graduates Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering - 2017-2018
graduates Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering

graduates Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering

graduates Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering - 2017-2018
name Dept. Sem. Deg.
عدي حميد محمد منصور الأبيض Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 very good
بركات محمود مجيد احمد الزبيدي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 very good
ناهض اسماعيل ابراهيم موسى Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 good
صادق خزعل كريز سلمان الدبي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 good
احمد هليل راشد عيادة الشيحاني Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 good
خالد عبد عواد ذياب رديني Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 good
يوسف عبد الرحمن هاشم حديد الحلفي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 good
عدي عدنان عبد الكريم حسن الاعظمي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 good
صفاء عبد النبي عبد الكريم حميد الربيعي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 good
محمود مظهر صالح خميس الدفاعي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 good
عمار عباس علي علوان المجمعي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 good
احمد ناصر محمد علي الدفاعي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 good
صلاح صبري حاتم علي الدراجي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 good
حيدر صادق خماط لفته المياحي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 good
يعقوب خلف فنيان حسين الحلفي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 good
محمد فاضل عباس فرحان Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 good
غسان علي احمد عنبرالجبوري Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 good
قاسم جابر عبد جلاب الدليمي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
باقر بنات حسين مطيلب الجيزاني Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
كمال كاظم طرفه حسين الزركاني Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
سلام عبد الحسن جباره حداد الشمري Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
وسام ثامر صالح Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
قتيبة ابراهيم داود شناوه العباسي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
مصطفى كامل صافي كاظم Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
محمد عباس حسين مطير الدراجي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
جميل جعفر عبد الخالق حسون Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
معن صاحب عبيد عيدان الفتلاوي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
شندروف مهدي ياسر ذياب السرحان Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
نور حميد عبد الرضا عطيع القيسي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
محمد اسماعيل محمد Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
عدنان جبار مهدي حسون جاسم المحنة Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
مارتن صليوة شاكر هرمز زيتونة Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
علي نعمه حسين شهاب الجبوري Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
محمود علي حسن علي الزيدي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
عبد الكريم سعدي عباس حسن الركابي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
امجد جواد عبدعلي حسين الكلابي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
محمد مجبل علي احمد الجبوري Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
منى رحيم كريم كاظم الكعبي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
مصطفى عباس خضير محيل العكبي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
اسعد عباس صاحب عليوي الزبيدي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
نجم عبد جواد كاظم Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
ياسر علاوي محمد عطية الجبوري Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
ابي احمد محمود اسماعيل الغرابي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
بهاء عباس عبد الحسين حرب الهلالي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
علي عبد الوهاب محمد عبود العماري Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
محمد فيصل جابر مري الشيحان Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
ضياء جواد علي مرير اليساري Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
صلاح مهدي صدام جياد الحريشاوي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
ليث صالح علي موسى القطان Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
عمر حيدر غالي وادي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
مرتضى محمد اسماعيل حسن الموسوي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
صدام حسين رشيد محمد المكصوصي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
ساجد حقي عبد الرزاق لطيف الصالح Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
احمد ذياب احمد ناصر اللامي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 middle
حيدر علي ياسين حبيب الدليمي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
ليث عبد السلام ابرهيم صالح Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
علي زيد خلف محمود القيسي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
رسول محمد كامل عبيد اللامي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
مثنى ابراهيم عطيه شاوي الجوراني Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
ضياء عدنان محمد عباس المصلحي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
رافد خالد كامل لطيف الجبوري Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
ثائر خضير عباس فرحان الحجامي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
عمار ليث خلف مشتت المنشدي* Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
حسين علوان بحت محمد العكيلي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
ذر نذير ياس علي الحديثي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
صالح ردام سليع صالح الموسوي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
خالد ابراهيم مزبان بطئ الفكيكي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
بهاء نعمه برغوث عبود الربيعي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
حميد ابو هيله عبد الصاحب التميمي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
حسام مهدي صالح مهدي الجبوري Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
ذوالفقار نعيم عبدالرضا حسن مكصوصي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
خضر سعدون عبد فرج الفرطوسي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
علي عبد الحسين مطرود عبد الحسين الخزرجي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
محمدعلي حسين مغتاظ عودة التميمي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
عبد الله ماجد تركي هاشم طعمه Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
ليث شاكر مهدي شعبان السلطاني Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
صالح رمزي صالح مهدي البياتي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
أحمد عبد الرحمن سلمان نجم العاني Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
عبد الوهاب كاظم حمدان خلف الشمري Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
حيدر رعد حسن محمد بني سعد Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
حسن طلعت مجيد طاهر ابو رغيف* Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
حسين غياض جوبان عكلة الحسيني Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
احمد سمير كاظم عبد مهدي المظفر Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
رعد صبر لفتة Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
اوس خليل ابراهيم جعفرالبزه Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
سرمد عثمان نعمان حياوي الخفاجي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
ابراهيم محمد عباس رضا الزبيدي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
سيف علي عجمي عبود العبودي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
فالح حسن غلام عبد علي الكعبي* Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
باسل كريم عباس محمد العامري Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
عبد الهادي زكي عبد الكريم مرزوك الكناني Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
خضير علي ناصر حسين الفداعي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
عباس خضير فريج كشمر الزرفي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
رائد علي اكبر علي رئيس علي سباكا Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
اسامة باسم عاجل سدخان العبودي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
بلال موسى راضي خلف الشجيري* Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
تقي قحطان محمد هاشم الموسوي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
محمد علي حسين مجيد التميمي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
خالد موحان عداي فزع البوعجي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
نجم الدين رضا نجم سهيل الحياني Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
علي مطشر علي جبر المياحي* Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
عبد المنعم مؤيد عبد المنعم عبد الجبار النعيمي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
محمد خالد عارف علي عنه * Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
عبد الله مخلص مسلم محمود الموسى Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
عمر قحطان كاظم Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
وائل صلاح غالي عذافة الشمري* Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
حسنين جبار عبد الحسين سلمان دلفي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
نور الدين نمير سعدي عبد الرزاق الرويشيدي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
سيف محمد حسن جواد كاظم الخفاجي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
عدي محمد كاظم جلوب الكعبي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
تيسير بشير جابر أبراهيم ال زوين الأعرجي* Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
ضياء علي كاظم درباش الربيعاوي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
طه بكر رومي دخيل الدليمي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
سامح قاسم فاضل محمد الغريري Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
الحمزة حيدر ستار خضر النعيمي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
صباح محمد خليل ابراهيم الدليمي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
مصطفى عادل علي حسين الشمري Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
حسن ناظم غانم رهيف الهاشمي* Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
حيدر صادق جعفر راضي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
ضياء بهاء اسماعيل عباس السامرائي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
احمد علاء حمودي محمد حسين الخياط Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
ياسر ثائر كاظم حسن العزاوي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
دريد كامل سالم ناصر الربيعي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
علي احسان عبد علي حسين الجليل Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
خليل سمي خليل محمد السعدي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
علي سعد رجاء حسون العبودي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
احمد جمال محمود حمود الدليمي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
قاسم صالح عبد العالي جابرالنجفي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
مصطفى علاء حسين علي الخلف Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
معمر فريق مبدر علي الغريري Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
وليد خالد ارحيم ابراهيم الساعدي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable
حيدر عبد الرضا احمد بكال Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2017-2018 acceptable