficient SERS performance
2020 International Journal of Nanoelectronics and Materials (IJNeaM) (2020)
ABSTRACT Tunable bimetallic Ag-Au nanoparticles (Ag-AuNPs) and hot spot regions were created through the reduction of Ag-Au ions onto nanohillock silicon surfaces. A set of as-prepared textured silicon substrates with different nanohillock topographies was synthesised by a wet potassium hydroxide (KOH) chemical etching process on crystalline silicon for incubation times from 4 to 10 min. These structures were explored as a substrate for optimizing the plasmonic characteristics of Ag-AuNPs/nanohillocks Si surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) heterostructures. The goal of this paper is to create sufficient SERS heterostructures with a high enhancement and exceptional reproducibility. The nanohillock Si substrate was employed to create nearly homogeneously distributed AgAuNPs and hot spot regions with extraordinary specific surface area (S.S.A.) values. Plasmonic characteristics of the created Ag-AuNPs were investigated and analysed based on the surface features of the substrate via atomic force microscopy (AFM), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), X-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD), energydispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and Raman measurements. Tunable Ag-AuNPs sizes and hot spot regions were synthesized by controlling the incubation time of the wet KOH chemical etching process. The density and size distribution, and hence the plasmonic characteristics of the Ag-AuNPs and hot spot regions, were improved significantly with increasing surface roughness and average hillock height of the substrate and specific surface area of the Ag-AuNPs. A high enhancement factor of 3.7×1013 with a minimum reproducibility deviation of about 4% was attained in 10−14 M rhodamine 6G dye for an 8 min etching incubation time.
Optimization of an ultra-sensitive-Au core-shell nanoparticle/Si Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) sensor
2020 AIP Conference Proceedings 2307, 020005 (2020)
Well-controlled Ag core/Au shell nanoparticles (NPs) of various shell thicknesses were synthesized in water using a laser ablation process via a low energy 1060 nm Nd-YAG laser with fluence of approximately 14 J/cm2 and a 1 Hz pulse repetition. Ag core NPs with a mean diameter of 42 nm were prepared by circa 300 pulses of a fixed energy fluence of 14 J/cm2, while Au NPs ranging from 10 to 45nm shell thickness were achieved by delivering pulses of 250 to 400nm to the Au plate. Ag core/Au shell NPs surface-enhanced Ramen scattering (SERS) sensors were synthesized by depositing the resulting bimetallic NPs onto silicon substrates using a drop casting process. The composition of the synthesised SERS sensors was confirmed using field emission scanning electron microscopy FE-SEM, HRTEM, Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy UV-vis, XRD diffractometer, and Raman microscopy. These results showed that the performance of the novel SERS substrate had a significant effect on NPs shell thickness. The shell thickness was improved by a factor of 4.8x1011 to 1.2 x1014 for 250 to 400 nm, respectively, due to the hotspot dynamics of the core/shell NPs.
Mohamed Rafe Abdel Hamid (0 Research)
Faten Abdulwahab (0 Research)
Rania Jamal Ahmed (0 Research)
Rania Jamal Ahmed (0 Research)
Duha Khalel Ibrahim (0 Research)
Zainab Naseer Hashem (0 Research)
Mohammed Halwas Kareem (0 Research)
Mohammed Husein Mohammed (0 Research)
Research Department of Physiotherapy techniques

Research Department of Physiotherapy techniques

Muntadher I. Rahmah (18 Research)
Synthesis And Studied Structural and Morphological Properties of 1-Dimensional Zno-Ag2O-Ag Nanowire
2022 IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

1-dimensional zinc oxide (ZnO) - silver oxide (Ag2O) – silver (Ag) nanowire was prepared using a simple and inexpensive bottom-up chemical method. X-ray diffraction (XRD) results showed the presence of diffraction peaks of ZnO and Ag2O with hexagonal wurtzite phase of ZnO. Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) results showed the presence of energy peaks of Zinc (Zn), Silver (Ag), and Oxygen (O) elements. Filed Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM) results showed that the surface morphology is nanowire (1-dimensional structure) with shapes similar to hedgehog spines and have small nanoscale diameters. The present work represents a promising step in the preparation of a 1-dimensional nanowire.

Preparation and Antibacterial Activity of Superhydrophobic Modified ZnO/PVC Nanocomposite
2021 Journal of Bionic Engineering

We fabricated a superhydrophobic modified ZnO/PVC nanocomposite cluster with antibacterial properties using the chemical precipitation method and selected solvent/non-solvent (THF/ethanol) to PVC. The effects of ethanol content (47%, 50%, 53%, and 56%) on nanocomposite morphology and Water Contact Angles (WCAs) were investigated. XRD measurements confirmed the polycrystalline structure of ZnO with a wurtzite hexagonal phase, and EDX results indicated the presence of all element peaks. FESEM analysis of specimens revealed a rough surface structure resembling a cluster of NPs, and that structure was dominant when the ethanol content increased to 56%. The WCA increased on the superhydrophobic nanocomposite as ethanol content increased, and an optimum WCA (160° ± 2°) was obtained at an ethanol content of 56%. Antibacterial activity was tested on the superhydrophobic and hydrophobic states, and the superhydrophobic specimens showed good inhibition against Klebsiella spp. and Staphylococcus epidermidis. However, the hydrophobic specimens demonstrated no antibacterial activity against Sepidermidis. These promising results can inform the development of nanocomposites for many environmental applications.

Preparation of superhydrophobic Ag/Fe2O3/ZnO surfaces with photocatalytic activity
2021 Surface Engineering

Combining photocatalytic and superhydrophobicity characteristics on the same surface remains a challenge. In this work it was overcome that challenge by fabricated Ag/Fe2O3/ZnO heterostructure surfaces via using a simple precipitation method; stearic acid (SA) was then employed to improve the roughness and increase the water contact angles (WCA) of the surfaces. The effects of SA and Ag/Fe2O3 on superhydrophobicity and photocatalytic characteristics were investigated. The wettability measurements confirmed that the WCA of the surfaces increased from 60 ± 2° to 154 ± 2° after modification with SA due to the formation of a hierarchical structure. To evaluate the photocatalytic performance of samples, methylene blue (MB) dye was irradiated under visible light with quick photodecomposition of MB after 80 min of irradiation. Finally, this innovative approach can be utilized to develop scaled-up self-cleaning applications.

yasmin sadek khalaf (0 Research)
Dr. Ahmed Saad Kadhim (0 Research)
Alyiaa Jabbar Qasim Al-Shaheeni (0 Research)
Mustafa ali maqbol (0 Research)
Azhar ali abd (0 Research)
Wisam Jawad obaid (0 Research)
Haris Naji Rashid (0 Research)
Ali Haitham Ghanim (0 Research)
Research Department of Optical Technologies

Research Department of Optical Technologies

M.M. Mustafa Fouad Ibrahim (0 Research)
Fadhil Abd Rasin (0 Research)
Sara Sameer Hamod (0 Research)
M.M. Intazir Malik Hadi (3 Research)
Diagnosis of Liver Tumor from CT Images using Digital Image Processing
2008 International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research
Diagnosis of Liver Tumor from CT Images Using First Order Statistical Features
2015 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology
Diagnosis of Liver Tumor from CT Images using Unsupervised Classification with geometrical and Statistical features
2015 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering
ali salih sadeq (0 Research)
Rajaa Hamil mutlak (0 Research)
Husein Mohammed Shaheen (0 Research)
Dhuha Ali Abbas (0 Research)
Abdulkareem Ali Husein (0 Research)
Mohamed Saleh Ahmed (7 Research)
Design of All-Reflecting Aplanatic Objective
2013 Iraqi Journal of Applied Physics (IJAP)
Design of micro size optical scanner systems
2012 Eng. &Tech. Journal (الجامعة التكنلوجيه)
A new type of compact well-baffled telescope configuration
2012 International Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences (IJBAS)
Asmaa Ghalib Fadhe (0 Research)
Research Department Cosmetic and Laser Techniques

Research Department Cosmetic and Laser Techniques

Tabarak Abdalnasser Salaman (0 Research)
Saja Mohammed Mahmood (0 Research)
Basim Hussein Bahir (0 Research)
Raya Riyhd Salman (0 Research)
Hala Mohammed Shnyih (0 Research)
Tabarak abdulraheem Hamel (0 Research)