graduates Department of Business Administration - 2016-2017
graduates Department of Business Administration

graduates Department of Business Administration

graduates Department of Business Administration - 2016-2017
name Dept. Sem. Deg.
عبد الله انس عبد الوهاب فياض Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 Excellence
شهد ثامر محي الدين عبد الله Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 very good
رضية اسماعيل محمد علي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 very good
ايناس عبد الوهاب عبد الرزاق Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 very good
حسين صبري عبد الرزاق هادي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 very good
زيان فؤاد مصطفى رشيد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 very good
عباس نوري علوان كاظم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 very good
هيلين سلمان داود طوبيا Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 very good
صادق جعفر صادق فاضل Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 very good
ايناس رعد جاسم شهاب Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 good
ايلاف محمد علي حسن Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 good
اوس عبد الكريم علي عبد الكريم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 good
احمد علاء حسين رشيد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 good
ياسمين جاسم سالم عياش Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 good
احمد عباس رسن رستم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 good
نور يوسف جوامير عباس Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 good
الزهراء علي حنون جبر Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 good
نداء خلدون عبد الرضا جاسم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 good
علي قاسم زغير هاشم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 good
جواهر نائل حسن سلوم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 good
عماد عبد الامير يعقوب داود Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 good
رغد نصير عبد الستار شكر Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 good
حسين شوين عبد كاظم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 good
مصطفى احمد عبد الجبار Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 good
علاء عباس فرج وادي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 good
مها معتمد هاشم محمد= Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 good
ميس صباح عبد الوهاب جاسم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 good
نادية كامل علي فياض Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 good
ابراهيم محمد عبد الحسين ثابت Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 good
رند رجب مولود حمودي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 good
نور عماد صالح محمد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
اسامة عبيد ذبيح فرج Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
نينوس زيا يوخانيس نيسان Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
تغريد صباح احمد محمد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
هنادي سامي معلا محسن Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
جعفر صادق مبارك محمد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
سيف سعد محسن غلام Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
محمد جيثوم منصور حسين Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
سهير داود جاسم حمادي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
ختام نصيف عبد الله عجيل Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
ربى فاروق رشيد صالح Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
نداء حكمت فرج فتحي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
اميرحسين خزعل حسين Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
قاسم غضبان كاظم حسين Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
فاطمة قائد سوادي علي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
سامر سعدي حسن اسد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
حلا سمير خليفة فرحان Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
هند جاسم ابراهيم علي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
امير احمد عبد الله كيطان Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
وسام مزهر كاني شلبيه Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
علاء محمد احمد رحيم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
ساره محمد طالب مهدي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
نجلاء محمود حميد عبود Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
دينا علي سلمان خضير Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
مهدية عودة مزبان فهد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
عمر جمال عبد الكريم عزيز Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
حيدر حسين عبد الامير كاظم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
هدى علاء خليل ابراهيم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
دعاء حامد فرحان خليل Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
يوسف عدنان عباس حسن Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
حامد حسن عبيد جاسم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
نور خليل صالح عبد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
رائد سلطان حاجم سلوم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
احمد ابراهيم خليل ابراهيم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
انعام خيري عبد الرزاق مهدي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
فاتن محمد لفته رضا Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
مصطفى رعد جوني ارميلي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
مصطفى عادل خلف احمد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
زينب عبد الله عبد علي خليل Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
فائز جواد كاظم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
مالك احمد راهي عبيد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
مها رعد نوري علوان Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
هيمن عصام علي حسين Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
علاء مهدي حسين محمد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
مضر بدران احمد شهاب Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
مها كاظم سلمان احمد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
ليث مصعب طارق وهيب Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
حيدر عبد الحسن جبار كنيهر Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
شهد اياد علي مهدي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
رسول حسين علي خلف Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
سعد عبد الرحمن شكر محمود Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
سناء حسين عذاب مرضي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
دلال ابراهيم محمد طابوق Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
معتصم يونس حسين Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
الحمزة كريم منشد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
غفران صائب حسن موسى Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
الاء كريم حمد خزام Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
مصطفى نوري جواد رضا Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
مهند محمد علي حسين Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
لمى ضاري عبد الكريم هادي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
عبد العزيز علاء سليم محمد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
حسن موفق عبد الوهاب Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
مريم عثمان ابراهيم محمود Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
نوف عمار ماجد عبد الحميد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
سحر فؤاد ابراهيم الملا Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
علي عماد الدين نوري سعيد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
حيدر ابراهيم خليل ابراهيم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
محمد ناجي عبد اللطيف Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
محمد حسين خزعل رشيد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
خضر محمد عثمان حميد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
صلاح محمد عباس سلمان Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
سارة حيدر حمزة حوات Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
شهد شهاب احمد شاه Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
مريم حمزة عبد الحسن مظلوم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
سامر غسان عبد الصاحب Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
مروة محمود مسلم شامي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
زهراء حيدر عبد الهادي محمد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
مصطفى عبد الباسط صالح Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
احمد عباس شرهان عيدان Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
حسين شريف محمد عطا Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
رغد وليد خالد علي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 middle
ميثم جاسم محمد نجم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
علاء محمد حسين مهدي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
رفل منذر عزيز صالح Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
رانيه داود سلمان محمد علي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
عمر رعد جاسم محمد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
علي جبار عباس كاظم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
حنين ولاء حسين هاشم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
احمد طلال حسين حيدر Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
احمد مزهر كامل جاسم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
ايمن جعفر عباس مراد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
يوسف رعد هرمز عطيفان Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
علي كاظم لفته صخي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
عباس عبد علي صاحب سهر Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
محمد جابر والي زنبور Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
احمد صباح عبد الهادي كاظم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
رامي علاء الدين حمزة كاظم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
سنى علي حمزة عباس Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
حسين صادق جعفر عبد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
محمد الجواد عبد حريب غضيب Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
مروة هاشم حسن علي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
نور محمد حسين عبد الله Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
براء محمد خلف مطر Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
اثير ذياب محمد حسين Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
امير عدنان ردام حسن Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
مينا علي حسون صالح Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
احمد شامل هاشم ابراهيم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
بكر علي نياز احمد محمد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
علي محسن نداوي رخيص Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
علي صالح حسن كاظم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
ياسر عبد الحسين ناصر خماط Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
جواد محمد رحمان جواد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
حسين علي منعم داخل Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
حيدر احمد شهاب احمد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
احمد سعدون احمد زيدان Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
مهند فيصل فالح موسى Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
غدير قاسم عطية خضير Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
حسين صباح طالب هاشم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
فرح حيدر محمد علي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
حليمة دوش كطينه عبيد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
حوراء خالد قاسم عرب Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
ساره عمران موسى حسن Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
كرار لطيف محمد ضمد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
رسل وصفي احمد محمود Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
مهيمن فؤاد كامل مصطفى Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
حسين جاسم حسن عبد الله Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
ميس فريد ادور يعقوب كجو Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
مصطفى قتيبه خير الله صالح Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
حنان فليح حسن نجم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
احمد حردان فليح حسن Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
عبد الكريم حسن عطية عبدال Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
زينب ناطق سرحان محسن Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
مصطفى سمير كاظم رحيم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
سرمد صالح عزيز جودة الحسني Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
حسين عبد الهادي غانم حسين Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
ندى عدنان نجم عبد الله Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
فاطمة صباح رضا عيسى Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
عبد الله عبد الكريم عبد الله عنبر Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
عمر اسماعيل ابراهيم درب Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
مصطفى عبد الخالق عبد الرزاق Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
رغد فاضل علوان محمد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
عروبة قاسم مطر علي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
مهيمن مازن سالم محمود حسين Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
عمر سمير فوزي ياسين Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
احمد عادل احمد حسن Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
علي احمد عبد الكريم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
قصي حسن سهيل نجم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
زياد صلاح ذياب مهدي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
علاء محمد جبار ضميد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
احمد جمال يعقوب دخيل Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
زيد مهدي شواي مريهج Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
علي احمد حسن احمد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
حيدر عبد الله هيجل خلف Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
ثامر جبار بلحاوي عباس Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
عطاء سعد عطا عبد الرحمن Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
ليث اياد ناطق حميد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
عبد الله مصطفى محمود حبيب Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
حسين صباح عبد الرزاق Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
امير خضير عباس حسين Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
سناريا عباس محمد مخيلف العكيدي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
وسام عامر شاكر محمود Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
احمد عادل طه السعيد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
علي عبد الكريم عبد الرزاق Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
وليد صلاح عفصان صباح Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
مصطفى هادي منهل شريف Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
غاده محمد صالح مهدي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
علي هاشم حسين شهاب Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
مصطفى رياض محمد سعدون Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
مصطفى فهمي نجيب غريب Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
سلام سمير سالم حمادي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
حيدر عماد رضا عبد الحسن Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
وليد صالح حبيب خلف Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
حيدر فريد محمود خليل Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
احمد نظام عبد الله نظام Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
توفيق عبد الله خليل ابراهيم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
عبد الهادي عامر هادي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
حسنين علي علوان حمزة Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
محمد ثجيل محمود جار الله Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
راهب عبد الصاحب عبد الكاظم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
رامي هشام طاهر سايه خان Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
محمد سامي عبود سالم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
عامر عبد السميع حسن عليوي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
كرار حسين سفاح سكران Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
سيف فائز علي سلوم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
اسامة عبد الحسين جبر دوش Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
علاء فاضل مهدي كريم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
زيد منير محمد محمدعلي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
احمد خليل اسماعيل كريم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
سلام كمال مرهون حسن Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
مرتضى اديب مهدي مكاوي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
كرار حسن جاسم خلف Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
علي جبار عبيرة مطيلب Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
تماره احمد عبد اللطيف Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
سيف نبيل عبد الكريم محمد علي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
حسن ميثم عبد الحسين عيسى Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
علي عبد المنعم بادي محمد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
اسامة احمد فائق عباس Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
فارس محمود حسين Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
حارث ليث خماس سبع Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
احمد مجيد اجبير تعيب Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
اسماعيل ثامر جاسم حاجم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
كرم حسن عناد سعيد الباوي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
عبد الله احسان عطا عبد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
امير محمد عبد الحسن عباس Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
طه عبد العزيز عبد الوهاب Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
مروة حسين علي عبد الرضا Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
سماء عباس حميدي كاظم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
سما عمار فائق ياسين Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
ذو الفقار حامد رحيم جبر Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
محسن نوري محسن خنجر Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
احمد سلمان عبود شمخي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
حسن وطان عبد الحسن ساجت Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
مها علي حسين محمد علي حسين Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
فارس حسين علاء محمد حسن Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
مصطفى محمد غازي عباس Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
محمد فلاح حسن دباش Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
هارون راشد منيت وادي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
حسين عبد الرحمن سلمان سعدون Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
مصطفى محمد ضياء عباس Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
رامي رعد محمد صالح Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
كريم كاظم حنش علي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
عمر علي حسيب عبد المجيد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
رسل هيثم سلمان عبد الخالق Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
مصطفى يحيى صالح عباس Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
مصطفى عباس سلمان مرماص Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
مهند غازي هاشم عوده Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
احمد عباس كرجي نصيف Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
مصطفى مولود كريم صالح Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
حسين عبد الرحمن داود حسين Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
محمد علي محمود حسين Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
عماد حميد عذيب هليل Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
محمد ليث علاء حسين Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
علي كمال عبد جاسم Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
محمد نصيف عبد الرضا مطلق Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
علي سعد كزار كريدي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
مصطفى عبد الكريم حميد محمد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
نجاح جعفر صادق محمد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
كرار جاسم محمد Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
مسار صباح حلو نعمة Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable
عبد الله مفيد حميد مهدي Department of Business Administration 2016-2017 acceptable