graduates Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering - 2015-2016
graduates Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering

graduates Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering

graduates Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering - 2015-2016
name Dept. Sem. Deg.
حسن قاسم عبعوب شدهان الرديني Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 very good
عزيز محسن عودة خماط الحميداوي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 very good
فلاح حسن مشيري جبارة اللامي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 very good
حيدر اسد عبد الرضا احمد اللامي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 good
أكرم عفريت عبيد حسن الخفاجي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 good
رافد يوسف حسن علي الجبوري Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 good
فتاح عمران رحيم مراد اللامي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 good
سامي سعدون هادي سدخان الحميداوي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 good
مهند احمد جاسم محمد الكردي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 good
أشرف فلاح عبد الحسن منحوش العبودي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 good
حارث عزيز صالح ريحان الريحاني Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 good
وسام مؤيد احمد عبود الخفاجي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 good
محمود عبد السادة فؤاد زغير الربيعي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 good
مهدي اسماعيل صاحب خلف الفرطوسي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 good
فاضل كريم ناجي صالح الصالحي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 good
دلال عباس فاضل منصور الموسوي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
يحيى فيصل غيدان حسين البياتي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
علي قاسم عبد الامير طاهر النداف Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
حيدر اسعد رشيد جاسم الربيعي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
حسين محمد شدهان جابر العبادي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
اوس كريم توفيق عافص الزبيدي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
مؤزر عبد الرضا علي محمداللامي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
علي عبد القادر صادق محمود البياتي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
عدي عبد الواحد فياض محمد الحافظ Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
قيس ناجح محي عباس الرفاعي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
وسام ناجي مزعل نهير الزيدي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
محمد جاسم محمد حمزه الجبوري Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
ليث محمد هاني حمد الاعرجي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
احمد موحان جبر زرزور الشويلي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
عباس سعدي حسين محسن الخفاجي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
لواء ثائر عوزان يوسف اليوسف Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
ياسر ضياء حميد عناية السامرائي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
باسم محمد هندي حاجم الكروي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
دريد جواد كاظم شبيب التميمي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
فراس جاسم محمد كريم الحمداني Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
عمار عبد الرحمن مطر عبد الله ابو رغيف Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
علي صالح مهدي درويش البديري Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
محمود محمد عباس عبود الزبيدي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
عمار قيس الماس حمه المندلاوي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
علي عبد الله محمد صالح العجيلي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
حسام محمد معاذ سلمان محمود ال جناح Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
منهل محمد منيرخان شيرول شيردل Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
هيثم فوزي حميد جابر الساعدي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
جواد كاظم محي شافي المالكي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
امير قاسم سعدون حسن الجيزاني Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
نجاح عبد صكب غلفص الشمري Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
أمين عواد جبر زغير الشويلي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
صفاء حميد راشد كنو العزاوي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
صميم ثائر عوزان يوسف اليوسف Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
احمد عادل حميد جاسم ال محمد Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
حسن كاظم محيسن جنبجي المحمداوي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
حسن فاضل علي اكبر جمشير الخزاعي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 middle
غسان فارس خليل ابراهيم الفيضي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
عباس محمد عباس ظاهر الربيعي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
ضياء جواد كاظم مهدي الموسوي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
حسام ياس خضير عباس الجميلي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
حيدر داود سلوم خضير خضير Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
ياسر هادي عباس ظاهر الربيعي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
علي كاظم عبود جعفر الربيعي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
رائد عبدالهادي جبر محارب الدراجي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
رعد ياسين هاشم حسين محياوي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
علي نعمه حسن سلمان الربيعي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
أحمد عبد الامير بكه احمد الزبيدي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
حسين فاضل محسن جوهر العبودي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
أياد زاكور ماهر محمد Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
انمار ستار عبد خليل المحمدي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
عمار باسل داود هاشم الخزعلي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
عصام عبيد حمزة شلال الربيعي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
ابو القاسم محمد علي حسن الساعدي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
حسين عبد علي عبد الحسين هوير الكرعاوي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
علاء حسين بارح مجيهد العجيلي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
علاء حسين عبادي كاظم العامري Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
أحمد عبد الحسن عطيه حمد العزاوي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
طالب خلف شذر عجلان الحلياوي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
عبد الله مازن شاكرعوده الفلوجي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
نزار خيري نعاس شنافة Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
علي جبار عباده جاسم الجاسم Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
زيدون قيس عبد علي الحسيني Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
مهند ساجت ماشي جبار الطائي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
فرات مهدي عبد الرحيم شبوط السوداني Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
رأفت سلمان عبدالرزاق داود Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
صالح عادل كاظم سلمان العزاوي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
حسين علي مطشر عبد الربيعي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
انمار محمد مطر جاسم الشمري Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
ضياء محمد عبد الله حسن الجنابي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
بهاء حسين راشد خلف الموسوي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
علي محسن خلف علي السيد Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
مرتضى طعان جبر شبيب Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
عمار جمال عبد الوهاب حسن الكروي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
حسن جمال عبد الكريم سلمان الزبيدي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
علي جبار جهاد حسين زيدي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
علي حربي عبد السادة ريوح القريشي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
علي حسين عباس حسين المعمار Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
حيدر طالب شمخي حسين الصدعاتي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
عمر عبد الكريم حازم يحيى الحافظ Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
ذو الفقار محسن كاطع علي الحميد Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
حسن عبد الهادي كاظم جايد الساعدي Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable
عبد الله عامر كاظم علي العطار Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies Engineering 2015-2016 acceptable